A+ Weekend Discord Server Invite Inside! Now Through 8pm PST 3/7!

This very weekend, right now in fact, we're opening the A+ Members Discord Server again! Who knows what will happen! Tarot readings! Book clubs! Impromptu skillshare workshops! Lessons for elders about how to use TikTok! More pet photos!

The Important Stuff
Time: 9am PST Saturday March 6 - 8pm PST Sunday March 7
Some questions you might have:
Q: What if I don't know how to use Discord?
A: Don't worry, neither did any of us, but we learned really quickly and everyone was super patient and helpful! Just download it on your phone or open it in your browser, create an account, and use the link or widget below to join!
Q: Who will be modding?
A: Nicole and Carmen. Everyone needs to read the Community Guidelines in the #community_guidelines chan...

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Nico Hall is a Team Writer for Autostraddle (formerly Autostraddle's A+ and Fundraising Director and For Them's Membership and Editorial Ops person.) They write nonfiction both creative — and the more straightforward variety, too, as well as fiction. They are currently at work on a secret longform project. Nico is also haunted. You can find them on Twitter and Instagram. Here's their website, too.

Nico has written 238 articles for us.