Adele’s Anderson Cooper Interview Will Ignite Or Enhance Your Crush on Adele

You probably already love Adele. Apparently, The Recording Academy agrees, as was indicated by her domination of last night’s award ceremony, which I believe somebody who works at this website is presently writing about in depth.

Anyhow — if you think you love Adele now but you haven’t seen her charming interview with Anderson Cooper from last night, then you have no idea how much more room there is in your heart for loving Adele! If she was the friend of your friend, you’d probably meet her and be like, “I want Adele to be MY friend, she’s so funny!” and also so honest, and swears a lot.


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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3302 articles for us.


  1. Adele, darling, if you ever need someone to come keep you company in the massive mansion, or if you need a new love to write songs about, I’m right here..

  2. Thanks for posting that Riese! Totally made my day! I love her even more now and I didn’t expect it to be possible..

  3. i love adele so much bit her spoken english makes her sound like such a chav! holy crap i never knew.

    pretentious brits – you don’t sing with that accent. (i live here. i’m allowed to hate people that are unable to say “water”…it is NOt “Wa-er”)

    i did enjoy the a cappella piece.

    • a cockney accent doesn’t make you a chav. track suits, faux “bling,” and a baby carriage at 15 make you a chav.

      • The only thing an accent is indicative of is where you’re from. She’s intelligible and intelligent, not really sure what else she should be.

        I’m glad we’re still able to categorise and vilify people based on their appearance, even on Autostraddle. Jeez, louise.

  4. I’m from North London originally, too. I love her accent. It makes me miss England. She deserved each of those Grammys. I love her British humour.

  5. Anyone with that accent i could listen to them talk ALL THE TIME! She was awesome last night at the Grammys too! She was a little nervous but got the party rollin once she got comfortable.
    As for her sailor mouth it sounds SO much better in her accent than people like me who sound completely American and white. Lol. ;)

  6. When she started crying while accepting her award for Album of the Year last night is when I fell completely in love with her. She could not possibly be more adorable if she tried.

  7. I think Adele is an amazing, talented singer and I find her so charming every time I hear her speak. I am so happy about the awards she has won this year. She deserves them.

  8. I love how beautiful and how unpretentious she is. Maybe the “anti-pop star”–thank you Anderson Cooper for that classification–but hey, it’s true, and it’s not a bad thing.

  9. i like adele a more then i did previously, but honestly when i think of adele i think of amy winehouse. and then i get sad.

  10. I feel like in these divisive times, where culture and politics are increasingly fragmented, the one thing we can all agree on is that Adele is fucking awesome.

  11. Oh my god. Just when I thought she couldn’t be more perfect, the camera cut to her dachshund. Words don’t even

  12. She is my favorite singer from the UK ever! I was surprised to hear that she has stage fright. That from the singer who sends chills up my spine every time she sings live!

  13. dat accent. BRITISH LADY BONER.

    also, “live at the royal hall” is a really, really good music dvd. fuck. i bought it for my sister but i ended up watching it more myself.


  14. One time, before she was incredibly famous Adele asked my friends and I were doing after the show when we were the only people waiting for her after her performance. I literally was still so numb from her performance that I stammered and couldn’t remember that was a precursor to asking someone to hang out. It was just her and her mom in a SUV and we totally could be married right now.

    Biggest regret of my life.

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