Insider Butt Data for All You Absolute Nerds

Welcome to Butt Week, friends! An entire week dedicated to butts and butt-adjacent stuff: how-tos, thoughtful essays, original art, pop culture critiques, music and more! You are absolutely not ready for this and yet it is happening to you, right now. 

Read all of Butt Week

One of the things I spend a lot of time doing is looking at Autostraddle's numbers. How many people liked, retweeted, commented on, organically shared, or yelled about a post? How many people, total, read a post? Why does this tweet have ten times as many retweets as that tweet about the same thing? What time of day do most people want to read about TV? (Morning and afternoon.) What time of day do most people want to read about sex? (Evenings and all day on Sundays.) ...

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Heather Hogan

Heather Hogan is an Autostraddle senior editor who lives in New York City with her wife, Stacy, and their cackle of rescued pets. She's a member of the Television Critics Association, GALECA: The Society of LGBTQ Entertainment Critics, and a Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer critic. You can also find her on Twitter and Instagram.

Heather has written 1718 articles for us.