Foolish Child #120: The Neighbors

In a four panel comic that is purple and blue on top and turquoise and green on the bottom, Dickens talks with their friend Sarai. Sarai wants to know why the neighbor's front yard "looks like the Capitol Building on January 6th" and Dickens responds, "that woman is lost to the dark side. She's dating some guy she insists isn't a Proud Boy." Dickens goes on to say, "If there exists a welcome packet for people fully embracing racism, that man wrote it AND stuffed the gift bag." Sarai says, "Literally all I heard you say is that we live next-door to TWO white supremacists and now we have to move." Dickens responds with a roll of their eyes, "Pretty much."

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I am a queer coparenting mama to Dickens Jr. Doodler by day, 911 dispatcher by night. All my favorite shows look better on Tumblr. I am two years and 450K words deep into constructing a fanfic called Ages and I'm never giving up on it. Bering & Wells.

Alana has written 123 articles for us.

1 Comment

  1. I just read through the whole archive and am finally reading these live, I love this comic!

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