‘Arcane’ Continues With Hope, Heartache, and a Goth Era

This review contains spoilers for Netflix’s Arcane season two episodes 203-206, especially as it pertains to its queer characters.

Act 2 of Arcane‘s second season is an emotional roller coaster, full of queers with questionable coping skills, surprise reveals, unlikely alliances, and more. Once again, I (Valerie Anne) am here with Nic to break down the three latest episodes and our feelings about them as we barrel toward the series finale.

Let’s jump right into it.

After a montage about the weeks that passed between episode 203 and 204, we see Caitlyn and Officer Maddie Nolan waking up in bed together…

Valerie: What a reveal! After the shock of it, I’m not really surprised Caitlyn decided to seek comfort in someone else — to try to erase the memory of what it felt like when Vi’s hand brushed hers, of that kiss, of the way her heart aches when she thinks of her — but I AM surprised it wasn’t just a string of random anonymous girls. I felt a little bad for Maddie when she was kissing Caitlyn’s shoulder, clearly unaware how distracted Caitlyn was. I was sad for both of them, frankly; neither of them is going to get what they want from this.

Nic: Listen, I’m so glad that one of us can be mature about this because my first thought was “EXCUSE YOU CAITLYN IS THAT MADDIE?!” My second thought was “Wait. HOW much time has passed??” And once the shock wore off, like you, my third thought was “Damn, I feel bad for Maddie because there’s no way Caitlyn is as into this pairing as Maddie seems to be.” You’re right; it makes sense that Caitlyn would have sought refuge in someone else’s arms after her fallout with Vi, I just didn’t expect it to be Maddie. I don’t know if I completely trust her either to be frank…

Arcane S2: Maddie kisses Caitlyn's neck but Caitlyn isn't "present"

Never good when the girl you’re trying to nuzzle is staring off into the middle distannce.

What do you think about Jinx becoming an unwitting symbol of the rebellion?

Nic: I love it so much because it’s unintentional. We talked about this a little bit last time, but Jinx has been a follower for so much of her life. When she was little, she followed Vi around hoping to prove that she could hang with the big kids. After she joined up with Silco, she mostly did his bidding lest he leave her like everyone else in her life did. In the absence of a beacon to gravitate toward, she’s been flying by the seat of her pants just doing Jinx things, all the while becoming that beacon for people oppressed by Piltover. It starts with Isha quite literally following her around after she saves her. She didn’t ask for any of it, so it makes sense to me that it freaks her out at first. It’s when she starts to lean into it that we see glimpses of Jinx’s true potential as a leader.

Valerie: I’m kind of obsessed with Jinx going from a feared puppet of Silco’s to a figure that offers hope, just because she refused to give up pushing back against Piltover. I love the “Jinxers” and how these oppressed people are taking back any power they can, even if it’s just by way of dying their hair to match the person the people of Piltover hate and fear the most.

Arcane S2: Maddie kisses Caitlyn's neck but Caitlyn isn't "present"

Post-Silco Jinx IS amazing.

When Isha is taken, Sevika and Jinx break her out. What did you make of this decision?

Valerie: I love that Jinx and Sevika played a game of “I HAVE the prisoner!” to break in, a classic D&D move. I love hijinks.

There was a point last season that I was afraid Jinx had been pushed past the point of no return. Mentally and emotionally, but also as far as we, the audience, are concerned. I was afraid she caused too much damage, wreaked too much havoc, for them to be able to successfully redeem her, if that was their plan. But these six episodes have done so much to show that despite what Vi once thought, despite what Jinx might have even believed, Powder IS still in there, and Isha is bringing that side back out of her. The fact that Jinx not only sits around and plays games with her, dyes and braids her hair, and makes a secret handshake with her, but also went out of her way to infiltrate the Piltover prison to rescue her? It’s a whole new side of Jinx, using her powers for good instead of evil. And the look on Jinx’s face, both when the Jinxers gently touched her like she was a totem as they exited the prison, and also when Isha leapt into her arms and cried in relief that she had come to save her…priceless.

Jinx dyes Isha's hair blue and Isha looks in the mirror approvingly

Obsessed with these little sisterly moments.

