Interview With My Ex-Girlfriend: Bridget

Welcome to Interviews With My Ex-Girlfriend, in which Autostraddle writers get back in touch with their ex-girlfriends to ask them Five Simple Questions:

How long did we date?
Why did we break up?
What did you learn from our relationship?
What do you miss most about me?
Would you invite me to your wedding (why/why not)?

I met Bridget on AOL Instant Messenger through mutual friends when I was 14. While it feels a little silly to say that now, at the time it was the biggest, craziest thing that had ever happened to me. We dated for a few years, under weird circumstances you'll read about shortly, and had the kind of breakup where everybody feels a little tortured for a while. We had a secret internet relationship before that was really a c...

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Kaitlyn lives in New York, which is the simplest answer you're going to get if you ask her where she's from. She went to journalism school and is arguably making the most of her degree as a writer and copy editor. She utilizes her monthly cable bill by watching more competitive cooking shows than should be allowed.

Kaitlyn has written 69 articles for us.