Also. Also. Also: Darlene Has a New Girlfriend And Other More Important Stories

+ Power Lezbians: Sarah Gilbert and Linda Perry are dating! Previously Gilbert was in a ten-year relationship with Alison Adler and Linda Perry had dated L Word actress Clementine Ford, who is also the daughter of Cybill Shepard.

Nigeria: Nigeria voted today to penalize same-sex couples with up to 14 years in jail for marrying, while at the same time David Cameron has said that he plans to withhold aid from countries that do not recognize gay rights. According to The Box Turtle Bulletin, the Nigeria bill also makes it illegal to register gay clubs or organizations and criminalizes the “public show of same-sex amorous relationships directly or indirectly.”

+ In gay marriage news, President of the Center for Marriage Policy, David Usher‘s newest argument against marriage equality is that it would lead to”feminist marriage.” In Vermont, Beth Robinson, a “champion” of the state’s gay marriage law, has been sworn in to the Vermont Supreme Court as their first openly-gay justice.  Mitt Romney has signed a campaign pledge created by NOM which commits him to fight for a federal constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman, and to appoint federal judges who share that view. And Maine’s campaign for marriage equality is incredibly moving, like this video explaining that “Your Lesbian Daughter Is the Same Person You Loved Yesterday:”

+ Barney Frank: Barney Frank arrived in the house in 1981, but he won’t run for re-election this year after 16 terms in office. The 71-year-old said he’s “tired of the scorching partisan battles that did not exist when he first won office three decades ago” and “tired of campaigning, which he detests.” Furthermore: “By the end of next year, I will have been doing this for 45 years with one six-month sabbatical. It’s been a privilege to fight for the quality of people’s lives, but I’m ready to put a little more quality into my own life.”

+ Fox News: SURPRISE! Watching FOX News actually makes you less informed than watching nothing.

+ Japan: One in four Japanese women in her 30s hasn’t had sex, a new study reports. Furthermore, 61% of unmarried adult dudes lack a girlfriend and half the adult women lack a boyfriend or husband. 45% of these single adults don’t want a girlfriend/boyfriend, spouse anyhow.

Trans: The Oprah Winfrey Network premiered a new documentary following an 11-year old transgender girl. I Am Jazz: A Family in Transition stars Jazz and her three siblings, friends and parents,”as they navigate the world with a gender-variant kid and grapple with the possibility of hormone blocking therapy as she reaches puberty.”

+  Obama: In Obama news, “President Obama upped his nerdy dad cred considerably when he took Sasha and Malia shopping at a local independent bookstore,” and changes in the way President Obama is mentioned in rap lyrics reflects a shift from hope to disillusionment.

+ Sandusky: One of Jerry Sandusky’s alleged victims, now 17 years old, has been forced to leave his high school under the pressure of bullies who blamed him for Joe Paterno‘s firing. Tyler Perry has composed an “open letter to Penn State 11-year-old” commending him for speaking out and letting him know he’s a survivor and he’s not alone. A woman who discovered her husband was a leader of NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association, a pedophile group) six years ago explains what might be going on with Sandusky’s wife.

+ Pakistan: Pakistan’s national government had planned to ban some words, including “gay” and “lesbian” from being included in text messages, but have put the plan on hold after a major outcry.

+ South Africa: Four men convicted of murdering Zoliswa Nkonyana, a lesbian, outside of Cape Town were found guilty of the crime, but their sentencing is being pushed back until after Christmas. The case has been postponed more than 40 times.

+ Spain: The Popular Party, which intends to repeal same-sex marriage rights in Spain, won the election last week. But one couple staged a sexy protest:

TI told VIBE magazine that gay people are too sensitive and defended Tracy Morgan. In response to backlash over that statement, TI has refined his point to clarify that he doesn’t mind discourse around these issues as long as it stays respectful. Furthermore he thinks that gay people aren’t the only ones who need to lighten up – “It’s not just about gays. I [also] think that African-American groups sometimes take things just a tad too seriously.”

Also: “The Constitution affords us the right to speak out peacefully and respectfully in opposition of any point…I believe you have the right to do whatever it is that makes you happy in life as long as you’re not hurting anybody else… I’m not against gay marriage.” 

