Are You Ready (For the World to Change)? I Don’t Think You’re Ready : Sunday Funday Daily Fix

Today on Autostraddle…
Firstly! Robin is shooting/interviewing totally amazing ripped super-athlete super-hero USA Women’s Rugby Player Phaidra Knight this Tuesday, and she’s taking YOUR questions about health & fitness! Wanna know what to eat or how to work out? Email [email protected] with “health question” in the subject line!

Also Monday IS THE MOST IMPORTANT DAY EVER … the redesign! Bear with us as Autostraddle might look funny today — e.g., the navigation is all over the place. So, avoid confusion and look at the Fall Preview 2009 Guide for a run-down of what we’ve done recently, and read the Televisionary too!

Also please give us money! As you’ll see tomorrow, we have big dreams, and dreams & revolutions aren’t free or self-sustaining.  Thank you.


TRANS PANIC: A boy aged 12 turned up at school as a GIRL, after changing sex during the summer holidays … Angry parents told yesterday how their kids were left tearful and confused after school staff announced the boy pupil was now a girl.” Hey! Parents! WTF IS UP WITH YOUR KIDS? If your kids are crying ’cause this “boy” is now wearing pigtails, your kid has some serious emotional issues and has already been gender-socialized (probs by you) to a frightening degree. They need to suck it up and grow some balls! (HAHAHA!) No but really. The headline might make your anti-gaydar rumble too. (@the sun uk)

WHIP HER: Drew Barrymore didn’t show up for her Whip It! press junket. She was out with Amanda Seyfried, not Ellen Page. WTF.

FACEBOOK GAYS: The whiz-kids at MIT have done Project Gaydar and discovered: “Using data from the social network Facebook, they made a striking discovery: just by looking at a person’s online friends, they could predict whether the person was gay. They did this with a software program that looked at the gender and sexuality of a person’s friends and, using statistical analysis, made a prediction.” [Um, how about the “In a relationship with” part? Or the “is a fan of The L Word” or “is a fan of autostraddle?” I didn’t even go to MIT guys, I just know this stuff.]

GAY PANIC TV: The Office can do no wrong, which was further re-proven on Thursday’s premiere and it’s excellent comedic handling of the mistaken-for-gay plot — a familiar one in TV Sitcom Land: The Office Premiere and the History of TV Men Mistaken For Gays.

KANYE MEME Interrupting Kanye’ Meme Takes Over the Internet and they are all REALLY FUNNY FOR REAL. (@urlesque)

THREE RIVERS: Another sneak peak at Three Rivers. It’s really quite funny how if Shane wasn’t in this thang, I might not even know this show existed.

YOU GO MAINE, YOU GO!: Maine Dignitaries Speak Out Against SFMM/ Yes On 1 Ads.

HEALTH CARE? Bill Maher says, “Unlike most liberals, I’m glad all those teabaggers marched on Washington last week. Because judging from the photos, it’s the first exercise they’ve gotten in years … News flash, Glenn Beck fans: the reason health care is so expensive is because you’re all so unhealthy.”

HYSTERICAL: Similarly Is It Sad Or Hysterical to Watch Maggie Gallagher + Carrie Prejean Play The Victim? (@queerty)

TV CONSPIRACY: Sunday’s TV Traffic Jam: Will you watch ‘Mad Men’, ‘Curb’, or that awards show thing? Um that awards show thing is hosted by Neil Patrick Harris!(@ew)

MEGAN FOX: “You guys? I’m frightened. Over the past few days, thanks to a barrage of interviews leading up to the premiere of her film, Jennifer’s Body, I’m actually starting to like Megan Fox quite a bit. I know. I know!”

INTERNET: Is the Internet melting our brains? “Every communication advancement throughout human history, from the pencil to the typewriter to writing itself, has been met with fear, skepticism and a longing for the medium that’s been displaced.” (

NSFW Sexy Sundays:

An entire feature on our favorite photographer Ellen Von Unwerth and how being obvious is actually way more sexier than subtlety: Stars sex it up for photographer Ellen Von Unwerth. (@guardian UK)

“Was the orgasm just another one of those golden gifts — like long, shapely legs or straight hair or discretion — bestowed on people at birth, but that somehow passed me by?” Manual Labor. (@nerve)

Sexy tumblr blog of the day: Things That Excite Me. If you want to see the full-body photo of the Kermit photo here, that’s here too.

A very serious guide on “how to eat p*ssy” from “Creative Erotic Moral Sexuality.”

My Top Ten Favorite Toys: If you want to know what’s “brilliant for pretty much everything. Protects sheets/furniture/etc against come, ejaculatory fluid, wax, lube, sweat, food, etc,” then you should read this. Really who doesn’t want to know that. (@essinem)

Daily Team Picks:

ebradshaw-iconfrom Intern Elizabeth:

Because school has been sucking up all my time, brain cells and weekends, I need some fun happy squishy to make me not want to jump out my window. So I like to browse through Wall of Fluff! For the full wall of fluff effect, I recommend checking ‘verr many’ and then clicking ‘more fluff pleez!’ for the complete cute overload.

lola-iconfrom Intern Lola:

Finally, a pick that combines two of my favorite things – Greek mythology and procrastination! Don’t Look Back is a surprisingly tricky 8-bit flash game, loosely based on the tale of Orpheus and Eurydice. [I’ve reached the highest level of geekdom.]

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3302 articles for us.


  1. I just watched the video and have decided that I like Kate Moennig doing just about anything. I take back everything I said about her hair. She’s just so cute!

  2. I’d like to apologize in advance for what I’m about to say but… Lola, don’t you mean “greekdom”?

  3. After clicking ‘verr many’ and ‘more fluff pleez!’ I suggest playing all the videos at once. It’s like being in a thousand different fluff places all at once! ooohhh so cute

  4. I just saw Jennifer’s Body about 30 minutes ago, I’m not gunna lie, I loved it. Megan and Amanda’s make out scene was so obviously for publicity, but I’m not complaining! Who knew I could hold my breath so long. It was worth all 5 bucks. Probably my favorite line = “Do you get all your murder weapons from Home Depot? You’re soo butch.”

    Side note: *hyperventilates* Her hair! Sweet geezus… I suppose it isn’t too bad. Look at that smile, how can you not be won over?

    • probs because its the sun which is so bad a paper that they don’t have any journalistic integrity/skill or feelings.urrggggghhg i hate it!

  5. I really like how the awfulness of the transphobia story was offset by the most adorable photo ever

  6. Regardless if hairstyle, …………………. (sorry, I’m just mustering up courage)……….. I’m not attracted to Shane/Kate. There, I said it. Whew! I feel so much better now that I got that off my chest. Now I’m off to go change my identity before throngs of lesbians hunt me down and shred me into millions of blasphemous pieces.

  7. looks great! one thing i noticed was under meet the team- Katrina’s “Editor” title is missing the “r”

    Beautiful beautiful beautiful!


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