Hello fine feathered friends!
If you’ve been around these parts since the beginning, you may remember a time when we began each day with 1-3 “Daily Fixes,” a roundup of all the important things happening in the world relevant to your interests. It was part link dump, part news summary, and eventually was divided into three categories: Arts & Entertainment, Society & Culture and News & Politics.
We abandoned these round-ups eventually for a few reasons, including that single-story posts performed better on Google News — rather than shoving 10 stories into one post with a hybrid headline, a post that was just about one story and had a headline for that one story was more likely to succeed and garner reader interest. There are other, less mature reasons, like that I was so sick of people always comparing us to AfterEllen that when they started the “Morning Brew” and “Afternoon Delight,” I axed our Arts & Entertainment fixes. We were very successful at reporting relevant news for a very long time without the Daily Fixes, but something has changed over the last year: there are way too many stories relevant to our interests these days for us to write a post about every single one of them. Whether or not we’ve been reporting a thing immediately, a little later, or not at all has come to be determined by our staff’s schedule on any given day rather than the importance of that thing. There are big things that happen that we don’t even mention because we don’t have a place for it — right now there’s a bisexual lead on The 100, but none of us watch the show or have the time to catch up on 1.5 seasons of it to write even a one-off about it, and that’s the kind of thing that would’ve easily fit into an Arts & Entertainment Fix. These are things we wanna talk about a little more than we can in the context of an Also.Also.Also or a Sunday Funday, but not so much more that they require their own post.
So, we’d like to be sure we still tip you off about these stories while doubling down on what we do best: timeless content and our high-quality in-depth, personal and “Autostraddley” angles on current social and political issues. We want to get rid of the quickies cluttering the homepage, approach our news feeds with a plan rather than ambiguous panic, and make sure every single post we publish is captivating, complete and thought-provoking.
We also want to ensure Autostraddle can be one-stop shop where you can get all the info you need about everything relevant to our shared interests in a relatively timely manner. Even if you first hear about a story on Facebook or mainstream news, you still want to talk about it with Autostraddle readers and writers and we still wanna talk about it with you!
So we’re bringing back The Daily Fix.
It’s gonna be a little different this time, though, because another thing happening is that we, the Senior Editors, really want a way to be connecting with you about current events on the regular. We want to be more on top of the beats we used to follow, too. I miss that so much!
We also want it to be clear that these collections of links and commentary aren’t link “dumps” — these are in fact incredibly important posts that all our readers should be reading. So we’re putting our Top Women on the job, and we’re even committing to a specific time of day that you can expect to get these posts, which is the first time in Autostraddle history we’ve made that kind of commitment. A few months ago I decided to have Laneia take over the Also.Also.Also to see if our readers would get more engaged in link roundups if those link roundups were written by a veteran senior staffer. You did! So that’s what we’re doubling down on.
New Things:
The News & Politics Fixes will be written by Rachel and Yvonne, and will contain summaries, links and brief commentary on all the important news stories relating to our main areas of political interest: LGBTQ issues, feminist issues and race.
The Pop Culture (Arts & Entertainment) Fixes will be written by Heather and I (Riese), on alternate weeks, and will contain links, summaries and brief commentary on all the important television, film, books and otherwise relevant pop culture stories of the week.
This Business of Art/Media Fixes will be written by me (Riese)Â every other week, and will contain links and feelings on the bazillion things I read each week about the work we do: digital media, publishing, start-ups, management, online writing, business and the internet.
So, here’s what you can expect:
Monday – Also.Also.Also, by Laneia (9 AM PST)
Boob(s On Your) Tube (TV Fix and mini-caps), by Heather
Tuesday – News & Politics Fix, by Yvonne (9 AM PST)
Wednesday – Pop Culture Fix, by Riese and Heather (alternating weeks) (9 AM PST)
This Business of Art/Media Fix, by Riese (biweekly)
Thursday – News & Politics Fix, by Rachel (9 AM PST)
Lez Liberty Lit (Books/Lit/Publishing Fix), by Carolyn (biweekly)
Friday – Also.Also.Also, by Laneia (9 AM PST)
Things I Read That I Love (Longform Fix), by Riese (biweekly)
Sunday – Sunday Funday (Good News Fix), by Carmen
NSFW Sunday (Sex News Fix), by Carolyn
Of course, we’ll still be reporting breaking news as fast as humanly possible on those REALLY BIG stories that we all must discuss ASAP  — such as celebrities coming out and LGBTQ people getting killed. Gothip Girl is still keeping her finger on the pulse of Angel Haze and Ireland Baldwin’s romance. You can still expect (and hopefully get more of) really unique and in-depth explorations of news stories like Burger King’s “Proud Whopper” Isn’t Anything For Gays To Be Proud Of, The QTPOC Speakeasy Reports Back from Ferguson Protests Around the World and Surviving or Thriving: How Economic (In)Justice Matters for LGBT People.
In conclusion: we’re rolling out a new-ish thing right now and we hope that you read them and like them and that Autostraddle keeps getting better and better and more special and wonderful. We want to tell you all the things, so keep us in the loop!
