Hansen’s Team Pick:
Ready to have some feelings? Former Olympic basketball player Gail Marquis and fashion legend Audrey Smaltz recently teamed up with Freedom to Marry to make the cutest advocacy video of all time. The couple, who have been together for 14 years, were married in New York on 11/11/11. This video was featured in Brittani’s Video Party not long ago, but today we’re looking at it again because it’s a Wednesday and we need it to get through the week. It’s a testament to how their endearing dynamic (the bantering is my favorite part) has lasted so long. From the very first lines, “But I’ve noticed you like wife wife.” “I love wife!” “You like wife wife.” “Wife wife?” you instantly love this couple.
“Aren’t I first in your mind?”
AWW, this is adorable.
oh my, I just died of cute.
Feels! <3
I believe that the scientific term for being this adorable is, “winning at life.”
I loved this comment at their wedding: “May you know for each other that you are an awesome surprise in the world.”
Should I ever be so lucky to have a wedding at some point in the hopefully-not-so-distant future, I’ll totally steal that quote.
If anyone were to ask me what i wanted in life… that kind of happiness with someone is it.
Ah man this is adorable. If this doesn’t make your heart swell then you must be some kind of android.
On second thoughts- Janelle Monae, if you somehow happen to be reading this I am definitely without doubt an android. Honestly.
How totally adorable are they?? I hope to have that kind of love some day.
They are too wonderful. My “famous lesbian couples who I sincerely want to adopt me” list is growing rapidly.
I watched this when it was on Brittani’s video party… and then i watched it again after this reminder, because it is amazing. I love their interactions, the laughter between them.
You’re right I did instantly love them!I hope I have that love one day.
they are so freaking adorable. it’s like if kittens and puppies had unicorn babies.
Wonderful story..aww a tear fell. When you hear and see stories like this it just warms your heart. The rest of the stories were heartwarming as well.