Nic: First of all, “I HAVE the prisoner!” is one of my favorite D&D moves, so A+ analogy there. Second, I completely agree with everything you said. I think Jinx, at least so far, has the most heart wrenching yet satisfying arc out of everyone. Sometimes redemption arcs feel unearned or fan service-y, but showing us both the big explodey moments as well as the quieter special moments with Isha really highlights the many sides of Jinx. You mentioned a few looks that Jinx displays, but one that really got me was the moment when she found out Isha was one of the prisoners; she’s shaken by the information and I think also by the fact that she’s even shaken at all.

When Sevika runs out of the prison with Isha on her shoulder screaming and crying over Jinx staying behind to fight, I couldn’t help but think of a young Powder feeling helpless when both her parents and Vander made similar decisions.

Let’s discuss that monster of a reveal at the end of 204.

Nic: When we first saw a glimpse of the monster at the end of Act 1 I knew it had to be someone we knew based solely on the lingering camera shots and the music, but my bet was on Silco. So when wolfy’s eyes changed colors and the voice softly said, “Powder?” I lost my whole mind. 1) I was hoping it meant we’d get a sister reunion (and did) but 2) because I watch television, I had a sinking feeling it wouldn’t mean happily ever after for our little family.

Valerie: I thought the lingering was just a warning that something was coming. We had seen Singed playing with monsters in the past, I simply did not consider it could be someone we knew. Like you, however, as soon as he said “Powder,” after the initial joy of Vander being alive, my heart broke knowing that there was no way whatever came next wasn’t going to hurt.

Vander, Vi, Jinx, and Isha group hug

I know this group hug is from later in the episode but the one in the tunnels was too dark to screenshot, don’t @ me.

Like Caitlyn, Vi’s been keeping busy during their time apart, but she took a…different approach.

Valerie: Goth Vi! Goth Vi! Goth Vi!

Nic: Homegirl said, when in doubt…punch it out? Look, I love this for her. It’s giving Yasha from Critical Role throwing herself into the fighting pit just to feel something. The quick visual cuts to her fighting plus the dark animation surrounding her quieter moments painted her depression in a way that felt almost beautiful?

Valerie: Totally agree. I also think it’s kind of haunting that she kept using the makeup to smudge out her “VI” tattoo; she was trying to erase her past, her pain, and herself. Jinx showed up just in time.

Vi smears black paint over her "VI" tattoo

I do love a visual metaphor.

And of course, like a good little sister, Jinx immediately got into Vi’s makeup and wrote “Jinx” backwards on her own face.

Mel was kidnapped by the Black Rose, and we learn that she’s got a little magic in her. Were you surprised about her brother? What do you think this means for the battle at large?

Nic: My girl is going THROUGH it. Her mother is off doing war, her boyfriend (?) has gone off the deep end, and now she gets to add kidnapping to the list? I’ll admit, I got got by the brother reveal. I was so focused on Mel feeling some sense of joy for once, that it wasn’t until right before the twist that I even considered it was a trick! I love that we got more insight into the Medarda family lore, and like you alluded to last week, more information on what’s driving Ambessa. The general even shows a smidge of feeling and compassion on her face at the mention of her daughter’s kidnapping. I’m not sure how Mel and her magic are going to play into the war, but my hope is for her to use that magic to shift the tides in some way.

Valerie: I’m SO curious about where this subplot is going. I love that it’s just kind of brewing in the background, nestled in between big fight scenes, and I can’t wait until it intersects with the main plot. I love that the Black Rose’s cave where they were holding Mel had an opening that looked like a rose. I was totally fooled by the brother fake-out, and I wasn’t sure where it was going but I never would have guessed that Mel was secretly half-witch! I’m SO here for Magic Mel and can’t wait to see how she shakes things up in this war between Piltover and Zaun.

Nic: OMG! I didn’t even notice the rose-like opening in the cave. I saw it more as kind of an oculus but wow, yup, you’re right. I love that.

Mel is trapped under a rose-shaped hole

Maybe Mel will save us all with her latent magic.

In this batch of episodes, we get to see Vi and Jinx together in ways we haven’t since early Season One, PLUS some Vander flashbacks of Vi and Powder’s parents, and his past with Silco. What are your thoughts on those moments?

