Also.Also.Also: Beer Astrology, Legos, Death and Other Stories for Your Beautiful Mind

How much longer do you think we have until the coup?

Queer as in F*ck You

+ What It’s Like to Be a Trans Kid in a Conservative School.

+ Missouri Senate Votes Down LGBT Discrimination Protections.

+ Texas is Trying to Block Spousal Benefits for Married Gay Couples. CHRISTIANS LET ME LIVE, DAMN. Get a fucking hobby or go to the library or something just oh my god seriously y’all have to find something else to do with your finite time on this planet. JESUS.

+ LGB Teens Half as Likely to Play Sports, UBC Study Finds.

+ Transgender and Gender-Fluid Teens at Greater Risk of Mental and Physical Abuse.

+ Transgender Sister Of Singer At Trump Inauguration Wins Federal Court Bathroom Ruling.

+ NPR Demonstrates How Not to Report on LGBT Issues — Three Different Times.

+ Port Angeles Man Piece of Shit Gets 30-Month Sentence for Threatening to Shoot Lesbian Couple. Wow if only there was a pattern of events we could follow to figure out how this might end up.

+ How Rugby Gives Queer Women a Place to Be Themselves.

+ Did you participate in Glitter Ash Wednesday?

+ This is the end goal of A-Camp.

+ China’s New Multibillion Dollar Target Market: LGBT Youth.

+ National Theatre Gives Shakespeare a Lesbian Twist.

Welcome to the Hellmouth

+ Obama Administration Rushed to Preserve Intelligence of Russian Election Hacking. We are in a movie.

+ Oh but also A Harvard Physicist Explains the Problem with Believing We Live in a Simulation.

+ Trump, Affleck, La La Land, and the Unendingly Low Bar for White Men.

Doll Parts

+ ATTENTION: Lego’s Next Fan-Designed Set Celebrates the Women of NASA and those women include Sally Ride, Margaret Hamilton, Katherine Johnson, Nancy Grace Roman, and Mae Jemison. You have a few months to figure out where you’ll display your collection.

+ Young Culture Makers are Proudly Reclaiming Bruja Feminism.

+ Get Out Perfectly Captures the Terrifying Truth About White Women.

+ Watch the Teaser for Toronto’s Death Metal-Themed Web Series, ‘Boring Girls’. And now I want to read this book!

+ Daria 20 Years Later.

Keep Up

+ DREAMer Arrested Moments After Speaking Out Against Deportations at a News Conference.

Saw This, Thought of You

+ How the Oscars Flub Demonstrates the Limits of Black Graciousness.

+ March Beer Horoscopes for Every Sign. This Venn Diagram of ideas and activities relevant to my interests is a circle.

And Finally

Tag yourself I’m #s 1, 3 and 5!

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  1. My batwoman icon is gone guys! Is there any way I can get it back or do I have to upload something new? :(

  2. Lent is already my favorite, because ritual mourning is TOTALLY MY JAM, but Glitter Ash Wednesday really brings it up a notch.

    Also: 4&5.

    • I don’t see how glitter does anything but distract from the message that “from dust you come, to dust you shall return.”

    • my feelings progressed something like

      -“gritty, scandalous hope” HELL YES


      -“glitter ashes will be a powerful reminder of St. Augustine’s teaching that we cannot despair” + in the buzzfeed article I originally saw “The glitter will be a sign of our hope, which does not despair.” Which….ash wednesday is not about despair. remembering mortality and doing penance, yes, but those are inherently hopeful things, I think, at least from a Christian (Catholic) perspective? Death is not the end and we do penance because there’s something better. The other thing they say at my church sometimes, besides “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return” is “Repent from sin and return to the Gospel.” So there’s always, always a message of hope, never of despair.

      -So if the glitter ashes were framed that way, like less as contrasting with the ashes? Like reminders of other traditions and multiple ways of embracing mortality and turning to joy rather than sin, possibly? With the double whammy of saying queerness is holy and here and part of how we rise, not how we fall. I might be less conflicted.

      -But also, I think because ashes are a symbol of penance and something we rise from, rather than rise to, I’m less down with combining the glitter there, because I don’t need any more reminding that people think being queer is part of my sinful nature rather than part of how I glimpse divine joy in my life.

      You know what I would %100 be here for though? Glitter Easter candle. Scandalous glittery redemption.

      (I’m overthinking it but this is what too much Catholicism will do for you, because everything is symbolic on multiple levels and I can never let well enough alone.)

  3. slices #2 & 4 – I really like being alive and doing things and experiencing things. Honestly, I don’t think too much about commitments to others or pain or afterlife. I worry deeply about not having the opportunity to do things, like meeting people, trying new things, and falling in love. Perhaps I’m addicted to those feelings, but at this point, that’s what my life revolves around.

  4. Apropos of nothing, I am seeing Get Out tonight and am very excited and hope that someone who finds it relevant to their interests might write about it for AS even tho there is probably nothing queer in it!

    • Did you see it? What did you think?

      I’m waiting until l can see it on a small screen, because I am way too easily startled to see horror movies in the theater.

  5. Thank you so much for sharing “Trump, Affleck, La La Land, and the Unendingly Low Bar for White Men” and “How the Oscars Flub Demonstrates the Limits of Black Graciousness.” Both are excellent pieces.
    I cannot fucking believe that Variety cover. It is just so fucking awful and racist and WTF were they thinking?!

  6. Have to comment for the first time ever to tell you;
    the plural of ‘lego’ is ‘lego’.

    Hello everyone btw! I love lego :D

  7. Minor typo correction: the study about LGB teens in sports is from UBC, as in the University of British Columbia, not UCB. Thanks for the great links roundup as always!

  8. wait what in the god damn hell is this simulation theory shit? I’m thinking about all of those poor people I let die in Rollercoaster Tycoon. jesus

    • ahah <3

      tbf I really liked the comments made by the female scientist like "no no no this is the kinda shit that absolves us from doing anything / trying to change the bad things around us".

      • Yes, certainly true. I couldn’t bring myself to watch the 2 hour long debate though. Too trippy for me, I think ;)

  9. When Ted Cruz dropped out of the Republican presidential race I knew to keep an eye on him, and here he goes again. I agree, can’t he find something useful to do with his time rather than taking spousal benefits away from his constituents and trying to “defund” the UN?

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