A+ Roundtable: What’s Your Relationship Kryptonite?

See All Monday Roundtables
We're taking our Bad Behavior to A+ to get down to the nitty gritty about our deviance. This week we asked our writers, editors and staff: What types of relationship situations or people are you often drawn to even though you know they’re bad for you and will destroy you?
You know the kind; they make you weak in the knees and then before you know it, they've sucker-punched your heart. The twist is we keep falling for the same trap over and over again. Who do you gravitate towards but know ultimately they're downright no good for you?

Al(aina), Staff Writer
I am drawn to relationships that end up being codependent. I think that many black people (and I only date black people) are taught "family is the only thing y...

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