Welcome to Saturday Morning Cartoons, a segment where four artists take turns delighting you with their whimsy, facts and punchlines on Saturday mornings! Our esteemed cartoon critters are Cameron Glavin, Anna Bongiovanni, Megan Prazenica and Yao Xiao. Today’s cartoon is by Megan!
If you liked this and Megan’s other comics for Autostraddle, she just got a rad new tumblr that you can follow!
let’s let straight people have all the worst elements of lesbian fashion and then we can make out with each other and laugh at their rainbow shorts
Annnd this is how I feel about most queer lady signaling.
Yep. I somehow came across (random google result) nail polish “femme flagging” a few weeks ago (almost everything was circa 2012), and it was completely unclear how that different from any other person’s Nails! <3 Pinterest board.
“Nails! <3”
I laughed
This comic exactly what my Friday night women’s ultimate team wore yesterday. Our verbatim wardrobe instructions were to go “full rainbow”.
Probably not. :((((( But at least I’ve met Lili now!
RE: my thoughts on straight girls getting undercuts.
This comic is the single most relevant thing to my life I have ever seen. You included the little 5 symbol and everything! I learned a long time ago you simply can’t judge a girl’s sexuality while she’s wearing ultimate clothes.
Kudos on the ultimate! The community’s so tight you made it to France with this one. Cheers and love the shorts, though (I myself got the Carlton pattern since I’m so straight ^^). Loved the rest of the comics, too! Take care.
Michaël (Paris)
I see this developing into “How to Go Undercover at Pride.”
omfg, nothing hit home better than this. My closet is made with rainbow glass!