A+ Monday Roundtable: My Achy Breaky Heart

Breakups! They suck! Do you remember when/how you knew your relationship was ending/it was time to get out? Was there a turning point in your relationship that stands out for you? How did you proceed? Or maybe it wasn’t you who did the breaking up, how do you view your breakup now?

Mey, Trans Editor

The first time a girl broke up with me was caught off guard, but I really, really shouldn’t have been. On one date I asked her what she was going to be for Halloween, my favorite holiday, and she said “I don’t really celebrate Halloween? It’s the devil’s holiday.” Both of us were church going Christians and I even taught Sunday School, but wow, this was a huge warning sign. I should’ve realized right then she was not operating by the same set of lifestyle rules that I was. A couple weeks later, on another date, she said to me, “So, I have to break up with you. I’m betrothed to my high school boyfriend. He joined the navy and we promised that when he got back we’d get engaged and he gets back next week.” I don’t date people who use the word “betrothed” any more.

Erin, Staff Writer

I have this very unfortunate trait where I can’t have sex with a committed partner if I feel emotionally closed off from them, even if I’m still attracted to them, and then once that happens, there is no turning back. Some people can weather these as two separate obstacles, whereas for me they’re linked and unbeatable. So I know exactly when a relationship is ending for me.

This happened with my most recent relationship, which was relayed to my partner as soon as it was happening, but because we were together for close to five years and lived together for most of that time, we had lives/finances that were very intertwined and so our actual breakup didn’t happen for months and months and months after that. I have to say, I cannot recommend this! It’s not a fun way to go out. And this was especially not fun because it was a person I still cared for and loved.

Our eventual, actual breakup came in November of 2016 after a lot of brutal honesty and self reflection and processing and tears and disappointment. It was exhausting and I think maybe broke me!

Heather Hogan, Senior Editor

For the last 12 years or so I’ve had a very clear sense of purpose in my life, both personally and professionally. Mary Oliver in my ear. Sometimes I haven’t been clear on how to get where I want to be, or what my next step should be, but I’ve always known whether or not I was moving forward toward my purpose, even if that motion was just me getting better at being me. I’ve also always known I want a partner who sharpens me and comforts me and helps empower me to continue pursuing my purpose, and that I wanted to be that same kind of partner to my person, and so I’ve always known when it was time to break up when I realized that me and the person I was with weren’t good teammates anymore. When we were holding each other back from making the most of our one wild and precious lives. I thought for a long time I just needed someone who could tolerate or not grow to resent how hard I work and how much I care about things, but I ultimately realized I needed a place to rest my Hufflepuff head beside someone who works as hard and cares as much as I do.

Here’s a specific story.

The last girl I dated before I met Stacy, she told me this story over breakfast one time about how she hated this band because she went to see them in concert, on her birthday, and she waited after the concert with her friends as the band was walking to the bus and she yelled, “It’s my birthday” and none of the band said happy birthday to her. She was still holding onto it, years later, and it made her hate the band. She changed the station every time they came on the radio! What I wanted to say was, “How many millions of people do you think yell at a band that it’s their birthday?” But also I wanted to have sex after breakfast so I didn’t want to fight. Anyway, it took me a minute but that was the moment. How in the world could I build a relationship with someone who takes things that personally and also hangs onto things that long? She would have been miserable with me. I need a lot of grace. Everyone needs a lot of grace. Forgiveness is the main thing, man.

Stef, Vapid Fluff Editor

After less than two weeks of blurry nights filled with sloppy drunk, weird sex, she texted me one afternoon to inform me she thought there was a chance she might’ve given me lice. It turns out I was not ready for that kind of commitment.

Nora, Fashion & Beauty Editor

My last real breakup breakup was with a partner of about two years. I do well with people who are laid back and help me take myself less seriously/keep me from being anxious all the time, but this can also mean I end up with apathetic people, and that’s what happened here. They waffled on their feelings about me/a career/life for a while, and then I went away for the summer, and when I came back, it was clear they hadn’t really missed me; I was something they could do with or without. We were in bed together one morning and I did something embarrassing, I don’t remember what, and I jokingly asked why they loved me when I was such a dweeb. They stayed silent, and made me force it out of them that they didn’t actually love me anymore. They moved out a few weeks later, which they were going to do anyway since they were staying with me between places, and ultimately I’m glad I didn’t have to commute to Bushwick to keep up that charade.

