Scarlett W.

The Basics


Scarlett W.


Ontario, Canada

About Me

Check All That Apply



Looking For

Queer Friends in my Area, Queer Friends on the Internet, Queer Friends to Make Out With

Relationship Status



Tolerance & Patience … I'm still working on the latter.


Gin, Weed, Sour Patch Kids, The L Word

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What I Like

Favorite Books

▫ The Birth House | Ami McKay
▫ The Painter From Shanghai | Jennifer Epstein
▫ Heavier Than Heaven | Charles Cross
▫ Eating Animals | Jonathan Safran Foer
▫ The Giving Tree | Shel Silverstein

Favorite Movies

▫ The Life Aquatic
▫ The Virgin Suicides
▫ Bridget Jones’ Diary
▫ Adam
▫ Almost Famous
▫ The Incredibly True Adventures of Two Girls In Love

Favorite Documentaries

▫ Marwencol
▫ Beautiful Losers
▫ Force of Nature

Favorite TV Shows

▫ Weeds
▫ The Office
▫ Dexter

Favorite Music

▫ Sufjan Stevens
▫ Lykke Li
▫ Death Cab for Cutie
▫ Kid Cudi
▫ James McMorrow

Favorite Sandwich

Apple butter, brie, hummus & apple slices – YUM.

Favorite Thing to Autostraddle

My left hand?

Favorite Quotes

The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can’t be any large-scale revolution until there’s a personal revolution, on an individual level. It’s got to happen inside first.

– Jim Morrison

Favorite Writers

▫ Shel Silverstein
▫ Haruki Murakami
▫ Stephen Dunn
▫ Sylvia Plath