VIDEO:’s Bad Romance by Lady Gaga

We are here to change your life, if you’re ready, I don’t think you’re ready. We present Lady Gaga’s Bad Romance as interpreted by Stef and A;ex from

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3303 articles for us.


  1. Somewhere out there Lady GaGa is watching that and cursing herself for not using a ukulele. I’m in the process of making a bear dress. Will you wear it and do an Audostraddle Bad Romance remix?

  2. Um. I am not one of those people who cries from happiness.. BUT I AM NOW. Not really. but if I could, this is the only moment so far in my life that’s worth it.

    Also, Emily’s comment is the best thing I’ve read all month!

  3. That was funny! I learned the dance too! You should have did my favorite part: “I’m a free bitch baby!” with the little dance to it!

  4. haha this is great!
    super nice dance moves, I’m sure lady gaga would be proud.
    Alex. when is our wedding?


  5. I have never been more proud to be friends with you guys than I am right now. Alex you need to help me learn the choreography when we get back!

  6. Oh, man. I laughed. I cried. I snorted my beverage up my nose. Then I watched it three more times in a row.

    • TESS!! omg all the love for this ridiculous thing that Stef and I did this afternoon was overwhelming enough without Tess showing up from the depths of the internet shadows to comment for only the SECOND TIME EVER. Y’all make my life complete. As well as Stef’s ukelele skills.

  7. A;ex,

    I’m going to calmly and rationally tell you that you just made my life.

    You just made my life.

  8. Amazing video. I also find it funny that someone on YouTube referred to A;ex as the “backup dancer” in their comment.

  9. Hey Lady Gaga, I’m really happy for you and I’m gonna let you finish, but Autostraddle had one of the best videos of ALL TIME!

  10. Those were some pretty impressive moves, Alex. Well done you. What I’d like to know though.. is how long you’ve been practicing that? Cause you had that shit down to a science.

  11. the raw emotion of the song really comes across here. also did you notice the live cat in the background around the 1-minute mark? i think it has metal fangs. incredible.

  12. OH EM GHEE I LOVE THE UNIVERSE. I can die now, my life is complete.
    I love you guys, I auto-love you.

  13. The Bad Romance dance is revolutionary, but impossible, and as much as I have tried to work it out, it just never happened. So OMG I can’t believe you actually did it! in earnest, congrats!!

  14. This video has changed my life. I would like to marry both of you…and Riese too because she’s awesome. Thank you! Haha love you guys!

  15. oh hey look, you guys! it’s the GREATEST MOTHERF*CKING THING ON EARTH

  16. Holy shite. I’m in the basement as I type this and I keep gigglesnorting like there’s no tomorrow. This vid is epic. Haha.

  17. Imma gonna quit my job, I’ve lost the will to work. Seriously… you’re having too much fun. lol

  18. I tried watching this the other day but my internet was not cooperating… and finally watched it. I really have nothing clever to say just that you guys are amazing and i love this so much hahah and it totally completely made my weekend… now…there must be follow ups

  19. This video is the opposite of a nightmare and will be my new happy place when I need to escape work today.

  20. i need to step up my ritual late-afternoon rehearsals in the office! i have a lot of catching up to do, clearly.


    this video inspired me to make my own adaptation of bad romance on the uke and YES, I PLAYED IT IN MY HIGH SCHOOL HABITAT FOR HUMANITY BENEFIT CONCERT. my friend and i did it and it was super hot (my dad called it “witty”) and we had backup dancers and two-part harmonies.

    that is all.

    thank you autostraddle.

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