Our very own Nat was in a horrible wreck on Monday, and while she made it out relatively okay, her amazing, adorable dogs are missing! She could use any helping hands in the LA area to look for the puppies, who appear to have fled the scene. Seriously, these dogs are amazing, and Nat absolutely loves them. If you could do anything at all to help, don’t hesitate to comment — even if it’s just incanting or sending good vibes or something. Please share this, and repost it all over the place like you do already with all the other stuff that isn’t about missing puppy dogs.
Here’s the story according to the Orange County Register:
“Volunteers will swarm San Clemente on Wednesday in an ongoing effort to find two dogs that fled an accident scene Monday along the I-5.
The crash at 2 p.m. sent three cars flying across the freeway, north of Camino de Estrella. A Volkswagen Bug was sent end over end, injuring the driver, Natalie Garcia, and knocking out all of the car windows.
Garcia’s dogs, Maggie and Pistache, ran from the upside-down car.
Garcia, a West Hollywood resident, has enlisted 16 friends to help her comb city streets for her two female dogs.
San Clemente animal control authorities andOrange County Animal Care have been notified to be on the lookout, too.
A caller reported a potential sighting around Avenida Pico, but so far, neither dog has been seen.
Maggie is a 6-year-old blue heeler-Shelty mix and is mostly grey with black ears.
Pistache is about 2 years old and recently had a litter of pups. She was rescued from Mexico about 6 weeks ago by Garcia.”
UPDATE: Pistache, the doggie on the left above is home! Still on the hunt for Maggie!
Good Luck
That is so sad! I hope you find them soon! Chin up!
Sending you all of the good luck ever
There isn’t much I can do from Spain except for sending out good luck vibes-
*sends vibes*
Sometimes dogs show their awesome cool doggie ninja intelligence and find their way back home from far away places, so be sure to always have someone at home in case they come back.
Thinking of you, Nat!! Keep looking!
Check shelters and clinics as many times a day as you can. Good luck.
LA lesbians, unite!!! I wanted to say this for a long time now.
But really, the more eyes out there, the better. Living in the middle of nowhere in Belgium and having 3 dogs my whole life I have quite some experience looking for them when they ran away again. My experience is that dogs tent to go to places where there are other animals and/or where it is nice and quiet. Dogs are animals that live in a packs so because they live together Maggi and Pistache probably stayed together out there. I also know they can travel some serious distance in a short timespan, especially when they are scared. So people around the San Clementi area, also keep an eye out please.
Basically there are two scared puppies out there and a really worried owner that loves her dogs to bits. Nat I hope you find them. Sending good thoughts.
Oh and police. Notify them too. It’s an extra set of eyes and they can get calls from people spotting a lost dog too.
That is so sad! I’m glad that you all made it out ok (end over end?!? eesh!) Will be sending *major* good vibes your way, and keeping my metaphorical fingers crossed that you get to reunite quickly.
I am reposting this all over the internets and seconding that dogs are wicked smart and will often trek all over the damn place to find their way home!
Blue heelers are especially hella wicked smart, as you know.
Keeping my fingers crossed for safe pups and quick healing, Nat!
i really hope you find your doggies!! i am glad they (and you!) at least made it out of the car okay. autostraddle keep us updated?
I hope my people find their way safely back to their human. They are lost without us.
Good Luck lady! Don’t give up.
That’s so sad! I hope Nat’s OK- *sending good vibes from England* xxx
Maggie is so fucking cute I don’t know what to do about it. DISPATCH EMERGENCY LESBO SWAT TEAM
My girlfriend and I saw a dog that looked lost in Downtown LA cusp of Echo Park 3rd near Lucas that looked like Maggie .We were on a errand to the store and happen to not have our phone’s with us so were were freaking out trying to figure out what to do… The dog had no tags ….prolly not the dog but it really did look like Maggie . The dog was not scared so we got a close look at the dog .
hi michele!
what day was this? and thank you! every little bit helps!
Good luck finding the dogs! Try to stay positive. My sisters dog was spooked and took off a few years ago, after being missing for 3 days a cop found him stuck in a bush with his leash wrapped around the branches.
Hopefully somebody kind and caring spots your dogs!
Nat! I’m sending positive thoughts in a westerly direction as well as all the others as the earth is round and they will eventually make it to LA.
I doubt the dogs will make it to Australia, but I put the word out on Twitter to my LA-based friends!
Scary! I hope you are all right, Nat, and you find your doggies!
I would just like to mention that San Clemente is actually in south Orange County, and is actually kind of far from LA. OC lesbians be on the look out! I really hope they find Nat’s dogs.
Has she tried findtoto.com? It’s an alert system that calls people in the area asking them to look out for lost pets.
Or you can try bringing the story to a local news station. Situations like this where the dogs were lost in an accident will sometimes catch their interest. It’s worth a shot anyway.