Nic: I wish I had followed my gut in our last conversation and said one of the things I was hoping for was Jinx and Vi finding each other again, both physically and emotionally, but I was almost too afraid to hope for it? Their sibling bond was on full display in both deep and light-hearted ways in this Act, from Vi trusting Jinx when she said the monster was Vander to both sisters clowning each other. I mean, “bitch mittens”?!?! Incredible sibling burn! I also loved the flashbacks of Vander, even though flashbacks that make you care more deeply about a character are almost always an ill omen. The way he immediately switched out Felicia’s booze for juice when she said she’s pregnant?! Vander naming Violet?!! The joy Powder and Vi experienced with their parents?! It was almost too much for my heart but I loved every second of it.

Valerie: I ADORED that after spending a few hours together, Vi and Jinx went from being mortal enemies to siblings. The bickering was classic, even when they were touching on deeper subjects, like Jinx commenting on the last time they saw each other, how Vi was dressed like the Enforcers that killed their parents. I loved their scrabbling fight in the mines, because as soon as Isha got hurt, Jinx shoved Vi off of her so she could go comfort and check on the girl, probably in the same way Vi used to comfort and check on Powder when they were younger. I think it’s the moment Vi realized she was wrong, and that Powder isn’t dead.

arcane: jinx and vi in the mines

They just can’t fight those sister instincts.

Valerie: The whole “he’s your father, too” business was a real stab in the heart. And the big group hug?? Jinx hugging Vi just as much as she was hugging Vander. There’s still a deep love there, even under all the hurt and baggage. I have been thinking of this since my rewatch of season one, but also I love that Felicia has purple hair, a mix of Vi’s pink and Powder’s blue.

Arcane: Felicia smiles at Vander

Hi, Felicia.

Let’s talk about that Caitlyn/Vi reunion, and the plot they hatched to double-cross Ambessa.

Valerie: I won’t lie, I was getting worried. With the training montages and the other scenes of Caitlyn and Ambessa, and Caitlyn coming to the general so broken, I was worried that Ambessa was going to be able to form Caitlyn in her image, to manipulate her into being bloodthirsty and cold. So I was beyond relieved when Caitlyn and Vi were reunited and Caitlyn proved she was still the girl we knew deep down, the girl who wanted to do the right thing. I also love that Cait and Vi aren’t the type to sit down and apologize. Instead, they said, “You look like an angry oil slick,” and, “Don’t sugarcoat it, Cupcake.” I love that everything between them fell away when Vi said she wanted to help her father. I knew from the look on Caitlyn’s face that she was going to help her, and I didn’t believe her for a second when she had Vi handcuffed and brought in. I was clapping with glee at the teamwork of it all.

Arcane: Caitlyn gently pulls a hood over Vi's head

I loved the close-ups of their mouths. Because I imagine they also couldn’t stop thinking about how close they were to each other’s faces in those moments.

Nic: You know I’m not always Team Caitlyn, but I can appreciate a girl who’s down bad and Cait sure is that! Vi called her “cupcake” and Caitlyn immediately crumbled. I don’t laugh a lot while watching this show, but that moment got me good. One of my favorite things about this scene was actually the visuals of Caitlyn using the exact fighting sequence she learned from Ambessa on Vi. And like you, I knew there was no way Caitlyn had actually “captured” Vi so I was just waiting to see how the ruse would play out. This is neither here nor there, but I also noticed that when Caitlyn wiped Vi’s spit off her face, she wiped it toward her mouth rather than away from it. Anyway.

Valerie: WELL THEN. I also loved the flashback sequence of them plotting when Vi motioned for Cait to hit her, and she hit her HARD, and Vi was like “really?” and Caitlyn shrugged with feigned innocence. I think that’s why she added the face-spitting, to “sell it” right back.

Time to check in on the boys: Any random thoughts on Singed/Jayce/Viktor?

Valerie: I knew getting Vander back was too good to be true, but I didn’t know Jayce was going to ruin everything quite so swiftly. He has fallen far from the passionate and hopeful man he was once.

Nic: My overarching thought about the boys is JAYCE WHY ARE YOU THE WAY THAT YOU ARE?!?! This man rolled up into the commune HOT and ready to blow shit up and for why?? I don’t even particularly care that much about Steampunk Jesus, but something about watching a man make a deadly decision without first reading the room really grinds my gears. We’re too emotional though, right? Fuck outta here, Jayce. Plus I just looked up his VA, and it’s Detective Douche from Lucifer. OF COURSE.