Carrie, Staff Writer

I remember being on the phone with a friend one night, talking about my then-girlfriend, and suddenly knowing as sure as I’d ever known anything that my relationship was ending. The first warning sign was probably a couple months earlier when she didn’t say “I love you” back, which I rationalized with “I said it because I needed to, not so I could hear it” (which, incidentally, I still think is valuable — but now that I get to say and hear it multiple times a day, WOW is it better this way). Soon after, she didn’t mention me during a long phone conversation with her mom while I was in the room, which led to the revelation that her parents maybe didn’t exactly know I existed. My own phone call epiphany, and the breakup, followed pretty quickly. It remains the only time I’ve truly dumped anyone (unless we’re counting my high school boyfriend/beard, who’s a really good sport) and one of the most important things I’ve ever done.

Molly Priddy, Staff Writer

The biggest breakup of my life happened just about a month ago, when my wife said she wasn’t into working on our marriage anymore. To be honest, it was super surprising to me! I’m the kind when I say things like promises at an altar or, you know, ~whatever~, I like to keep them. Anyway, I didn’t really see it coming, even though things had been difficult for a few months. To me, that was just the cyclical nature of life. So the breakup hit me hard; I wallowed for a week, and then I had the realization that someone who didn’t want to stick out the hard times with me doesn’t have the steel spine nor the ability to hunker down with me that I need in a partner. It’s been hard! It’s been weird and sad and oddly liberating. So while now I see that it was probably the right call, given these aspects I didn’t realize about my partner are a Big Deal, but that doesn’t mean it’s not still heartbreaking. Ask me again in six months.

Carolyn, NSFW Editor and Literary Editor

Ask me again in six months, too.

Reneice Charles, Staff Writer

I was in an emotionally abusive relationship in college. I was blindly in love with this person and made excuses for every shitty thing he did. Like having sex with a “friend” of mine when I left the room to get pizza I’d ordered us. Like responding to my not wanting to give him oral by tickling me until I was forced to laugh, then stuffing himself in my mouth. Like using me financially. I justified everything because he was my first love and when it wasn’t bad, it was very very good. Despite all my friends telling me this guy was trash and I needed to leave the relationship, I was so deep in and so emotionally hoodwinked that I didn’t see it and stayed until HE dumped me. Somewhere deep down of course I knew they were right, I knew I should’ve ended the relationship and taken care of myself months sooner but I didn’t. I thought I couldn’t, and I loved him. I didn’t want to. I felt it was important to share this story because it rings true for so many others, and because people who met me after the fact and know present day Reneice never ever believe it. They don’t believe I was someone who willingly stayed in an abusive relationship because there’s this view that only uneducated, desperate, timid people fit this narrative. That is just not true and frankly those views often cause women like me to feel embarrassed and shamed into staying in these situations longer because admission of remaining with an abusive partner is synonymous with admitting that you’re weak, and that feels wrong and unfair. I’m not weak, nor was I then. I’m human, love can be dangerous, and that means sometimes you just don’t know or want to know when it’s time for an ending.

Rachel, Managing Editor

The biggest breakup of my life happened this summer — is still happening? The timeline is confusing because I haven’t filed the paperwork yet? it’s a whole thing — when I ended my marriage. It was weird and awful and its recent nature makes it hard to talk about; I don’t have the benefit of perspective. I think there was a moment when I knew, or the beginning of a series of moments, although it was so small it feels weird to say out loud? It’s not like there weren’t big things on occasion, the yelling and sleepless nights and bleak mornings that even the most amazing relationships sometimes have, and maybe I should have taken those more seriously. Okay, some of those I definitely should have taken a lot more seriously a lot sooner. But this summer there was a moment when we had parked the car and were walking toward the mediocre taco place we both liked even though we knew it was mediocre, and it was one of those days we were already on different wavelengths, not really connecting, and he commented on what a bad mood I seemed to be in. “You know, it’s been a really stressful week at work,” I said, “and I think I just need you to be patient and kind with me today.” He looked back at me like I was speaking a different language and said something like “what do you mean?” Like that was a totally foreign concept. It was a small quiet moment, and in some ways just one of miscommunication and not being on the same page in the moment, but in other important ways not. It broke my heart in a way that it hadn’t been broken during any of the fights or the hard nights or the ostensibly Big Things; after that it felt like I couldn’t see anything in the same light again, and I started thinking about other moments or memories differently too, until it all snowballed and I just couldn’t do it anymore! Now here we are. I feel like that maybe sounds crazy. Ask me again in six months too I guess, maybe it will all sound more like it makes sense then!

Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya, Staff Writer

I have never really, truly broken up with someone. The only person I technically dumped was my high school boyfriend, who I dated for three weeks and then ended things with because he asked me to wash his coffee mug for him in a tone that suggested he expected me to wash it, and I wasn’t about that life! I have been in three different relationships that have all ended, and the other person did the dumping every time. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that I was blind-sided completely. I was on and off so often with my two ex-girlfriends that breaking up kind of became part of the rhythm of both relationships. I do tend to do this really shitty thing when I can sense that a relationship is ending where I do some big romantic gesture in hopes that it’ll save us. I know how pathetic (and also manipulative and selfish) that sounds. I just hate breakups, and duh, everyone does. Even just thinking about how I feel and in the immediate aftermath of a breakup is enough to make me need to lie on the ground and weep. It’s one of those things that pretty much everyone can relate to you about, and yet it feels so isolating and personal and like you’re the only one going through it in the moment. Any way, I literally can’t even think or write about it more without it ruining my whole day, so I’ll leave it at that!

Carmen, Staff Writer

For me the worst part is not the breakup itself, but the part that comes after. When you are sad and lonely and the only person you want to talk to is the exact person you explicitly cannot talk to anymore? That moment. That’s my weakness. My first girlfriend broke up with me and it took a full three months for me to stop depending on her as an emotional crutch. I remember watching that scene in Sex and the City where Big leaves Carrie at the altar, boohoo-ing into a box of tissues, and emailing her that “It Was Over.” Duh. She already knew that. Three freakin’ months ago! A few years later I fell into an on-again-off-again relationship with a girl who publicly professed she was straight. I eventually broke up with her, but after an unspeakable amount of time later a friend pointed out I was still making room for her in my life instead of investing in someone who was willing to invest in me. It’s a habit that I now make a conscious effort not to continue, but I crave familiarity. Starting over after a breakup is new and raw and scary. It only makes me want to cling to my past relationships like a security blanket. Listen up kiddos, do not do make my mistakes! Be brave. Be your own person. You got this.

Raquel, Staff Writer

This will surprise no one who knows that I am a Scorpio, but I think for a long time I held on too long and grasped too hard onto relationships that had long-since stopped serving me. My early twenties were especially hard: I had an outsized idea of ~~~Love~~~ and what it meant (FOREVER OR BUST), and the amount of personal effort I should put in to keep the relationship going. I was also not a great communicator, in part because I’d be so obsessed with being in love with my partner that I wasn’t great at checking in with myself, my needs, or my emotions, and in part because any tiny frustration or concern on the part of the person I was dating was a Major Crisis that meant I was Not Good Enough and that I was Unlovable and that I Had To Fix This.

I was a trip.

Unsurprisingly, this meant that a lot of my early relationships were ended by my partners, and usually in cruel, indirect ways — mainly, cheating. Even then, there’d be protracted, painful on-again off-again months when I did my best to get them back and struggled with emotions I didn’t understand or know how to deal with.

The best thing I ever did for myself was go into therapy and learn the ways in which my childhood had taught me that performance and self-sacrifice were the only ways to be good. Breaking those ideas was hard—is still hard—but have gone a long way towards helping me build stronger, healthier relationships, both with myself and with romantic partners.

Laura M, Staff Writer

We were on vacation together with friends. She hated history museums; I loved them. She wanted couple date time; I wanted friend hangout time. We went separate ways one morning and it was the best part of the trip for me.

There were a lot of reasons we broke up, but one of the big lessons I learned was how very much I value independence, even in partnership. I need the freedom to do things outside of coupledom — guilt free space for writing; one-on-one hangouts with friends; general alone time — and I need a partner who doesn’t just tolerate that part of me, but supports and encourages it.

Riese, Editor-in-Chief

A red flag isn’t a red wall, you know? You can see it, flapping around in the wind, but it won’t stop you, if you’re squinting just right it can almost seem like a mirage or something else you thought you saw but didn’t see. We were two broken people with intense abandonment issues so we’d promised each other, explicitly, that no matter what happened, no matter what happened, we’d work through it. We pinky-swore and laughed about how crazy we were, to do that. I took that promise seriously, like it had to make up for all the broken ones that had come before it and everything that had ever broken in the history of the world! I think she took it seriously too, most of the time. That promise defined us.

