It’s our 45th Autostraddle Anonymous Sex Toy Review! Over the last few years, sex toy companies and stores have propositioned us to review their toys in exchange for, you know, their toys.
This week, one of our anonymous reviewers tried out the medium-sized Corkscrew from Fucking Sculptures.
- Material: soda lime glass
- Color: white, gold, green, black, or red
- Size: approximately 3.9 to 4.7 inches girth, 7.4 to 8.6 inches long, 12 to 18 ounces (also comes in smaller and larger sizes)
- Price: $140

The Corkscrew
The Corkscrew from Fucking Sculptures is, quite simply, fucking gorgeous. It’s weighty and cool to the touch. It’s hard and smooth in the way that only glass sex toys can be. It catches the light in just the right way. It’s beautiful in a way that makes you want it inside of your body.
And when it’s inside of your body, the Corkscrew feels weighty and solid, and that combined with the shape is intense. It’s unyielding and smooth in the way that glass is always unyielding and smooth, but the grooves make it an experience completely its own. (They also make it easier to grip than other glass toys, even soaked with lube and come.)
Though the Corkscrew was medium-sized, and though many of the dildos my activity partner and I usually use are fairly statuesque, it was still fairly large. Really fucking with it requires warming up almost the same way that fisting does, because there is a significant difference between a four-inch girth of squishy VixSkin and one of solid glass. Once it’s inside of you and covered in lube, though, it’s almost effortless. While silicone, especially stickier silicone, seems to drink lube, one application often feels like more than enough with glass, which is a definite advantage.
And also it was awesome. I really can’t overstate how awesome this toy is. If you love glass toys, this is an incredibly thoughtful glass toy.
Fucking Sculptures is a Berkeley-based company that calls itself “an experiment dedicated to creating beautiful and unique, handcrafted glass dildos, while providing a personal experience that leaves the customer feeling educated, empowered, and more in touch with their sexuality and desires.” It has five other glass toys in addition to the Corkscrew with different shapes, textures, sizes and colors.

A sculpture in progress by Jeremy Francis.
Like all hand-made glass toys, every Fucking Sculpture is different. Mine has an especially curved smaller end, and while I could theoretically use it for penetration, it seems like it’d be too pointy. This variation is obvious in product photos, in which all the toys look unique. While it makes buying toys sight unseen online less ideal if you want something specific, it indicates a level of quality that can only be a good thing. In an interview with XBiz, the company notes:
“Since each piece is carefully handmade, we can truly focus on the shape and subtle curve of every twist and bump, intent on the end result — beauty and pleasure.”
“[Owner and glass artist] Lee [Milter] would like me to add that he is physically, spiritually, psychically, emotionally, and personally opposed to mechanization and duplication. In other words, we couldn’t make pieces like everyone else even if we wanted to. Our dildos will forever be different than the rest and we’re just thrilled with that.”
One downside of the variation and texture is that all the edges made cleaning take longer. All Fucking Sculptures are made of soda lime glass, and so you can’t boil them — because glass is nonporous, mild soap and water, or alcohol or toy cleaner for sanitizing, are enough.
Each sculpture comes with a padded storage bag, and the company has an excellent warranty — if you break your toy, you can send a broken piece or a photo and they’ll replace it one time.
The Corkscrew glass dildo is the kind of toy that makes you feel like you’ll never need another glass g-spot toy. If you want something with form and function in equal measure, this is the most beautiful option out there.
Well that is super pretty.
I’m not sure I buy the idea that process variation automatically makes something higher quality or better, but this toy is definitely more in the art bucket than most!
holy shit. +10000
When I saw what the review was for, I immediately thought ‘well this is going to be amazing. Even the name turns you on’
i need it
Perfect timing! Em and I were just about to start looking for a glass dildo – looks like we might have found it!! Can’t wait to show her :-D
I neeeeeeed a glass dildo ASAP
I like getting the names of these special companies too, thanks AS
We sell these here at Wicked Grounds in San Francisco, and I have heard nothing but praise from our customers who have used them! Lovely things.