Valerie: OF COURSE. Like if Jayce had stopped to look around for ONE MINUTE he might have realized that everyone on the commune had fingerprints like they’d been facepalmed by Viktor and that they were connected. He might have seen Vi, Jinx, and Caitlyn working together and realize Something Big was happening. But no. He decided a thing, he did the thing. I won’t lie, the first thing that came to my mind was that one TikTok sound. “You ruined eeeeverything, you stupid bitch!”

Jinx and Isha had a special bond that led up to Isha’s sacrifice. What did you think of that final Isha scene?

Nic: What did I think? I don’t know, ask the 54 tissues I went through! In all seriousness though, I felt like something was coming, but I didn’t expect it to be that sacrifice! My sweet sweet Isha! I hoped we’d get a longer arc of Jinx mentoring Isha in the way she always hoped would happen with her and Vi. I think in the moment Jinx realizes what Isha is about to do, she’s able to put herself in her sister’s shoes and understand why Vi didn’t want her to interfere all those years ago. It wasn’t because she didn’t have the skills or because she was a jinx; it was because Vi took on the role of Protector and the pain of losing Powder would have been too much. Assuming that this sacrifice sticks (see below), I fear that it’s going to send Jinx over the edge.

Valerie: I hope you’re right, that she can understand Vi’s position from this. It does seem like she was starting to get what it’s like to be a big sister. When Isha did Jinx’s little “pew pew” motion with her hands I BURST into tears, because I realized there was no turning back. Isha couldn’t tell Jinx how much she loved her, but she could show her. And Vi, in that moment, STILL being the Protector holding Jinx back from running into the danger, letting Isha make that sacrifice. As much as I would love to believe the sacrifice won’t stick, that montage of all their times together makes me feel like it was real and final. Which is devastating. I’d love to be wrong. Maybe Singed can save her? But at what cost… I just hope Vi can keep her from going full Jinx again. Maybe getting her sister back will help ease the loss of her protege, and of losing Vander a second time.

Arcane: Isha gives Jinx her signature "pew pew" move

I would kill or die for this small child.

What are your overall feelings about the season so far, and what are you hoping for from the final three episodes?

Nic: I don’t want this series to end. I was a little worried that the political machinations would outweigh the interpersonal relationships and development, and given the results of the US election and my resulting headspace at the moment, I’ve admittedly been much more focused on the character moments. But it would be a disservice to the series I think, not to mention how masterfully they’re telling what is ultimately a story of the effects of trauma and systemic oppression. So far I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the balance of both aspects of the show.

There’s quite a bit to wrap up in the final Act, and I’m STRESSEDT, Valerie! Where is Ekko?? Are he and Heimerdinger just chillin in the void? Will Ekko be able to reverse time and affect any of the massive events from this act? I HOPE SO. But mostly, I hope that if Isha’s sacrifice does stick, Vi and Jinx get a relationship redo. That Jinx is able to lean on Vi and Vi is able to pull Jinx back from the brink.

Valerie: I agree, especially with the way this season started. I was worried it was going to pull out too far, but I’m happy they keep zooming in on interpersonal relationships. I care about the revolution, and like you said, it’s very relevant to our lives, but I care MOST about the individual characters and their relationships, so I’m glad they’re focusing on both.

Arcane: Jinx, Vi, and Caitlyn

I want this triple team up so badly it hurts.

Valerie: I understand why there are only three episodes left of this show — it’s a very expensive show that takes a long time to make — but I’m sad we’re almost done. I have to imagine the Undercity will win the revolution ultimately, but I’m terrified of what (and, more terrifyingly, who) we’ll lose along the way. Hopefully there is plenty to be gained, as well.

Watch Arcane 204-206 on Netflix.

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Valerie Anne

Valerie Anne (she/they) a TV-loving, video-game-playing nerd who loves reading, watching, and writing about stories in all forms. While having a penchant for sci-fi, Valerie will watch anything that promises a good story, and especially if that good story is queer.

Valerie has written 627 articles for us.


Nic is a Senior Product Manager at a major Publisher and lives in Astoria, NY. She is way too attached to queer fictional characters and maintains that buying books and reading books are two very different hobbies. When she's not consuming every form of fiction, you can find her dropping it low on the dance floor. You can find Nic on twitter and instagram.

Nic has written 85 articles for us.


  1. This show is so amazing, my gf and I are obsessed, literally. This is a must watch and the butch-femme visibility is soooo awesome, the animators really chose the female gaze for the characters. Love the other characters too, its just so well written.

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