Welcome back to No Filter, a once-weekly glimpse into my internal monologue as I scroll through queer celebrity Instagram and then usually abandon it to look at videos of someone’s cat. This week in news, I am happy to report that Trace Lysette’s flowering tree Miss Margaret is alive and well; she mostly exists in Instagram stories but here is an example of the kind of content I’m talking about:
Following Trace Lysette on Instagram is a joy and a privilege, every single day.
In other news, straight people are not okay. Honestly though, is anyone OK?
Okay okay okay you guys!!! I’m on it! Mary Lambert has apparently broken up with her girlfriend of 4-ish years and now she’s gonna write a bunch of songs that are going to make you WEEP ALL THE TIME.
I was going to use a gif of George Bluth having a love affair with an ice cream sandwich as the caption for this photo but then I didn’t because Jeffrey Tambor is the worst and this is why we can’t have nice things. I’m happy Tegan is having a nice time with this donut.
This is so adorable that I have built myself a time machine, gone back five years to the day this picture was taken and collapsed on the ground.
I’m so into these two cute nerds hanging out and appreciating each other on the internet!
And you know what? Fuck it, we don’t put nearly enough of these weirdos in No Filter either. Let’s fix that.
I do not understand Cameron’s confusion, everything seems perfectly normal here.
El Sanchez is forever a holiday inspiration.
Always here to talk about Gaby Dunn’s incredibly gay childhood journals. “SHE HUGGED ME NUMEROUS TIMES.” Gaby, come the fuck on.
Stephanie Beatriz, posing with herself.
Getting strong bully-big-brother-on-a-90s-sitcom vibes here.
Join us next week for the future in nearly naked dresses.
With it looking like Sara Lance is going to have a romance with Ava Sharpe (AVALANCE!), I have to put this video from Caity Lotz’s Instagram here.

Here’s the link in case embedding it doesn’t work.
Sara Lance hooking up with other women is the only reason I would consider watching Legends of Tomorrow.
I’m here for it even if only for an epic shipname (said with a French accent)
thirst trap!
as the obnoxious person in the comments yelling about Mary Lambert, thank you for this crucial coverage!!
I want to give her a hug and buy here these collar pins: https://www.etsy.com/listing/519761499/babe-silver-collar-pins-collar-pins?ref=shop_home_active_14
So if anyone knows Mary Lambert’s PO box lemme know so I can send her a break up care package.
Very happy Miss Margaret and co are finally getting the press they deserve!!
I may need to step out for a second for some fresh air, Stephanie is just soo cool. How can one person just be that cool?
I’m all for more Hayley Kiyoko on No Filter. :)
[DJ] KITTENS! <3<3<3
I love both Lauren and Halsey! I wish there had been bi celebs like that when I was a teen.
Guys, I’ve never wore flannel in my life. Am I fake lesbian? *serious identity issues in here*
I used pseudonyms in my journals too. I’d change them occasionally or switch to an initial (which would stand for something like the third letter of their middle name or the first letter of some word I associated with the person). I very rarely have any idea who I was actually talking about if I reread them now.
For the record, kiyoko11 is no longer Hayley’s official instagram page, it’s been adopted by a fan. The official one is
I was so worried about Margaret and am so glad she’s hanging in there.
Rhea and her dog are the cutest!!