Still need a date for pride this weekend? Are pride dates even a thing? Maybe not. Maybe you’re looking for a lesbian wolfpack to travel with.
Strand is everyone’s favorite independent bookstore. Open since 1927, Strand is known for its “18 miles of books,” its outdoor Central Park kiosk, and a suspicious amount of attractive queer-looking women in cute glasses. And now, this Wednesday, they’re having a queer ladies speed dating event hosted by Rose Troche, director of Go Fish, The Safety of Objects and The L Word.
AND. There are going to be free cupcakes from Magnolia bakery. YOU GUYS. Do you even know how great this is? You (you!) get to meet girls (probably lots of girls) who read books (probably really interesting books), and there will be cupcakes (cupcakes!).
Also, there is free wine. Maybe you can talk about lesbian pulp fiction.
You have to go to this. Think about how many awesome independent businesses you’ll be supporting while also meeting a bunch of cool women and maybe meeting your future book club partner/romantic or sexual activity partner? I know we say this a lot, but this is relevant to your interests.
It’s NYC Pride Week, y’all, and while it’s important to go out in your underwear and bask in rainbows and party like it’s 2004 and you’re lesbian Brian Kinney (I encourage you to remove your pants in public), it’s important to remember that as queer people, we do our best to take care of our own! Sometimes it’s easy to feel weird or out-of-place at huge corporate gay pride events that tend to forget about women and queers and transfolk and people of color. It’s important to remember that there are a ton of independent events going on this weekend, and this could be your opportunity to kick it off!
Are you into it? You should buy your ticket now. You can do that here. You should totally do it.
Strand Bookstore
828 Broadway
New York, NY
When: Wednesday, June 20, 7PM
Why: Ladies. And cupcakes. And books.
And don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Unsuccessful dates can make the most successful pride buddies/wingmen. Just come out. Meet some people. Talk about some books. Eat cupcakes. Be merry.
Also, if you’re looking for more pride events with some independent realness, check out:
Audre Lorde Project Trans Day of Action
Queer Ball!
Choice Cunts’ last party
Brooklyn Boihood Pride Picnic
Add your own to the list! Happy Pride! See you there!
Umm, could this event get any better?? Too bad I live in Canada, and on the other coast. ): Someone please report here about how awesome it was after it happens!
I signed up!
I love it when Katrina takes her pants off for pride.
like seriously, my favorite time of the year.
Sounds too good to be true… But it is!
Dear Americans,
cupcakes confuse me. How are you supposed to eat them without smearing the creamy topping all over your face and fingers?? Please provide explanation.
I thought that’s what being gay is all about? Or have I missed something?
I nominate you for all the comment awards.
Oh wow, that was a great catch.
Welp, I’m not gay, but I guess the fact that I needed to ask still means that I’m a bad queer then :( I’ll gladly accept volunteers to help me level-up my skills, my PM box is open and so am I.
(Unless you meant that being queer is all about getting stuff smeared all over your face and fingers, in which case I agree in several cases but not when it comes to cupcakes.)
*standing ovation*
omg that is amazing. Will totally be eating all future cupcakes in this manner.
do you live in a country that has no cupcakes? You poor deprived soul.
It would be so hilarious if they made cupcakes like this instead:
Then you wouldn’t wonder how to eat them! Hahaha.
Cute girls? Books? Cupcakes? Why do I have to be worlds away from my most favoritest things? Well regardless of my geographical location I will be removing my pants in public
Even reading an article about speed dating gives me too many anxious feelings. I will be in my bed reading and eating cupcakes. It is safer that way. Also, if you smear a cupcake all over your face while alone, it never really happened.
I can’t believe I missed this. I just can’t.
Crying enough tears to fuel all the metaphors in a Woolf novel.
i am now sad you missed this as well. but there will be more!
I had fun. Great meeting you again, Katrina!
I had a lot of fun!
just moved here and that’s all I want in life.
yeah. that’s all. queer grrls. cupcakes. books.