Awesome! Congrats and good luck on the commitment to post at regular times. I haven’t been reading as much lately as I used to, but I think this will get me back to the site regularly.
The recaps will be epic if they are ever made. That show is just amazing and full of female leads.
Just needed to throw that out there.
it IS so good! and, like, not nearly as queer as i imagine a post-nuclear-apocalypse world to be, but also it’s possible my imagination isn’t real life i guess.
if you’re hankering for a good recap and autostraddle doesn’t add it to the mix, i really love tv.com’s photo recaps. their captions are so on point and hilarious and full of puns and they bring some much-needed levity while still acknowledging how really really really dark that show has gotten. here’s the recap of the Big Clarke/Lexa Kiss Episode (which was about other things too i guess?).
yes yes yes the 100. I have to say though that I ship Clarke (the bisexual lead) with a boy over Lexa (the female love interest) which makes me feel weird and icky (because gross men ugh) but I can’t help shipping it. but I do hope Clarke and Lexa meet again!!
I have the hardest time with this too! Except, I don’t feel icky about Bellamy, I just feel like I’m betraying the queer cause.
still trying to mentally cope with the idea that somebody besides us writes funny captions to their photos
to what extent would it realistically be possible to start watching in season 2? i am interested in it but am not sure that i can make time for an entire season of straight people before i get to season 2.
i mean, you could probably just wikipedia yourself up to speed and start on season 2 and be ok, but you will miss a lot of back story that i think is probably pretty vital to understanding what happens in season 2? also though they’ve done a lot of really interesting character development with some of the main characters – mostly the women like Clarke and Octavia – and they develop somewhat over the course of season 2, but i think the artistry of the character development is really probably better appreciated from the pilot episode on.
there are def some weak episodes in season 1 (including a very very very uncomfortable lynching type scene and a lot of really violent Lord of the Flies reminiscent stories), but if you can power through (or just fast forward when things get weird), i’d recommend doing that. also, it’s a little bit the story of a lot of horny straight teenagers, but it’s also the story of women taking leadership roles, so that, at least, made it worth it for me.
also Octavia is so so so attractive and badass and would be reason enough to watch the show.
Do not skip. its got lots of important back story and all of the stuff in season 2 is built on it. Honestly I’m super busy these days and work a 9-5 and powered through the series in like a week and a half, i believe in you ;)
A friend of mine recommended this show almost a year ago and at first I didn’t wanted to go there because she told me this was about a bunch of teenagers sent to earth (argh, teenage angst it’s not my thing), but then she added the “strong females” line and I said let’s give it a try.
2 seasons later I can say that this show is awesome, Octovia, Clarke, Lexa (I really hope “May We Meet Again” happens), Raven, Indra and Anya (I miss you) are amazing characters.
Skip, but read recaps and watch it sitting next to a person who has watched it who can answer questions. Or at least that’s what I’m doing, because Season 1 made me want to push everyone into a lake of acid.
I watched the first couple episodes of the first season and then got bored and skipped to the first episode where Lexa appears in season two and just read the Wikipedia recaps to catch up. I am very happy with my decision. Also, those two have some of the hottest fan fiction I’ve read.
There’s not just Clarke, there are some other,uh, incentives to watch that show.
Like, and I feel like a creep, writing this, Clarke’s mom.
The weak beginning of the show and season 1 is kind of important to appreciate the character growth later!
wait does this mean that Things I Read that I Love will not be every week now.
that post makes my Friday afternoons, especially when work is super slow. i will mourn not having it every week, though i am sure this new format will be wonderful/incredible.
Yes, but that’s incidental to the other changes — keeping up with doing a TIRTL every single Friday has made it really hard for me to read as many books as I want to read, and there’s nothing in the world that makes me happier than reading books! I imagine it’s hard for y’all to keep up with everything I suggest every week, too, so maybe this’ll make them a little less overwhelming. I’ll be doing 10 stories per TIRTL instead of 8, as well, so I hope that’ll tide you over!
I’ve been wanting to switch to every-other-week for a while, and this seemed like a good time to do it since I’m adding a fix that’ll probably include a lot of longform (the business of art/media/web fix).
autostraddle: where the editor in chief will take time to personally address your question and provide an in-depth answer/reassurance that there will still be lots of wonderful things to read.
aw danggg <3
This sounds great! I look forward to the increased procrastination that more Autostraddle link round-ups will bring.
I’m happy you guys are bringing back the Arts and Entertainment Fixes. There is quite a bit to be covered lately even if it doesn’t always end well all the time. Besides The 100’s two queer characters, their are queer girls on Black Sails, Arrow and The Returned(US) as well. The Returned just started so it should be relatively easy to jump into covering it if you guys are thinking about ever doing recaps. And then their whatever is going on Person of Interest. It might be a while before they pick back up with that storyline due to Sarah Shahi’s maternity leave.
i did not even know that sarah shahi’s character was queer?