A new study shows that even when faced with hard facts those ignorant of energy, economic, and environmental issues choose to remain so.

+ You can probably relate to these ten myths about introverts.

+ Some gay people are boycotting the Salvation Army’s Red Kettle campaign.

+ T Cooper, acclaimed FTM novelist, publishes essays with OUT.

+ Sebastian Flowers, a trans-identified dogwalker and DJ, is making Queer Brown Porn.

+ DADT: The military totally loves gay people now.

+ Occupy: An action organized around the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women addressed issues of sexism often missing with the Occupy movement.

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  1. That Spanish protest is the best thing ever. I also enjoy the guy who witnesses it, looks content, and then lights a cigarette. Classy.

  2. From the interweb gossip sites, Sara and Linda have been dating for some time… apparently since before Sara and Ali broke up. That kinda gives me a sad. I understand when relationships end, but cheating is not cool.

  3. I’m glad you mentioned the Pakistan attempt to ban texting some words. Because of that news story I had to try to explain to one of my Moroccan male friends, a guy I had known about a week at that point, what the word “fondle” meant. Also, they were trying to ban texting “wuutang.”

    • And now I’m reading the whole list, and it’s awesome. Included are “gay mutha fuckin queer”, “bazoombas”, “bazongas”, and “g unit”. Apparently they have something against American rap groups. And gays. And boobs. Which is another word you can’t say.

  4. So T.I. thinks that we need to lighten up? Since when is it okay, even in a “jokingly” way, to say that you would stab your own son if he came out to you? Maybe I missed something?
    I am glad that those men were finally found guilty of murdering Zoliswa Nkonyana. It’s depressing that the actual sentencing has been pushed back though.

  5. I love Sara Gilbert and have a huge crush on her, so while I’m glad she’s happy I’m sorry its not with me.

    Also, Barney Frank is my favorite- he always sends me letters when I call into his office! I’m sad at him for leaving. Scott Brown’s office pretty much hangs up on you or gets verbally abusive, and Kerry’s office is polite but disinterested, so whenever I call Frank’s office and they ask me for my name and address and invariably, two weeks later I get a nice letter, I’m always touched.

    • The ’10 myths about introverts’ post is really spot on. I think I might just print out a bunch of copies and hand ’em out to all the new people I meet…too much?


      Seriously though once he sent me a letter restating the problem
      I had emailed him about.

      • I just freaked out and wondered if I was commenting back to myself (as my name is Kelly, too) but no, we’re totally not the same person even though I know EXACTLY what letter you’re talking about and ARGH.

      • Is it this one?

        “Dear Kelly,

        Thank you for contacting me about providing funding to family planning programs and services, including Planned Parenthood. I value your input and would like to take this opportunity to respond.

        It is my belief that we can and should provide women with family planning services. This has the potential to not only reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies, but also abortions. Ultimately, I believe that abortion is a very personal issue and the questions that it raises are ones that rest with a woman, her family and her physician. However, I am opposed to the use of taxpayer dollars to provide or pay for abortions.

        Since our nation faces record levels of debt and deficits, there are virtually no areas of the federal budget that are completely immune from reductions. Please know that I intend to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to put together a reasonable package of budget reductions that are in the best long term financial interests of the country. And whatever cuts are ultimately made, my goal is to make sure they are judicious and fairly applied.

        Thank you again for taking the time to share your views with me. When the Senate considers these matters, I will be sure to keep your thoughts in mind. If you have any additional questions or comments, please feel free to contact me or visit my website at

        Scott P. Brown
        United States Senator”

        In which he totally didn’t address anything about Title X, which my communications to him were about, but chose to restate the problem with his own little moral commentary on abortion?

  6. And L, I meant to say that I could hug both you and Congressman Frank for this. #democraticprocessatwork

    • Omg yes yes!! Little gems like that are why I love autostraddle. It made me feel less insane knowing it isn’t just me.

