Content notes: non-human entities, t4t, feet, giant
We join our hero now after his voluntary surrender to the Bromeliac guards of the Temple of the Goo Empress of 61 Cygni.
Syd peeled off his spacesuit in front of the guards, and turned to face the red stone wall at the back of the cave. He braced his hands and belly against the wall while arching his back and spreading his legs open. Water gushed in spurts all over his back, his ass, his thighs and calf muscles. The water here was heavy, but not viscous, and clung to Syd’s hairy body. He moved to brush the heavy droplets away, but the Bromeliac guard barked a high-pitched reproach.
Syd resumed position and felt the itch of small hairs trailing both ankles and ambling along his calves. He glanced down at the four slender, hairy cerulean worms inching their way to his inner thighs, wrapping his skin in translucent ribbons of bubbling blue foam. He bit his lip hard, and the tiny and numerous muscles of his inner thighs quivered in spite of himself.
This was far from the most invasive hygiene ritual Syd had encountered since he’d set out on the Castor X alone. It made sense for beings to apprehend travelers with their own sanitizing rituals. Who knows how many countless planets—
Syd gulped as one worm circled around the front of his hip, skating slowly along his pubic mound towards his cunt. Another worm— or two? — seemed to be slinking in circles around his hole. Oh God. He mustered long, even breaths through his nose. He felt the crest of his dick peek from his mound and vibrate, sensitive to the delicate pressure shift from the worm’s wriggling hairs. Between the worms and their hairs tracing his very sensitive nerve endings and all of the effort it was taking to stay still, Syd’s whole lower half felt as if it were on fire. Sweat trickled down the backs of his thighs, mixing with the effervescing trails of foam. He thought he could hear the Bromeliacs laugh. He breathed through his teeth and went somewhere deep inside, somewhere very quiet.
The fourth worm that inched along his hairline suddenly crept across his ear. Syd’s face became a grid of bright white pins, tingling in stark harmony. Underneath his flexed fingers, bits of the red cave wall crumbled into sand.
Syd opened his mouth and took it all in.
The Bromeliac guard pulled Syd by a chain connected to his collar, and Syd, on all fours, crawled through the marshland towards the Temple of the Goo Empress. Tall grasses and fan-leafed trees appeared as silhouettes against the dawn slowly filling with gradients of orange, pink, and wet, wet blue.
In anticipation for his meeting with the Goo Empress, her cave harem had showered Syd in affectionate grooming. He’d been shaved and plucked, with loops stenciled onto his chest and crotch in a stylized approximation of hair. Everything beautiful on this world took on the chaotic crowdedness of a sea anemone or a swarm of fruit flies teeming on a rotting pit. He’d had his genitals tugged and slapped which he’d surmised were meant to increase their redness or heat. Syd didn’t really understand. But he’d learned in his decades of adventuring through the galaxies that acting in a wide berth of permissiveness increased the depth of his experiences.
And Syd was all but ready to leave his body to experience this. Only one person had encountered the Goo Empress and returned home to describe the experience, and all they told Syd was that now they could imagine being inside of a flower. What it could be like to swim in that sweet, sticky, alluring smell— to conceive it in your pores. To reduce all your becoming into gold dust that scattered in the wind.
“What’s she like, Elna? You’ve got to give me something concrete,” Syd had asked, all hungry.
Elna’s grey eyes, like scales, flexed a sheen.
“She’s bigger than anything you’ve ever seen.”
The guard brought Syd crawling on his hands and knees to the base of a huge stone facade. Syd was dressed in a chainmail harness with his ass and cunt exposed. His limbs were filthy from crawling through the marsh. This felt like no way to meet an Empress.
The guard dropped the leash and screeched, the sound cutting through the cool dawn air.
The ground beneath Syd began to vibrate, audibly rumbling. The trees shook and any animals hidden in them fled in alarm. The rumbles grew heavier and heavier and Syd’s body shook with their rhythm, all the chainmail clanging against itself. His guard slinked off into the marsh. Syd was alone, plucked, prone, and violently shaking.
And then it ceased and then she stood before Syd. It was her. Her thighs, her stomach, her chin, her eyes, her balls, her lips, her long fingers. Her breasts like year-long tear drops hanging against a backdrop of soft white clouds in the sky. She sat down on the stone facade and her thighs spread like water.
Syd’s heart pounded as he struggled to fathom the Empress in his position. Almost more than her size, Syd was struck by her iridescence. Her skin was a wet nacre, every curve reflecting a prism of light. Her body looked supple, opalescent, as if the marsh and open skies themselves had taken the form of a woman doused in sticky nectar.
Around Syd’s tiny body, she placed each of her enormous feet. They were shapely feet with sloping arches. Each toe was so finely shaped and decorated with a thatch of hair. They were beautiful, huge, goo feet and Syd felt his exposed dick pulse.
“Approach me, little one,” her voice came down on Syd like a sheet of rain. She had a deep voice, a muscular taproot of a voice.
Syd crawled towards her glistening toes. He could already feel the slick between his legs.
“You may clean yourself against me, little one.”
Syd didn’t understand. He looked up, attempting to meet her gaze, but all he could see at this angle was the curve of her belly meeting her softened dick meeting her wide thighs in opalescent folds.
He stood up, which felt wrong, and approached a foot that was as tall as he was. Syd hovered his mud-laden forearm against the Empress’s skin and quickly found out that there were subtle layers that he could feel while touching her. There was a sense when he pressed against her that he was against the wall of a small waterfall and it was here that Syd showered the grime off of his skin. When he was clean and pulled away slightly, Syd felt a semi-tacky exterior, and suspected that there was some kind of exo-skin that gave her skin its pearliness. He walked around her foot like this, exploring the Empress, and if she minded, she didn’t show it.

She then flicked her big toe, as if beckoning Syd. She bent her nail like a ramp and let him climb on top of her toe. He straddled the ridges of her knuckle, holding onto the gooey folds of skin. The Empress’s body felt so soft and wet as if it were melting beneath him at every moment. Syd eased into the sensation and his cleaned, shaved, and slapped genitals blurred at their edges against the jellylike toe. He felt a warmth rise through her and into him or through him and into her? He spread his legs wider, wider, as if they could go any wider still. He started to rub his pussy and dick against the toe until the depth of his rhythm found that subtle wall of flowing, pressurized goo.
“OH FUUUCCCCKKK,” Syd let the hot goo pulse against his dick, leaning back to angle the pink tip against what felt like a chorus of rapid, wet tongues lapping him in unison.
The Empress’s long fingernails pinched Syd by the skin between his shoulders and pulled him off her toy.
“Greedy boy!” Her sonorous voice wrapped him up in its low warmth, the whole puddle of him.
She dropped him into her lap, where her dick was hard. Its iridescent pink head protruded from her foreskin and flirted with the morning light. A bead of cum clung to the slit in the center.
Syd shimmied to the top of her stiff dick. It was larger than his whole body even, the biggest and most supple cock he’d ever seen in his life. He stuck out his tongue first into the juicy bead and let himself be overcome by the sweetness.
“MMMMM,” he moaned into the Empress’s goo cock. She tasted like a long summer, a heat that overtakes everything in its path once it begins.
Syd licked and he licked and the Empress’s breaths turned into shudders.
The trees around them opened their naked buds into the all-consuming air, squirting nectar to be freely drunk.
Wow, this was all around excellent!
Ahhhhh Love seeing Aegor’s work on Autostraddle! also, LOVE THIS PIECE!