Music’s Gayest Manic Monday Ever: Glambert, Gaga, and AMA Feedback

Adam Lambert For Your Entertainment album coverMANIC MUSIC MONDAY: Adam Lambert’s For Your Entertainment comes out today! So does Lady Gaga’s Fame Monster! We’ll have our review of Lady Gaga’s album later today, for now it’s already topping the itunes charts and Adam Lambert is climbing the charts at Amazon.

fame-monsterGuess what poor kids? If you download Amazon’s mp3 downloader, you can download entire albums without protections (this means you can use the songs in Final Cut and iMovie, which is f*cking awesome) and for some reason I do not understand, Adam’s entire For Your Entertainment album is available in this format for $3.99. I even just bought it to be sure. You can also download Lady Gaga’s The Fame Monster (Deluxe) [Explicit] mp3 version at Amazon for $9.49. I won’t link you to the non-explicit version, ’cause that’s just lame right?

Oh, and the gay channel gets ten minutes with him tomorrow, tweet your questions their way!


Also, how did this happen: Susan Boyle CD sets pre-order record? I understand nothing about America! NOTHING!

AMERICAN MUSIC AWARDS: Last night’s American Music Awards featured performances by Lady Gaga, Adam Lambert, Kelly Clarkson, Jennifer Lopez, Whitney Houston, Janet Jackson (read our take on Lady Gaga and Adam Lambert’s performances, along with photos from the event, here), and gave out awards to other people, like Taylor Swift.

You can read our favorite recapper’s recap of the event here: The American Music Whores: “Ugh, and if the AMAs are the celebration of a crass industry’s crassness, then awarding Taylor Swift so often (via satellite) was the perfect choice, as she strikes me as particularly fake and dishonest in an industry that peddles artifice as a matter of course:”

lambertkissYahoo! Music features perhaps the best write-up of Adam’s AMA Performance addressing the overhype hilariously. And Music Mix asks: What About Adam Lambert’s Vocals? “I’m certainly no prude…the idea of saucy boy-on-boy/boy-on-girl/boy-on-not-quite-sure action does not rattle my cage — certainly not at 10:55 p.m. on a school night. And yet, what’s sad is that unlike, say, a J.Lo or even a Rihanna, Adam could’ve had tongues wagging just from his vocals alone.”

Queerty didn’t really like it: While we must admit we liked the “guys on leashes” thing, we can’t help but wonder, How did this go so badly? (And no, it wasn’t his decision to kiss a male keyboardist, nor “give head” to a male dancer.) but they also note that he certainly is gay enough now, ain’t he – So was the whole thing a carefully staged pop culture shock moment? Absolutely.

“Adrenaline is crazy and sometimes things just happen,” Lambert told reporters after the show [regarding the kiss with his keyboardist] “We had this great dance number totally staged. It’s a sexy song about seduction and power and I was just doing the lyrics justice. My intention was not to try and create a controversy. But if a controversy ensues, then so be it.”

Adam himself has tweeted: “It WAS a bit pitchy. Don’t know what was goin on with the sound. Same thing always went down on idol … All hail freedom of expression and artistic integrity.”

ERIN FOLEY: We interviewed Lesbian Comedian Erin Foley and she is a funny lady.shiny toy guns- le disko

LESBIAN MUSIC VIDEOS: We literally were in the process of writing this exact same article! [Curses the sky, shakes fists, tosses notebook pages into the air!!]. Well, regardless, it’s good, ’cause great minds think alike- Check out a Brief History of Lesbian Moments in Music Videos. (Look, we even have pictures for it [see, right]!)(@afterellen)

90210: 90210 has started filming the lesbian scenes, ’cause it’s making headlines again: Rumer Willis Takes on role as lesbian student on 90210. ‘This is a real aspect of teenager life that’s interesting. There’s been a real void in the 90210 universe in terms of gay and bisexual characters.” (@daily mail)

COVERBOY:“It’s been said that if you ever want to hear people’s meanest thoughts, you should just allow them to post anonymous comments on the internet.”: Levi Johnston is Fat and Boring, Says Internet. (@carnal nation)

GAGA: It’s not the first time Lady Gaga has spoken out against homophobia, but every time she does we love her a little more. Says Gaga: “I feel even just in the music industry that there’s very public misogynistic and homophobic behavior. When I hear one of the most famous rappers in the world say something homophobic on the radio, I want people to yell at him. I don’t have to say who because they know who they are. It’s not just hip-hop, it’s everywhere. It’s wrong. I’m not trying to create and generate more hatred in the world…I just want to generate awareness. It’s always wrong to hate but it’s never wrong to love.” (@theadvocate)


Also also, Carlytron produced this segment with Gaga on Logo’s PopLab, which will air tonight, and obviously we’re very excited about it:

TUCKER MAX: …is sad because his movie isn’t doing well. Hold on, I’m making my “surprised” face. But seriously, the way he talks about how wronged he’s been is so crazy it’s fascinating. “This movie, if we had sold it to [FOX] Searchlight, they would’ve put Seth Rogen and Dane Cook in it, and they would’ve cut all the f*cking balls out of the jokes, and they would’ve brought in some sh*t bird to rewrite the script who would’ve had Tucker have a girlfriend and this and that, and then it’s like they own everything, they may have fired me… I would’ve stabbed somebody if they had done that.” (@gawker)

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3302 articles for us.


    • FYI, there is something seriously wrong with the way your mind works, and your heart, and your soul. You may want to get it all checked out.

    • Really? Can you see the future? Then I guess you already know to close your eyes in the next five seconds so you won’t see the finger that is coming your way. P.S. you need glasses

  1. The headline in the Rumer Willis link is ridic. What will her parents say? Who cares! I just hope it’s a genuine story like they say (unlikely, I know, but a girl can dream) even though I don’t even watch the show. But Rumer is actually quite adorable and a good/decent actress. She was cute and funny in The House Bunny and this short film Demi directed called Streak.

    • Yeah, she is a pretty decent actress. So far on the show she’s only had a couple of scenes with a few lines here and there, but hasn’t come out as gay yet. When is this happening? The show will be so much more interesting…hopefully?

  2. I would’ve given December’s rent to see Kanye West pop out of nowhere. So tired of seeing Taylor Swift everywhere. Singing pop songs with a drawl does not equate the re-invention of country music. Hello, that’s me on any given Friday night.

  3. top reasons tucker max is the jenny schecter of straight males
    1: he thinks he is so so so edgy
    2: there’s no creativity involved in his stories; they’re just his and his friends’ lives
    3: book deals and movies deals in record time like WOAH
    4: being a general asshat

  4. For those of you who may have missed the AMA’s last night you will probably be hearing about what Adam Lambert did, how Lady Gaga looked and the Janet & Rihanna performances. So I found this great album of pictures for you to see! They are definitely shocking and I wanted to pass on, enjoy!!

  5. Tucker Max is like human bologna. I think God just took whatever scraps he had left and threw some shit together and voila.

  6. Who is Tucker Max and why, dear Autostraddle, have you chosen to inflict this awareness of his existence upon me? I gather he is some kind of professional douche, which should not surprise anyone, as it is a scientifically proven fact that every man named Tucker is a douche.

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  8. Dear Elise you’re so right. Tucker Max is such a douche. I wouldn’t say that every Tucker is a douche (as I know some) but this Tucker in particular is a big fat douche.

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