A+ Roundtable: The Sex That Taught Us What We Really, Really Like

Sex is always a lifelong learning process; we’re all just out here doing our best, etc etc. Sometimes though, as you’re fumbling toward ecstasy going through your life as a queer person who has queer sex, you stumble across something that changes EVERYTHING – it makes you feel like something never has before, or totally opens up your perspective about what sex can be or is. Here are some of our stories about those moments. [Law and Order sound]

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  1. When I finally got to slice the clothes off another person with a razor sharp knife, I knew I had found my calling. The first time gliding a blade over a woman’s skin was pure magic.

  2. I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade, just a quiet request that for every ten or so articles we get of the “Sex is so great, this is how to get the kink ON!/Make it even BETTER!” variety, there’ll be a “I’m not getting any, am I even gay?” or a “Abuse is a bitch man, sex is like walking through a brambly forest barefoot” or even simply a “I have no fucking clue what I’m doing” article?
    I’m all for sex positivity and emancipation and getting all of that kink on good or whatever, but I cannot be the only one who has had bad sex, difficult sex, awkward sex, sex with people who wanted completely different things, inexperienced sex, emotionally difficult sex, sex out of a feeling of obligation, body dysphoria while having sex and no sex at all.
    It’s just food for thought or consideration, because I feel that there’s been a certain kind of culture around these parts (pun very much intended) that might add to pressure or feelings of insufficiency on one hand while the whole issue of sex could gainfully be explored from so many more angles.
    More positions, on the subject so to speak, which might occasionally, be more uncomfortable.

    • “I cannot be the only one who has had bad sex, difficult sex, awkward sex, sex with people who wanted completely different things, inexperienced sex, emotionally difficult sex, sex out of a feeling of obligation, body dysphoria while having sex and no sex at all.”

      You are not! I have had every bit of all of that.

    • Heartily seconding this request – I love all the sex-positive content, but would also really appreciate reading more perspectives from other people who have struggled, especially with things like trauma and negative social conditioning.

    • aaa! <3 <3 <3

      yes, not to rain on the parade of this roundtable AT ALL (it's so great and yum) but i would also love to see more content like this.

    • Yeah I want to hear more about weird awkward and boring type experiences just because I cant really comprehend the reverse

  3. Wow, some of these descriptions 🔥🔥🔥

    Riese I LOVE everything you wrote but especially this: “Which maybe ultimately just means there’s always more out there for us than our bodies have even dreamed of or known to dream of.” YES INDEED, I’m 43 and still discovering new things all the time about what I’m capable of feeling and doing at the boundary where my skin meets the world.

  4. Bailey: Long distance lovers (re)unite! Thankyou for the tender and accurate reflection of sex under this lifestyle.

  5. I don’t have thumbs anymore, I mean I still have my physical thumbs, but I ain’t got no AS thumbs, which makes me feel totally bereft. I’m so here for all of this.

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