Hansen’s Team Pick:
I’m so happy that we can share this amazing, amazing day together. You know why it’s amazing? Oh, you know, because here’s a picture of Megan Rapinoe naked:

via ESPN
Here’s another one!

via ESPN
Pinoe, our favorite soccer star ’round these here parts, took off all her clothes to show her body in all of its athletic majesty for ESPN’s Body Issue. She also said some things, but who cares. Just kidding! We care! She talks about being an athlete and exercising:
I’ve been to the point where it feels like you’re almost going to pee your pants, and that’s awful. So yeah, I throw in the towel when I’m about to pee in my pants. I try not to fight through that, because that would be embarrassing.
She also opens up about how Lori Lindsey convinced her to come on out:
I thought about it seriously on the plane ride home from the World Cup, while I was casually talking to my friend Lori Lindsey. She said, “Dude, you should just come out.” She was right. Everyone in my life already knew. If you want to stand up and fight for equal rights but then won’t even stand up for yourself and say “I’m gay” — that just started to feel weird.
She even talks about her own body issues! Stars, they’re just like us!:
I felt more like a tomboy growing up, and then I got some boobs. And those didn’t feel right on my body. They were kind of big, and I was like, “I don’t know about this. This is weird.”
I feel that feel, Pinoe.
Really though, she makes some excellent points about how society views women’s bodies, or how there are always going to be competitors bigger and stronger than you. Go check out the ESPN site to see a video of Megan Rapinoe posing naked and discussing what it’s like to be openly gay in the public eye. You can also catch Rapinoe play for the Seattle Reign this season, and you can bet she’ll be on the US Team for the 2015 Women’s World Cup.
God bless ESPN’s Body Issue, which has also previously brought us such gems as seeing Abby Wambach naked. In the 2014 issue, hitting newsstands July 11th, you’ll find athletes like Jamie Anderson, Venus Williams and Danyelle Wolf. In these Body Issues, we get to admire the sheer athleticism of our favorite heroes in all of their nakie glory. I don’t know why exactly. Let’s not argue. If you need me, I’ll just be over here admiring all of the… uh, athleticism.
Hello new phone wallpaper. ESPN did us right this week. *swoon*
Also she may not be playing on our team but Jamie Anderson’s pictures in that issue are just…. I mean just go look at them. Because who doesn’t love a hot straight girl in nothing but snowboarding boots.
You cannot do this to me while I’m at a lunch with my grandparents!! I am feeling MOST inappropriate for checking AS on my phone right now… LOL, I must be making some face because they asked me if I’m okay…
I too feel those feels, Pinoe. Goodness, what a beautiful human.
ALSO I did not realize the Women’s World Cup was next year (and although FIFA is a terrible awful organization that we should burn to the ground) yay more soccer to watch!
Ah, the tomboy + boobs thing… I totally relate to that!
Why must we boobs?
Stupid giant boobs.
I could try and pretend to come up with a smart comment,but just going to go with : Damn you’re hot Rapinoe
Yessss my girl mpinoe – I’m thrilled about this on so many levels
I am so fucking dead right now
Hot damn!! My dreams have came true :)
Awww that shinguard tan tho. Bless it.
Amazing. o_o
I await this issue’s arrival impatiently.
Now if they could get Erin McLeod and Melissa Tancredi to do this next year I might spontaneously combust.