Hello and welcome to this thing we’re doing where we help you figure out what you’re gonna put in your mouth this week. Some of these are recipes we’ve tried, some of these are recipes we’re looking forward to trying, all of them are fucking delicious. Tell us what you want to put in your piehole or suggest your own recipes, and we’ll talk about which things we made, which things we loved, and which things have changed us irreversibly as people. Last week, we got our caffeine fix via baked goods that looked irresistible.
Has anyone told you lately that soon there may be no bananas left? This is not a drill, y’all. I eat like five to twelve bananas a week and I have got to tell you that this is serious fucking business and even though this claim is most likely already debunked on snopes.com, I’m determined to live out the rest of my days in homage to the greatest fruit there ever has been in my life: the super-filling, embarrassingly phallic, amazingly satisfying banana.
My brother’s birthday is coming up next week, and this is honestly the most perfect list of potential things I could make for him!?
Thank you! I now have, like, 20 tabs open, ready to check out which ones seem do-able in my tiny studio flat kitchen!
Is there anything bananas can’t do? Once I had a banana curry in Cambodia and it was the best thing in the world.
This sh*t is bananas…b-a-n-a-n-a-s
Banana was my first word. They are my favourite food. This article is both a dream and a reminder of my impeding nightmare.
These look so yummy! Are any of the recipes vegan?
I only like fresh bananas in the tiny window between still kinda green and deep yellow all over, so I end up with leftover ripe bananas all the time, and there is only so much banana bread a person can eat, so this list is great. Digging those strawberry banana oatmeal squares.
I only buy one banana at a time, two max. Overripe bananas are too much a metaphor for missed potential, I just can’t cope.
This is how my room-mate ends up eating half the bananas I buy. It truly is a small window to squeeze through.
Well this all looks freaking disgusting.
I am not hungry.
At all.
I also love Smitten Kitchen’s recipe for “jacked up” banana bread (because there is bourbon in it, obvs).
Due to my food issues/dietary restrictions, there are always some recipes in these posts that I wouldn’t eat. I’m excited to announce that this time around, I would happily eat EVERYTHING posted here. I love bananas and how well they go with chocolate, peanut butter, etc. My biggest complaint about the banana is the ripe situation. Like avocados, the window of perfect ripeness for a banana is super short. I don’t like them when they have any brown spots on them, but when they’re too starchy, yuck. Perfect banana ripeness = happy Rachel.
Story time, once I spent two years on a tiny island in the South Pacific where the main crop was bananas and we had umpteen different kinds of bananas. When the cargo ship came we had lots (a relative term) of different dry goods, but when the cargo ship forgot about us (we really were a tiny island) we ate bananas. For three meals a day. It could be a different kind of banana for every meal, but it was nothing but bananas nonetheless. Also, because the ship hadn’t come, we were out of flour and dry milk and other things that would have enabled us to actually DO something with the bananas besides boil or fry them. Tiny boiled “Vietnam bananas” for breakfast, boiled starchy plantain-like bananas for lunch, fried plantains for dinner. Repeat.
I have been home for three years and have not taken a single bite of a plain banana, the smell still makes me nauseous. I have made banana bread a couple of times, but haven’t ventured into unknown recipes. Some of these pictures made me ALMOST want to. This article is like a step in the recovery process. Like step eight in a twelve step plan. With the twelfth step eating a banana.
I am fascinated by this story.
oops. that’s not surprising, I get mad about biodiversity and crops and stuff like once a week, but heritage bananas aren’t something people are excited about yet like tomatoes or apples.
my vegan gf best best friends were really broke for awhile and lived in Phoenix and ate mostly bananas, it was sort of rough/ their dog LOVED bananas and would try to steal my two-banana breakfast which was super annoying but I have tried to feed bananas to dogs ever since and most of them are def not into it.
that being said, banana flavored popsicles and laffy taffy are GNAR.
Hummingbird cake is the cutest sounding name and looks delicious.
Bananas are a staple in my diet, I eat them every day, and it will be a very sad day if they disappear. I have heard the same thing about chocolate and coffee, which also makes me sad.
Why must all my favorite foods be on the verge of extinction? First the situation bees, now this??! How am I supposed to live without honey OR bananas?!?!?!?!
In the mean time I’m going to go eat my feelings by making every recipe on this list. Yum.
This all looks amazing, thank you! On a side note, I am near the whole sale farmers market and get boxes of bananas for a fair price. Who is in?
but where is the banoffee pie!?
Bananas+ Peanut butter + Chocolate = Heaven
I could CRY at all this bountiful goodness.