Also.Also.Also: I Told You Rats Were Your Friends and Other Stories We Missed

Today I ordered a plain iced coffee from McDonald’s and they gave me an iced coffee full of cream and sugar, so let that be a lesson to you. I’m not sure what the lesson is, but there are definitely at least two lessons here, so just pick one that best suits your life. Here are some things we missed while I was practicing new ways to lace my Doc Martens.

Queer as in F*ck You

+ Lesbians Who Tech Live Stream! Get on it.

+ Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Relationships Throughout the World. Useful!

+ The Lexington Club Will Close on April 30. Moment of silence.

+ Anna Pulley has If Fifty Shades of Grey Had Been Written By a Queer Lady, in Haiku.

Fifty Shades of Gay

A bisexual

is born and no one questions

her identity.

+ INTERESTING. Does the South Need a LGBT School? by Samantha Allen.

As Zsilavetz points out in our interview, too, perceived regional differences in LGBT acceptance are flattened in the space of the high school hallway. The school climate in Georgia, for example, is frighteningly similar to the school climate in California, which is often reputed to be the most LGBT-friendly state. In both of these states, over 80 percent of LGBT middle and high school students felt excluded by their peers, over half regularly heard disparaging remarks about transgender people, and around 40 percent had their property stolen or damaged. The situation is the same in Washington, Oregon, and Connecticut—all destinations for LGBT adults.

+ Code Words for Lesbianism in Classic Films by your famous BFF Mallory Ortberg.

+ Are y’all fucking kidding me with this shit.

+ Conway, Arkansas Defies State Ban, Protects LGBT Citizens.

+ Everyone Is Gay shared this on their tumbly and it’s just so great: Ten Things Christian Parents Can Do When Their Kids Have Just Come Out.

+ Community Voices: Not Your Token – The Conversation We All Need to Start Having About Race and Racism in the QTPOC Community.

+ Vice Goes Inside Gay Conversion Therapy.

Doll Parts

+ Season of the Witch: Why Young Women Are Flocking to the Ancient Craft by Sady Doyle in which we are name-checked and our own Beth Maiden is quoted! Best article on the internet, probably. The whole internet.

+ Oh wait no, this one is also amazing. Seven Ways the Media’s Depiction of Eating Disorders Completely Failed Me as a Woman of Color by Raquel Reichard.

+ How Video Game Breasts Are Made (And Why They Can Go Wrong) by Patricia Hernandez.

+ Carla Murphy asks, Does PBS Still Care About Indie Films By and About People of Color?

+ Dori Maynard, Advocate for Media Diversity, Dies at 56.

+ Activism and the Academy is full of so much greatness you’ll probably pass out. From Tami Navarro:

This issue of The Scholar and Feminist Online affords the opportunity to reflect on 40 years of feminist social justice work within and, importantly, across academic and activist communities. The contributors to this issue, many of whom—like BCRW itself—exist at the nexus of activism and scholarship, came together around two powerful moments: BCRW’s 2011 conference, “Activism and the Academy: Celebrating 40 Years of Feminist Scholarship and Action” and the 2013 Scholar & Feminist Conference entitled “Utopia.” Amidst the backdrop of the then-emergent movement “Occupy Wall Street,” the contributors here grapple with questions such as how to organize effectively in the wake of the ongoing corporatization of the academy and how to build solidarity across constructed borders. As they engage with the attack on public education, the rising load of student debt, increasing precariousness and economic insecurity, and the dehumanizing prison-industrial complex, the authors in this issue insist that the creative work of social justice lies not merely in the production of knowledge. Rather, they insist upon the importance—the necessity—of imagination, optimism, and the continued ability to dream a better, more just world in the face of continued oppressions.

This issue is organized around continuing the conversations that took place between scholars, activists, and scholar/activists at these conferences. In their writing, the contributors take up the discussions begun at the panels and included here in video, so as to shed light on the complexity of oppressions in the current moment—and remind those committed to a more just world to celebrate the good times we’ve had, and imagine those we might create.

+ Danielle Moody-Mills has Tangled in Knots: Zendaya and the Politics of ‘Casual Racism’:

Who can forget the backlash the First daughter Malia Obama received on a trip to Rome in 2009 for wearing her hair in two strand twists. Conservatives called the First Family “disrespectful.” Really? A child wearing her hair in any other style that is not blown straight and “tamed” is disrespectful?

