Howdy, would-be-campers! Do you live outside the US and have a dream of coming to A-Camp in May? WELL GUESS WHAT, an anonymous donor is about to make your dreams come true, possibly!

An actual image of you flying to A-Camp.
A mysterious donor who loved her A-Camp experience and wants somebody else to experience the magic first-hand has offered to cover not only your A-Camp tuition, but also (up to $1,500 of your) plane ticket!
To apply for this campership, please email your application to bren [at] autostraddle [dot] com. Let us know:
- Your name
- Your age
- Where you live
- How much you estimate your plane ticket would cost
- If it will cost over $1,500, your word in blood that you could cover the rest, and how
- Why you need A-Camp and deserve this Campership!
You have until Monday, March 3rd to apply! MAKE IT HAPPEN, KITTENS. We want so desperately to see all of your shining faces at this camp, so send in those applications and make all of our collective dreams come true. Hey now, hey now, this is what dreams are made of, etc, we love you.
Oh wow!
well done anonymous donor, well done autostraddle.
High five, anonymous donor! This is really cool.
I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS FOR SO MANY REASONS and one of them is cute accents.
all the cute accents!
I just applied for this! It would be truly amazing if I got to go to A-Camp! Hugs from Brazil!
So excited. Props to whoever donated. If you’re on AS you’re an amazing human being! ♥
I forgot to say that I raise my flask to you and drink not one but two shots in your honor =)
This is very cool. Anonymous donor, hats off to you!
what a fabulous person to donate such a generous campership. I <3 you anonymous donor!
Just after applying, anonymous donor thank you for giving some lucky girl this chance!! Really hope my luck changes and I get out of Ireland for a bit haha.
This is why the autostraddle community is the best.
Thank you for your donation, anonymous member! I’m writing up my application today to visit A-camp from beautiful Tokyo!
people are so damn sweet
this is the nicest thing!!! camp is totally worth sitting next to crying children for hours and being jetlagged for days! get on this people from around the world!
(I’m so jealous I won’t be able to experience this for myself this year)
I just finished applying and wanted to say thank you very much to the anonymous donor. It’s absolutely amazing that you are helping to impact someone’s life in such a way.
Lots of love from Canada <3
That is so generous! What a wonderful anonymous donation.
This was not the situation where I thought the word anonymous donor and lesbians would be used. (Sorry it was too easy!) I am 100% happy to think that a hot woman with a sexy accent is going to be at A Camp. I am imagining the awesomeness that is going to go down. So yay to the anonymous donor and yay to who gets picked and yay to whoever is going to A Camp. Also yay to those that are funding camperships because…yay.
This also makes me think that there should be a movie called “Cats in a Plane” If it works for snakes then it can work for cats.
As an American living outside the country, I feel like maybe it would be no fun/somehow cheating for me to apply for this… maybe I’m over-thinking that, but in any case this is really awesome and super-generous of whoever made that donation! I think it will be fun to see whoever wins and I hope it leads to some fun AS adventures!
Agreed. I’m looking on with big, puppy-dog eyes from my cool digs in Southeast Asia, but I agree – this one isn’t meant for us. Give it a few more years and the short immigration line with our blue passports, and A-Camp will be less of a haul.
I’m just picturing a rich, benevolent lesbian sitting back in her padded leather armchair stroking her cat and smiling.
I got a picture of Mike Myer’s Dr. Evil, patting his cat and planning world domination. But, it could be Ellen DeGeneres or Jodie Foster… ;)
Just submitted!
This is an awesome opportunity, good luck to everyone and congratulations to whoever gets it!