Boy-on-Boy Culture: Adam Lambert Makes Out With Jake Shears (VIDEO!) and Katy Perry Don’t Mind It

The Scissor Sisters debuted a new album, Night Work, this summer, and they’re on tour now. Our boyfriend Adam Lambert debuted his new album, For Your Entertainment, last year, and he’s also on tour right now. What are the chances that these two homosexy ships will pass at some point during their sparkly dark nights of glitter, music and magik? Practically inevitable.

Fun fact #1: The Scissor Sisters invented Scissoring.

Fun fact #2: Adam Lambert’s (newish?) haircut reminds us of St. Jimmy from American Idiot‘s haircut, which reminded us of Adam Lambert‘s ‘bandmate’ and ‘friend’ Tommy‘s haircut, which reminded us of Jordan Catalano‘s 30 Seconds to Mars Haircut, and also the haircut of this tall yet surly goth girl from my high school who wore a giant black sweatshirt every day and never smiled.

Fun fact #3: We are pleased that America cannot stop Adam Lambert from pursuing the tonsils of other men who play instruments in bands.

Here’s a description of this video:

Join host Lester Zizmore, Katy Perry, Adam Lambert, Judith Light, Tobell Von Cartier and the rest of the Scissor Sisters News team as they go beyond the headlines to deliver you all the Scissor Sisters news you need to know. Scissor Sisters News is the flagship news program of Scissor Sisters Television.

Fun Fact #4: Katy Perry. Ugh.

We feel like it’s been a while since we caught you up on the activities of our boyfriend Adam Lambert, so FYI he is soon heading to Australia, where everybody loves him SO much that they’ve literally had to expand venues to fit all his fans inside.

Also, according to the USA Today, “Adam Lambert’s If I Had You, the most-played song from an American Idol last week according to Mediabase, moves into the top 20 on USA TODAY’s Top 40 and Hot AC charts this week.”

So basically, the world is going to hell in a handbasket.

We will be over here, dancing and smiling and laughing about it, while pretty boys kiss other pretty boys and girls dream and old men cry and old women sigh and youth still come.

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3301 articles for us.


  1. This. This right here is why you embrace the gay, America. Think of how much more hilarious/pretty/awesome/fun pop culture would be. Think about it.

    This is hysterical, Adam and Jake are awesome, I’ve watched this an embarassing number of times.

  2. He’s not in Australia sillies. He’s in Texas. Australia is later. I love that he’s AS’s boyfriend because he’s mine too! \o/

  3. Oh! Almost forgot. Loved the article. Very funny. I also agree Katy Perry Ugh! *sigh* You can’t pick your boyfriend’s friends though… If I could he would only be w Rihanna and Beyonce. Fierce bitches, all.

  4. So this is pretty much my favorite thing ever…also Katy Perry is so unnecessary in this and everything else.

  5. i feel like katy perry wanted to be in the video so they threw her a bone and let her.

    also, i wish adam lambert could do my make up because i suck.

  6. Adam went with Katy Perry to the Scissor Sisters after party just as they have gone together to other functions. They are friends and no she was not “horning” in. The video is hysterical. Love Adam Lambert!

  7. Loved the video. Love Adam Lambert. Just saw Scissor Sisters last week in Montreal and the show was unbelievably good. I think their new stuff is some of their best ever.

  8. I saw the headline and let out a low-key Jake Shears shriek. Then I saw the video and laughed really hard and really loud. I’m surprised no one has come in to check on me yet.

  9. Okay.. I was thinking it, my sister said it but I really do think I am a gay man trapped inside a womans body. TMI, but now you know.

  10. Adam Lambert is the definition of fierce. I’m 99.9% lesbo but I reserve the other 0.1% for this amazing gay man. I’m going to have to fight autostraddle and all the other ladies here cuz he’s mine! Lahv this man. LAHV.

    • I think you’re fine as long as you don’t post that the lyrics to “I kissed a Girl” are ‘like sooo fricking amazing’. =D

  11. So when you said that there were more Glambert tickets in Australia I literally started running around my house in joy, utterly confusing my mother.

  12. YES!
    I went to the Tuesday night concert at Terminal 5 (the night that Judith Light was there, not Glambert).
    I hadn’t screamed that much since I saw NKOTB in ’89. If I’d known what hijinks were afoot, I would have screamed my vocal cords out of existence. You know, after I’d baked a whole batch of gingerbread men, frosted to look like various glammy queer vocalists.

  13. Don’t know the Scissor Sisters but I will check them out now. Love Adam Lambert. He’s such a doll and an incredible singer. Katy – Seems nice enough but not as talented as Adam.

  14. Adam needs to be kissing more audience members for cryin’ out loud. If Adam offered a little tongue diving at his meet and greets in exchange for a donation to his Glam a Classroom charity project, he could raise another $500K easily…maybe a cool $1M!

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