Countless white celebrities have been celebrated as “edgy” and “fashion forward” for wearing traditional ethnic hairstyles like cornrows and locs, yet women of color are degraded for donning what comes naturally.

Saw This, Thought of You

+ The Surprising History of the Showerbeer, aka The Lord’s Beer aka Best Beer.

+ 10 Essential Animated Movies That Are Absolutely Not for Kids.

+ Canadian ‘Freezeway’ Could Let Residents Ice Skate to Work. This whole thing is so interesting and bizarre and totally normal all at the same time.

+ Rats Remember Who’s Nice to Them — And Return the Favor. HELLO OBVIOUSLY.

+ KFC to Offer Edible Coffee Cups I’m sorry but this is the best news I’ve heard all week. WHY IS IT ONLY IN THE UK THO.

+ New ‘Ghostbusters’ Inspired by ‘Walking Dead’ Scares, which is super cool news for people who like the everloving shit scared out of them!

+ We Are Our Heroes: On Activism in the Age of Celebrity Worship.

+ An App for Finding Out if a Restaurant Exploits Its Workers.

Local Autostraddle Meet-Ups

Nothing! Do y’all wanna do a google hang or something? Are you ok? oxox

And Finally

15 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About ‘National Lampoon’s European Vacation which is one of my root films, thank you so much Beverly D’Angelo. Bonus fact: Dana Hill, who played Audrey, also did the voice of Tank Muddlefoot on Darkwing Duck! BOOM 17 THINGS YOU PROBS DIDN’T KNOW.

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  1. So wait, You don’t have to be in college to enjoy a showerbeer? I thought the days of showerbeers were behind me. No, they’re not? Oh rejoice! I might have to go enjoy one right now. I already showered and spent a ridiculously long time on my hair but showerbeer.

    • showerbeer is best after a long saturday morning of housecleaning. it’s maybe the only logical thing to do after so much housecleaning. you will never, I SAY YOU SHALL NEVER, outgrow the showerbeer.

  2. informal poll, which do y’all like more, showerbeer or bathtub wine?

    (I am personally a showerbeer person, but my bestfriend/former roommate was an avid bathtub winer)

    • i feel like these are such distinctly different things, like, can i be both? must i choose? IS THE ENTIRE WORLD A BINARY THAT WILL EVENTUALLY CRUSH MY HEART? brb, gonna go drink in a body of water and think about it.

      • YOU CAN BE BOTH. YOU CAN BE EVERY PERMUTATION YOU WOULD LIKE. I should not have imposed my binary experience on you! what moves you to have a bathtub wine, and what other things move you to have a showerbeer, and what other other things move you to have a showerwine and if you do that do you use a wineglass or like a container with a narrower mouth like an Erlenmeyer flask??

        • Idk how to choose either, but a showerbeer is definitely the best way to come down from an acid trip

    • shower beer alone, bathtub wine with friends is my experience. in case we feel like starting an art form about it.

      • i’m anti-bath, personally, but i’m also against anyone having to choose between bathwine or showerbeer.

  3. I was seriously just having a debate with myself over whether or not to have a showerbeer tonight! Definitely going for it now.

  4. 10 Essential Animated Movies That Are Absolutely Not for Kids – Surprised “The Fox and the Hound” is not on this list. I refuse to see it. Nope. Can’t. Wont.

    “The Grave of the Fireflies” though. Ugh. I can never recommend that one enough.

  5. I can’t express how excited i am for coffee in cup! Mix this with Carmen’s advice to drink more coffee to better your health and everything is right with the world!

  6. I love that “fond of her health” and “a real pal” we’re euphamisms for queerness… If only my mother hadn’t instilled the importance of yearly physicals and being kind to everyone. IF ONLY.

    Also, I definitely went to the bodega across the street for a beer so I could partake in the joy that is showerbeer

  7. Hmmm, maybe people need to be reminded about the AS Events thingy? I don’t know.. One time I tried creating an event and couldn’t find the page until I came into an AAA post and clicked the link here…

  8. Just saying there’s a LOT of TGTGT(For those who’ve never read a Rizzoli&Isles recap that stands for Totally Gratuitous Totally Gay Touching) in that photo about the homo ban bigotry cake. Everything’s Bigotry in Texas *le sigh*

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