Am I a Self-Hating Lesbian for Crushing on a Straight Woman?

Finally made it to the Straight Girl Crush Party
I’m a grown-ass lesbian who’s spent a couple of decades gently mocking friends who’ve had crushes on straight women because I thought it was (sorry!) pathetic and sort of self-hating. I mean I’ve privately psychoanalyzed them without mercy — this person is actually femmephobic, this one is afraid of intimacy, this one loves drama and gets off on rejection, this person has something to prove, this person is a straight trans man (I was right about him!), etc. Well now it’s time to pay because I have finally, in my mid-forties, developed a crush on a straight woman, and I am fucking miserable. 
I won’t bore you with how perfect she is because I’m assuming you already know, because you’ve alrea...

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