I hope you find your puppies!
My dog has gotten loose a few times, and it’s awful worrying if he’ll come back. Best wishes.
uhg. This is awful. I really hope the dogs are found and that everything ends well. I’m sending good vibes.
I’m sending good vibes. Best wishes and get well soon.
aw this is so sad. i hope u find them, like someone else said, i doubt they would make it here to australia so im not much help.
maybe put up lots of posters, or go door knocking in the area, someone might of found one of them and has it at there house thinking its a stray.
check all the animal shelters.
thats about all i can think of.
Aw, this is so sad!
Nat – I hope that you are feeling better soon and that some lovely people in LA help you find your sweet dogs!
so sorry to hear that! breaks my heart. sending you good vibes from me and the pug!
sending you good vibes from me and the pug!
Aw, I’m sending good luck vibes from Toronto! It feels awful when our furry friends go missing, I know. But the feeling when they’re back at home, safe and happy, is the best feeling EVER!
Aww, so sad. I tweeted animal lovers in LA too and saw Jillian Barberie RT’d. I’m amazed by how much this story has spread. It kinda also shows the spread of the AS staff. Hehe.
Egads, how awful! I hope someone finds them soon.
Sending love and positive vibes! The beautiful pups will be found safe and well, it’s a lock.
I’m so sorry to hear that you were involved in an auto accident Nat. I hope that you and the other people involved were not seriously injured, and that you find your doggies soon.
Sending good vibes from Canada!!! I hope your doggies are protected & will be found safe & sound!!! <3
OMG I want to cry for Nat and her missing dogs. I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t find my puppy. Sending lots of good vibes your way. I would join the search effort if I could, but alas I live very far away :(
Geez, those pics of the crash look harrowing. I’m glad Nat is ok. I will keep my eyes peeled in Irvine. Also, I remember hearing an NPR story a while back about a dog that was thrown from a car during an accident and it was found weeks later near the site of the crash, waiting for its owners to return. So, hopefully they haven’t gone too far and you’ll be able to find them in your sweep of the area.
Sad face..I live in San Clemente and work off of Ave. Pico so I well definitely keep my eyes open and look around. My baby girl has run away before and somebody eventually called me to say that they had found her. The girl who called was leaving for work, opened her car door, and my dog just jumped right in her car. It kind of freaked the girl out that when she turned around there was a dog sitting in her car but in the end it turned out okay. I’ll print out some pictures of the dogs and put them up at the dog park down here in San Clemente, maybe someone has seen them. Just don’t lose hope and don’t give up.
I just got up and gave my pupperoni a super big hug. We’re sending good vibes from the east.
That is so sad!!! Make sure to file a lost dogs report with the SPCA- they can check any new dogs they bring in against the info you give them, and let you know if your puppies get picked up. I hope they’re finding their way home right now!!
Sending all kinds of positive thoughts to you & your dogs!
Poor Nat and poor puppies :< I really hope they turn up safe.
Dear Nat, I feel your pain, we just lost our 18 yr. old Dachshund to hepatic neoplasia. Hopefully, your story will have a happier ending. Where they microchipped? Also, if not check VET Hospitals in areas and post flyers all over area. Thinking of you in this very difficult time and sending you love, light and positive energy. Sincerely, Carmen
Honestly, this is keeping me up at night. Any news?
If anyone can find lost dogs, it’s lesbians! Good luck finding them.
:( Sending love and good wishes!
oh god i know. i’ve been thinking about this since i read the news. they’ve been gone since tuesday. i pray to god they’re found. so painful to think about.
I did the only thing I could think of, which was to send link and info to friends in California who may know people in the area of the crash. Well, that, and bought and lit a few Saint Jude candles, (which my mother has done often and at times successfully for her lapsed Catholic daughter).
It was an interesting conversation with the cashier who is a raving Christian right-winger, but a dog lover too–and she whipped out her cell phone and emailed her friends in that Cali area too. It may be a small comfort, but I hope Nat knows how many people are trying and thinking about her and her dogs.
Well she’s found ONE!! Pistache I think. Let’s pray she finds Maggie.
Bittersweet ending.
Can only imagine how stressful this has all been for Nat and her gf. At least there is closure.
Oh, god. I’m so sorry for the loss of your beautiful dog.
GAH. I have a border collie and my parents have a mutt that look *SO* similar to Maggie. This makes me want to puke. I am so sad for Nat.
I’ve been following this and, since I’m not in the area and don’t know anyone who is, sending good-luck vibrations your way.
I just read the update on the news website. I’m so so sorry to hear about Maggie. She looks like she was a real sweetie pie. :(
I’m happy that you found Pistache, though.
Dear Natalie,
So sorry for the loss of Maggie.
RIP Maggie girl.