Editor’s Notes: On Spaces & Places

An inside look, just for A+ members, from Autostraddle’s editors on the process, struggles, and surprises of working on what you’re reading on the site. We learn so much from this work before it ever even makes it to your eyes; now you can, too!

I spend a lot of time thinking about spaces. Spaces that are mine, spaces that I’ve been kept out of, spaces that define me or restrict me or restrain me. I’m someone that has lived in a lot of different places, who doesn’t feel attached to any particular region, and never knows what to say when people ask where I’m from. Home for me has always been about people, rather than cities or towns, apartments or houses.
Yet every time I move, every time I have to establish a new space for myself, I gravi...

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Meg is a freelance photographer, writer, and tarot reader living in New York City.

Meg has written 103 articles for us.