Checked episode “If-Then-Else”. But, as Turkish said, Sarah Sahi had her twins. No idea if she’s coming back…
There are three queer ladies in The 100 actually. Just one of them doesn’t get any action on screen.
Reading material for my lunch break! Yay!
More Heather to read is always a good thing. MOAR!!!
Big fan of also also also and excited for these new fixes!
Sounds very exciting!
As if I needed more reasons to spent all of my free time on AS.. this sounds really great!
Also, I know you’re very busy but, as others said before, if you find time The 100 is totally worth it. There are so many awesome female characters that I don’t know which one I love the most (AND OBVIOUSLY BISEXUAL FEMALE LEAD YES THANK YOU).
I know this is a whole different category but is More Than Words ever coming back? I miss it.
ugh i miss more than words so much!
Me too! I used to look forward to it every week.
Please please please!
seriously that was my FAVORITE column and ultimately what snagged me into the glorious depths of AS.
yaaay this is fab thanks guys :) xx
Also riese I’m sad that tirtil won’t be every week but totes understand. I feel like every week without fail you suggest thoroughly enjoyable/thought-provoking articles and this is for sure a positive fixture in my week although I’m really happy the segment is continuing, even if it’s slightly less frequent! Am also excited for an increase in literature-related posts in the near future!
Excited about all of this, esp Rachel and Yvonne’s politics fix – I really need a place to get serious queer news in a hurry and although I get most of this via AS already, the fix format sounds like it will be even more informative and accessible, thanks!!
What a great idea, and i have no idea how you guys have more time to do all of this extra work. *insert LOL emoticon*
The last Boob(s On Your) Tube post was made more than 3 months ago, and that is a shame because I really liked the few post I read.
Turkish did mentioned Arrow, The Returned (according to the producers the lesbian character is gonna be bigger than in the original show), Black Sails. Then you also have the final season of Lost Girl (Autostraddle did miss the other big ship in that show, Bo & Tamsin).
You can call me crazy but, about reviews and recaps, I always like to checked more than one place at a time, to see if I missed something.
And Riese, you will never have to worry about being compared to AfterEllen. Their posts and publications are mostly related to show business, too shallow for my own taste, so this is my kind of place.
Boob(s on Your) Tube is coming back in two weeks! It’s just been too much for Heather to do on top of recapping The Fosters, Pretty Little Liars and Glee and doing Fan Fiction Friday and the ten bajillion other things she writes. I think she’s gonna recap Lost Girl though.
And thanks! <3
Damn, I can’t believe I forgot about Orphan Black on the list.
Thank you for bringing back Boob(s on Your) Tube again,it was a very good place to stay updated on what was happening on TV.
So excited for all of the above! (When I first started reading this post, I was afraid it would mean Also Also Also was going away, so I’m really glad we get to keep both :) )
Bring back High Femme!
Autostraddle, I love you.
awww! unfortunately, chelsea (who wrote high femme) was picked by AE to take heather’s job after heather came to AS, so thus high femme is no more and will likely remain no more forever ever. But Dannielle had some interesting pot-related pitches, so we’ll see what happens with that!
So excited about News & Politics Fix! Every time something important happens in the world, I always think “I wonder what the fine people over at AS think about this?” Now I’ll know!
I’ve been finding myself thinking that a lot recently! I’m so happy about the News & Politics Fix!
Awesome! I love also.also.also and Sunday Fundays, so this sounds fantastic!
Can we bring back the weekly music and video round up? Or is that reserved for B?
Thank you, Riese, for addressing the issue of The 100 and Clarke & Lexa. I know I’ve spammed your inbox a couple times, but the show has blown away all expectations and it’s easily one of the best shows for women on TV. Even if it’s a one-off article discussing the queer story, I’d be happy because I feel like something is missing if my favourite queers aren’t discussing my favourite TV show.
I started to be sad that TIRTIL is now only going to be bi-weekly, but now I’m looking at the situation like “Riese is personally motivating me to seek out more excellent longform for myself,” and I am on board with that.
This is excellent news. I finally stand a chance of knowing which day of the week it is using this post schedule. Thank you AS for giving structure to my life.
I’m also a bit sad that TIRTIL will be bi-weekly, it’s actually one of my fave sections (although I shamefully admit that I have NEVER once commented on it) BUT whatever works for Autostraddle! Really enjoying the quality content -especially coverage of important news issues, and I’m sure all the changes will work out!
I am constantly amazed at all of the hard work the team puts into this website and community. Thank you, Straddler staff!
Well this is awesome!
Well, this is an exciting development. Super thrilled about this.
This is a bit of a non-sequitur, but I noticed that when I click on the site via phone, I have to log in. Is this also a planned change to the site? (Honestly I am not technologically adept and it is very possibly an issue with my phone, so.)
I’ve had the same issue on my tablet.
I think this is awesome. you guys just go from strength to strength you know, I hope you feel it too
Love <3
Question: @riese, is it too much to ask for one unifying tag for all of these? Then I can click on the tag and find everything in one place? I feel like going back to change that on past posts would be super time consuming, but maybe going forward that could be a thing?