      • yes totally! i feel like between that thing and the nerdist thing i team picked today that i have a better understanding of myself. small talk just KILLS ME. I’m just sitting there overanalyzing it, like “seriously you don’t care about this stuff isn’t it funny how we all say these things to each other for no reason, like what is the purpose of this, do other people find it fulfilling, why can’t anyone say how they really feel, this is pointless, etc etc.” i actually talk A LOT, like constantly and annoy everyone i’m sure, when we’re discussing anything real. I just don’t like talking to strangers or near-strangers or acquaintances about nothing. like cashiers.

        • so many feelings about this!

          i am an introvert, but every job i have ever had has required me to be more extroverted. i have been both a cashier and waitress, and i think sometimes small talk in those situations can just be a way of acknowledging and respecting the fact that you are standing in front of another human with just as many feelings and thoughts as you… i would get people that would treat me like they were at self-check out or worse talking to someone who was subhuman, stupid, boring, etc…at least make eye contact i mean jesus. i stand there for eight hours,you guys. even a shitty joke about the price of gum and a fake smile can be a welcome break from the norm. i think small talk, at least in situations like cashiers or wait staff, is just a small (maybe silly) gesture of respect and kindness.

          however, small talk between people that actually KNOW each other and should love each other or at least be talking about something real… yeah thats pretty terrible and soul-crushing. thats like every conversation i have with my parents (esp my father) now that i am out: “how is the weather there? how do you feel? hows school? (subtext: i dont really care, this is an obligatory phone call) ok great bye!” i wish we could just stop, but they dont want to be the kind of people that abandon their only kid and i dont want to be the kind of person that doesnt at least try with her parents. and so we go on…it hurts a lot, though.

          but please, dont forget cashiers are people too!

          • My parents and I don’t really… small talk with each other which means that we don’t really talk a lot when I’m not living near them.

            I think anyone who has any kind of long term relationship with me comes to understand that I’m probably not ever going to call to ask about the weather but I’ll call when I see a thing/had a though that reminded me of you or I’ll call when I know something big is going on. But otherwise? *shrug*

  7. I was lucky enough to get to attend a talk by an amazing woman, Ndumie Funda, who set up a group in Cape Town against corrective rape-> This woman’s own wife was raped and murdered because she was gay, but she’s still fighting to change things. I just dont know how she does what she does despite the opposition she encounters. According to their website, “more than 10 lesbians a week are raped or gang raped in Cape Town alone” I mean jesus christ like, this is just insane, and as shown from that case mentioned above, the excuses for humans who commit the crimes wont probably wont even be prosecuted! I encourage you to check out the website and perhaps even donate to the campaign if you can.

  8. “But you’s a scary dude
    Believed by very few
    Just keep it very cool
    Or we will bury you”

    Yep, as long as you’re not hurting anybody else, T.I.

  9. Here’s a really interesting statement by a HUGE number of lgbt rights groups and other ngo’s in africa criticizing David Cameron for threatening to cut aid because of anti-gay laws; they argue that this kind of move “creates the real risk of a serious backlash against LGBTI people,” “supports the commonly held notion that homosexuality is ‘unAfrican’ and a western-sponsored ‘idea’,” and “reinforces the disproportionate power dynamics between donor countries and recipients.”“cut-aid”-to-african-countries-that-violate-the-rights-of-lgbti-people-in-africa/

  10. Pingback: A Suppa Earl Gae | gaelick


    NAMBLA is real?!?!?! I assumed they made that shit up on South Park!!

    That is the craziest thing I’ve ever heard.

    • Yep, NAMBLA is a real organization. Even worse, the ACLU defended them some years ago when NAMBLA sued to keep their website up (which is why I can’t stand the ACLU to this day).

  12. “One of Jerry Sandusky’s alleged victims, now 17 years old, has been forced to leave his high school under the pressure of bullies who blamed him for Joe Paterno’s firing. ”


  13. also, best photobombing (videobombing? is that a word?) I’ve seen in a while. (re: Spanish protest kiss)

  14. If Pakistan does pass that law, the queers over there can always take George Takei up on his offer to use his name instead of “gay.”

  15. Okay – when I saw “TI thinks gay people are too sensitive” on the front page I honestly thought:

    “The calculator company?!”

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