I want to say that I knew it was over when I stopped knowing what version of her was coming home, or who I’d come home to, or if she was coming home at all, or when I started noticing how anxious I’d get when she did come home. I want to say I knew it was over the first or second or third time she lied to my face and I was afraid to say “I know you’re lying,” or that I knew it was over when I was afraid to say almost everything I ever wanted to say. I want to say I knew it was over when I hated myself so much that I began suspecting all my friends and co-workers hated me too, that they were just putting up with me, laughing behind my back about this or that annoying habit that had made my presence intolerable all along. I want to say I knew it was over the third or tenth time a friend pointed out that it was one thing to take care of somebody way more than they took care of me, but quite another to put so much of myself into that somebody that I stopped taking care of me. But I didn’t know it was over when any of those things happened — or when so many even worse things happened, either. I didn’t understand how a breakup could work logistically, because of our families and the house and work and our lives and where we lived, and my love for her was deep and certain, for better or for worse. So I couldn’t imagine it, and if I can’t imagine something, it must not be possible, right? I thought the same thing about Donald Trump winning the election. Life comes at you fast. The real answer: I knew it was over when she was gone.

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  1. Ugh, this is too relatable. My most poignant breakup happened about three years ago. I can recall exactly the moment I knew we were definitively over: after months of ignoring the fact she no longer seemed emotionally present (though she insisted, repeatedly, that she was fine), one day I was talking about making plans to spend the holiday season together and she wouldn’t engage or look me in the eyes. It was by no means a shocking revelation, but ooooh booooy was it excruciating. When you know, you know, I suppose…

  2. We were long distance and she’d stopped telling me she loved me, which is an exact thing I’ve done before, when you don’t want to say those words while trying to find the right words to leave and be kinda lying when you aren’t actually lying yet. She hung up abruptly on a Skype call(for a legit reason, but), and I knew the next time I talked to her she’d break up with me. I remember being worried I wouldn’t cry, because of how much time I had to see it coming. Let me save you some time, do not bother worrying about that!

  3. Ugh, I can relate to so many of these. There were so many moments when I knew my last relationship was over, starting very early on in the relationship (like when I found out she was secretly skyping with an ex at 3am when I was sleeping, when she showed up drunk to a movie date with my friends, when all my social media posts needed to be “approved”, when she screamed at me for doing the dishes/laundry/cleaning/any other task incorrectly, when she told me I was being “too sad” when my dad passed away, when fights turned into questioning my own memory/sanity), but the final straw was when she accused me of having an affair with my best friend- when that happened, something inside of me broke and I was done done done (finally). I felt so stupid that it had taken several years to reach my limit (and still often do). I didn’t know I could have/expect/deserve more than all of that. But it turns out I’m not actually broken or difficult to be with and can experience really amazing love and connection. To those going through something right now, I’m thinking of you and sending healing energy <3 You will be ok someday soon.

    • Riese is one of the most talented writers on the interwebs, and lines like that really shine a spotlight on that fact.

  4. Reneice, thanks for sharing your story. I have a similar one, right down to my current circle of friends having a hard time believing someone like me would ever stay in an abusive relationship.

    • Gods yeah. I was in an abusive relationship and while my friends were pretty sympathetic, i remember being at a dinner for some event with people i’d barely known for about a week and when i mentioned having been in such a relationship someone replied “you don’t look like you’d be the sort to be in an abusive relationship”. it was meant to be some level flattering (“you seem so strong!”) but alas.

    • Thank you for reading and for your comment. Happy to have helped you feel less alone even in the smallest way. It’s a hard hard confusing place to be.

  5. These are messy and raw and beautiful, and I am so grateful to each of you for sharing. I’m going through a divorce and coming out at the same time (and have two young kids), and even though I initiated this break, it just sucks. It feels like that time as a kid when I left my friend alone in my room with my super cool new LEGO set that I spent a whole day building, and when I came back, he’d smashed it all to pieces. Except I’m the one doing the smashing, so guilt and shame keep trying to creep in. Thank you for being so deeply personal and honest. Ask me how I’m doing in six months.

