Feature image by christopher gimmer via stocksnap.io.
All of the photographs on NSFW Sundays are taken from various tumblrs and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the tumblrs and photographers who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email bren [at] autostraddle dot com and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked.
Welcome to NSFW Sunday!
+ The Tournament of Literary Sex Writing at LitHub is pitting 16 iconic sex scenes against each other: “There is a good reason most awards given for sex writing are for bad sex writing: to commit to words that most intimate and personal act is generally a doomed undertaking. For even our best writers, to describe sex is to veer between the biological and the euphemistic, the soft-focus and the fluorescent. It rarely works. And yet many have tried, and will continue to do so.” Some of the contenders include Erica Jong, Kate Chopin, Henry Miler, Zora Neal Hurston and Jeanette Winterson. Winterson’s excerpt reads:
“he arches her body like a cat on a stretch. She nuzzles her cunt into my face like a filly at the gate. She smells of the sea. She smells of rockpools when I was a child. She keeps a starfish in there. I crouch down to taste the salt, to run my fingers around the rim. She opens and shuts like a sea anemone. She’s refilled each day with fresh tides of longing.”

“me and ellie” via switchteams
+ Closing your eyes lets you focus on another sense, which is probably why we close our eyes while we kiss:
“Subjects were asked to pay attention to a screen with flashing letters. Then, they were asked to indicate whether they saw the letter X or N and whether they felt a vibration sent to their left or right hand while watching for the letters. When they were presented with a ‘high’ visual load (a lot of confusing letters to make the visual task more difficult), they were significantly less likely to detect the vibration than when they had a lower visual load.
What this finding means is that an increase in visual stimuli makes you less sensitive to touch. […]
‘These results could explain why we close our eyes when we want to focus attention on another sense,’ Dalton told The Independent.
+ Canadians wrote the first viral contraception and sex guide, even though you’v’e never heard of it.
+ This is a great breakdown of why current anti-porn measures in California are harmful.

via black and curvy
+ At Oh Joy Sex Toy, Erika Moen wrote about visiting CrashPad, noting: “The power of watching two people fuck exatly as they want to, the connection the performers shared, the intimacy, the electricity and trust, the raw power of it all… It left me dumbfounded.”
+ Sometimes you just need to sneak out. Do your research, and don’t lock yourself out.
+ Maybe it would be fine if dating profiles were a thing again.

via rodeoh
+ Women of all orientations are just really in to (searching for) lesbian porn.
+ Tinder and OkCupid are the biggest dating apps, but they’re also the worst for harassment.

bettie fatal lingerie via the lingerie addict
+ It’s time to rethink using toxic toys with condoms:
“Absolutely no research has been done to prove that this is true. Of course, no official research as been done to prove it’s not true, either. I’ve heard from numerous people that they still experienced a burning sensation despite covering a toxic sex toy with a condom. One person confirmed that the condoms they’d tried were latex and polyisoprene and they still felt the burn; neither of those condom types play well with oil. Why does that matter? All porous sex toys have oils in them. This jar is proof of that! When the toys sweat/break down, even just a little, there’s a constant sheen of oil on them. This oil will render latex condoms so porous that it’s useless against the fight. You might be able to succeed with using polyurethane condoms or nitrile condoms but again this is a theory and not proven. Polyurethane and nitrile are safe with oils but I don’t know if they’re a barrier against the toxic chemicals in some sex toys.”
So what materials are safe? Non-porous silicone, ABS plastic, glass, metal, wood and stone can all be great.

via colorandcurves
+ From the Autostraddle Lesbian Sex Archives: sometimes you and your girlfriend fight about really gay things:
“33. Whether or not pants are a gendered item of clothing
34. Who’s job it is to take the CSA box to the car
35. Whether to buy organic peanut butter or Jif
35. Whether to buy organic peanut butter or Jif
I totally lost that fight. We only buy organic peanut butter. =P
Ha, I thought the list was cute, but I’ve never had any of those arguments. Life is more fun to me with no pants (regardless of gender!), I’ve no idea what a CSA box is (euphemism? inside joke? I’ll just Google it, I guess), and I really dislike peanut butter. =)
I’d win that fight because the PB with a binding agent don’t have to be stirred before applying on nipples or bread.
Ravenclaw? Slytherin?
Porquè no los dos? ;)
Thank you for another fantastic Sunday morning. ?
Do people still use toxic sex toys on purpose? Or is it one of those things where the vast majority of people just don’t realize sex toys can be toxic?
I would say plenty of people still don’t realise sex toys can be toxic combined the buying habits of some people when it comes to such blatantly sexual items.
Because some people have tendency to believe that if it is going into their body and they can legally buy it why would it be harmful, wouldn’t like the FDA or something stop harmful goods from being sold etc.
They don’t have any idea sex toys are counted as novelty items and therefore not as strictly regulated as “legitimate” medical device, or food would be.
Vast majority I cannot say because there are no studies or published papers or any hard data that I know of that are directly on this topic, sex toy materials and the human body.
Just ones about phthalates in generalish and their effects.
But I’m not a person in scientific community or academia so it “could” maybe exist, but I doubt it because a cure for androgenic alopecia is probably more important than studying what people put in their down belows for recreation might do to their bodies.
Oh gosh I may need to reread Written on the Body. Was anyone else less than impressed with her latest one, though?
thank you for making me google “wood sex toys” in this coffee shop.
this is what i found!
I really enjoyed the link. Good read. Good toys. Good info.
Sex toys = sex joy. The burn, not so much. If I wanted my muff to burn I would have continued using cinnamon flavored lube. ?
Was it
(•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)
red hot?
Oh my fucking God! Couldn’t stop laughing! ?
“She keeps a starfish in there.”
Well that explains the smell.
Is wood really a safe material? I’ve read about wood jewelry not being a good choice for stretched piercings, which aren’t even in mucous membranes, usually…
It can be body safe but cannot be fully sanitized
Always glad when people talk about body safe sex toys – just the idea of people using unsafe ones stresses me out so much for some reason.
I am a certified sex educator and it is important to note that wood, stone, and clay are NOT able to be fully sanitized.
Not even in a bath of bleach that was blessed by a lesbian goddess? ?
Not that I am aware of but check with your local goddess ?
Define fully sanitized?
Like if it went in the butt it is now and forever for the butt, or like if it only goes in one vagina and you wash it with hot water and dish soap that’s not clean enough and you’re making that toy into a terrifying science experiment like the take out from 9 months ago in the back of the fridge?
I mean maybe some folks enjoying using thier toys as science experiments, but I wouldn’t advise it