  6. Ugh this is such perfect and yet terrible timing. Put me on the “ask me again in 6 months” train as well. I’m still currently going through the worst break up of my life. It’s been a little over three weeks. And the thing is, we didn’t break up for any REASON. We both still love each other and want to be together. But I got a job, and I had to move, and she didn’t want to do long distance, and I had to respect that. It’s funny, because when I would tell people about the new job, everyone, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM, assumed that we’d be doing long distance. (And like, fuck, it’s barely long distance. It’s like, 5 hours in a car.) And every time I’d have to tell them that she didn’t want to, that she wanted to break up, that she didn’t love me enough to even want to try. And it’s hard because it would be so much easier to write her off as an asshole, but that’s not what happened. We spent three weeks after I accepted the job “expiry dating” (which PS i just learned that term and holy fuck it is perfect in the worst way) and then had the most gut wrenching last night/last morning together. And I decided that if she didn’t want to do the long distance thing, if she wanted to break up, then we couldn’t do it half way. She wanted to stay FRIENDS. But I knew there was no way I could casually text her about the new episode of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. From the very beginning, it was never casual for me. So it was my decision that when I left, we cut off contact completely. Completely cold turkey – I deleted her off all my social media and everything.

    This line, Carmen, FUCK, this hit me hard, this is absolutely the worst part:

    “For me the worst part is not the breakup itself, but the part that comes after. When you are sad and lonely and the only person you want to talk to is the exact person you explicitly cannot talk to anymore? That moment.”

    That is my everyday, every second. Every part of my life that she infiltrated, that I invited her into, literally everything reminds me of her. Here’s a tip friends: stop introducing your girlfriend to your favourite TV shows, because it totally ruins their ability to comfort you when she’s gone. Especially since it’s the holidays, it’s been hard. I broke down and emailed her on Christmas, and we’ve emailed back an forth a few times, and I swear its sent me back at least a week in the moving on process. New Years was also hard. I’m fucking dreading Valentine’s Day. Thank god it’s a work day.

    There were no red flags, there was nothing wrong. Everything was GOOD. And fuck it hurts like hell to finally realize that doesn’t solve everything.

    • Also, fuck, don’t introduce your girlfriend to Autostraddle where she can read all about your heartbreak in the comments section. I kinda forgot about that one until just now…

    • This may be unhelpful but to me five hours by car is very long distance (I live in the UK so a significant proportion of the country is less than five hours away).

      If someone who lived nearby who I was in a relationship with applied for jobs that would mean moving that far a way then I would question how much they valued the relationship.

      I mean I think everyone should go for jobs and opportunities that are important to them and not be held back by a partner but not taking into account how it will affect your relationship seems unwise.

      When I lived with my ex wife she had the kind of job where for several years she could only have fixed term jobs but we knew in the future she would get a permanent job. My position then was that I wasn’t prepared to relocate just for a few years but when it was time for her to get the permanent job I would move with her. And it happened like that but then we split up a few years after moving, but I do know if she had moved and not me I would not have managed a long distance thing at all well ( I knew from experience of the first few years of our relationship).

  7. Sometimes your one true love leaves you in spectacular and heartbreaking fashion…and sometimes a sloppy drunk hookup almost gives you lice. I love the breadth and span of these stories. Sometimes you’re Heather Hogan, sometimes you’re Stef.

  8. Thank you Stef, for making me actually laugh out loud in amongst a sea of devastating feels.

    If I’m truly honest with myself, I knew it was over as soon as it started. It was a terrible situation but intense attraction, constant proximity, feelings, hormones and (my) poor self-esteem were the perfect fuel to our fire. Driving home from dinner one night, stopped at a red light, one of my closest friends turned to me and asked me if I was okay, if I was really happy. I spent the rest of the night ruminating on this thought and then asked my gf if I could have some space – I was specific in both the terms and length of time of the space. She knew that I was (and still am) fiercely independent but I think she could sense that space would lead to our demise. So after respecting my wishes for a day or two, she contacted me. It was at this exact moment that I consciously knew it was over. I ignored her, not wanting to encourage her and she ended up hounding me, provoking me until I was so blind with anger at her lack of respect that I broke up with her in a terrible and disrespectful manner. A few days later, I apologised for the manner in which I ended things but that it didn’t change anything, I still wanted to be broken up. There were too many faults to count in our relationship, but the biggest was a totally opposite way of dealing with things and her lack of understanding and respect for my way of needing to process.

  9. A lot of this is really relatable, especially Laura M’s. My hardest breakup was actually a friend breakup with a straight girl who started dating a new guy and let his casual homophobia run wild because she didn’t want to make him feel ’emasculated’ by her lesbian roommates. It was a long, hard 10 months of living together while realizing that sometimes people who can find shelters in traditional marriage/family/kids relationships don’t care as much about chosen family as they profess to, especially when those relationships are inconvenient to that normative framework. I ended up moving to another country about a month later, and I haven’t spoken to her in five years.

    My hardest romantic breakup, on the other hand, was a situation where she broke up with me but then continued to drunk dial me for a year and a half to tell me about how conflicted she felt about us not being together. I knew that relationship was over probably 8 months before that (we were together for about two years total), but I felt like I couldn’t be creative or stand on my own without her, which feels very cringe-inducing to say with hindsight. I knew I’d be okay when I cried for a week, and then suddenly I wasn’t crying anymore, and it hit me all at once that this was the first time in a year and a half that I hadn’t cried at least once a day, every day. Not having that constant low level emotional exhaustion and dehydration headache made me feel so clear. After that, my emotional engagement was over, and I don’t think she was prepared for that. She was used to having my full (entirely unhealthy) emotional investment, even as she refused to invest fractionally in me.

  10. Thanks for sharing all these stories. I like being reminded I’m not all alone with complicated relationship ending crap. I’m a year and a half into a crappy breakup. I wish I could just sever all ties but we have kids together so I have to keep reading the texts that are about the kids and ignore* the ones that blame me for everything wrong in her life.

    *That is, I don’t respond to them but I spend hours being angry about them.

    I would say ask me in six months, but it’s already been eighteen. Maybe ask me in a few more years?

  11. Some rad quotes:
    “When you’re wearing rose-colored glasses, a red flag just looks like a normal flag.” -Bojack Horseman

    “But what if I’m like a flag factory, that only manufactures giant red flags?” Maria Bamford, comic and mental health advocate.

  12. Someone asked me what my favorite thing was about the relationship and I said something along the lines of “how much they teach me” and had a sneaking suspicion that wasn’t the kind of relationship I wanted to be in. A number of months, drunken yelling, threatening behavior, and gaslighting later, we were standing in my kitchen and they said something that finally broke through my layers upon layers of denial about who they actually were and I left.

    It was the same spot in my kitchen where I realized that my other ex and I had fundamentally different ways of looking at life and it was never going to work.

    Fuck that kitchen.

    • I have within a short space of time initiated both a relationship break-up and a friend break-up and whilst I know both decisions were right for me it has also made me feel like maybe I am someone who is intolerant and unable to be close to people, because neither of them were awful people.

    • I’m dealing with a friend breakup right now and by God it is definitely up there in terms of worst breakups. I’ve had relationship breakups that went way smoother. It’s horrid. Solidarity <333

  13. Thank you to Molly and Rachel for answering so honestly while you’re still kind of in the middle of the storm.

  14. I knew it was over fourteen months ago when I moved out of our home that we built together just like the life we wanted to be building together. And I’m still in the ‘ask me in six months’ space. We didn’t even speak for a year and then we began this Transformative Justice process that has mostly been really good but also has torn me open and been brutally honest, deeply vulnerable, and way too wide eye-opening. I just want to know when the ceaseless ache in the chest actually goes away or when it feels possible that you could want to build another life with another human again someday. The later just feels so far away and impossible, how could I ever invest in creating a life with another person when the person I most wanted to create a life with didn’t want to do that with me anymore? Humans are capable of so much, too much, I don’t understand how to trust myself and be sure-footed amidst crushingly open possibilities again.

  15. My most recent breakup (a year ago) was also the easiest because we both saw it coming.

    The defining moment for me was when I realized that I’d never seen her happier than when she was wrestling with her dogs on the floor (while ignoring me), and as a cat person, I could never compete with that.

  16. I was probably too sad and heartbroken when this roundtable was being written (I admire those of you who managed to write something while in the thick of things), but now I wish I’d written about the time I should have known it was over: when my ex-girlfriend tried to tell me that me not liking strawberries or strawberry-flavoured things was exactly the same as homophobia.

    (whyyyyy didn’t I break up with her then, she just got more ridiculous as time went on)

  17. Hello! Would love those 6 month follow-up responses as someone who is currently IN THE THICK OF IT. Blessings upon you.

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