It’s Hot 100 Season again and boy is it getting hot in here! Anyhow, enough about the weather — every year, in the grand spirit of behemoth mega-sites like lad-mag Maxim and lesbo-favorite AfterEllen, we conduct a “Hot 100” situation right here on our website. However, our Hot 100 is not really like their Hot 100s. They essentially rank famous ladies of all orientations, whereas we change our mind every year about what/who, exactly, we’d like to rank.
In 2009, our Hot 100 ranked hot things like volcanoes, hot beef injections, chi hair irons, fire, the apocalypse, and Intern Hot Laura. In 2010, we asked you to submit photos of your own beautiful hot selves and/or friends and you came out in droves (once again, Intern Hot Laura was nominated/featured). Then in 2011, we asked you to submit photos of the beautiful ladies you fancy, such as Intern Hot Laura, and that also resulted in a lovely list.
Now it’s 2012 and we’re opening it up really wide, like thighs. This year we’d like you to vote for the hottest gay/bisexual ladies in the universe. This may very well be Leisha Hailey, Portia De Rossi or Julie Goldman — but it could also be your girlfriend, Miss April, or that cute girl on YouTube! (FYI, Intern Hot Laura is now Associate Editor Laura.) The only requirement is that your candidate is female-identified (cis or trans*, all are welcome!) and sexually oriented towards other female-identified persons.
It bears mentioning that “hot” doesn’t just mean “good looking” — it means a lot of things! Like smartness and talent and coolness and incredible recapping skills and being funny!
If you’re voting for your girlfriend or another non-famous person, you might ask yourself, “how on earth could my girlfriend beat Kate Moennig in this contest when my girlfriend isn’t famous?” Well, I guess that’s up to you and your girlfriend. I suggest an aggressive campaign.
We wholly encourage all of you out there — the famous, the semi-famous and the unknown — to rally the internet to vote for your beautiful beautiful self. If you’re an up-and-coming lady-blogger or queer pornstar, ask your fans to come over here and vote — and if you’re a passionate fangirl of a certain lesbian celeb, rally the troops for that, too. Got it? This is all about rallying, basically.
Here’s how voting works:
Click here to place your votes!
You will be asked to vote for 10 lady-identified persons, so choose carefully.
Each person is only allowed to vote ONCE.
You have until May 9th to vote, and then we’ll tally them, and then when we’re done tallying, we’ll announce the winners!
Ready? VOTE NOW!
[sidenote: you can only vote for one person once. voting ten times for the same person is one vote. otherwise, my mom could make me win in like two minutes]
Please tell me there’s glitter!
Was that supposed to be dirty? Because that’s where my mind went…
Oops that was meant as a reply to bra.
brb, aggressively campaigning
successfully as far as i am concerned,since i have placed you on my list that i am now compiling before voting.Mostly because i loved your train story (this is my probably not to subtle hint to finish it lol)
currently over-analyzing my choices and trying to figure out what they may or may not say about me. I knew I should’ve just voted 10 Maddows.
Oh no, I can’t say anything else until I have a parent or lawyer present.
I mean, I don’t care.
Do whatever you want.
But let me just tell you something about Laura:
All she cares about is school and her mom and her friends.
*golf claps*
I wouldn’t even know where to begin.
Hot Intern Laura seems like a good starting point.
that’s hot editor laura to you :)
I think my campaign isn’t going to be geared towards winning so much as it is going to be geared towards being Hot Laura. And perhaps earning the nickname “Hotter Croce”
Do you think I am asking too much?
You already won with “Sexual Croce”, don’t you think?
Dear Diary,
Guess who I am voting for Autostraddle’s Hot 100? It starts with “Sara” and ends with “good lord so hot uahagagagaga Croce”
PS: It’s spelled “Sarah” I was too busy drooling to correctly spell that out.
you guys, if sarah croce goes for the pity angle by telling you all about how i very gently caressed her face at camp, don’t believe her.
A love tap on my face that left a welt…
oh man, shit is ON
Hah, I read the voting rules and was immediately like “damn, what is the name of that girl in unicorn plan-it?”. Now I know….
Hi…*shy face*
i’m gonna vote for laura 10 times
I made the best hair list. I want on the Hot 100 list. I’m very excited about this campaign I’m going to run to make it on there. I’m thinking there will be pictures of myself in very little clothing. Or lots of cute clothing. Pretty much going all narcissistic on this one with lots of hot photos.
As promised, hot pictures to help you all decide to vote for me:
A vote for me is a vote for…well, let’s be honest, it’s just a vote taken away from Hot Laura. But a gay can dream, right?
A vote for me is a vote for cute alternative lifestyle hair and gluten free cupcakes with nutella swiss meringue buttercream.
I’m voting for Annika! She’s smoking hot.
for the record i did not write this.
Then who got a hold of Annika’s log-in info?
I’m an Annika fan – but not secretly. You’re intelligent, insightful, a fighter….and a total babe.
i would bet real money that the entire a-camp staff makes the final list. it wouldn’t be right any other way.
My votes:
Erin McKeown
Ellen Page
Katie Sketch
Elly Jackson (La Roux)
Ani Difranco
Andrea Gibson
Tegan Quinn
Sara Quinn
Freja Beha Erichsen
Jane Lynch
Bad news, apparently Elly Jackson is straight!
Nope, she’s not straight but she’s not gay either.
She says, “I don’t have a sexuality. I don’t feel like I’m female or male. I don’t belong to the gay or straight society, if there is such a thing. I feel like I’m capable of falling in love with other people. I’m not saying I’m bisexual, I’m just sexual!”
Reasons why I hope La Roux/Elly Jackson doesn’t make it on the Hot 100:
“I think you attract a certain kind of man by dressing like that. Women wonder why they get beaten up, or having relationships with arsehole men. Because you attracted one, you twat.”
-Interview w/ The Quietus
“Girls look a bit stupid playing electric guitar and drums. It suits blokes better. But girls look wicked playing synths. When they play drums or whatever, it looks a bit butch. I hope that doesn’t sound anti-feminist.”
-The Guardian
“I’m still going to listen to Gary Glitter’s records even though he’s a kiddie-fiddler,”
-The Guardian
pretty sure Ellen Page has never said she’s queer
I don’t think wishful thinking counts
correct me if I’m wrong tho
Can my ten votes go to Ruby Rose?
Awwwwwwwwwwwwh damn i forgot ruby rose!!
PSA: Jiz Lee is genderqueer, so, sadly not eligible, although they are definitely in first place for Hottest Genderqueer Person In The Galaxy.
Have you all forsaken me?!? Rachel talked me in to this pre-contributing editor.
Um, no. Pretty sure that “Fuck-me-with-a-strap-on-Lizz” will get plenty of votes.
Is it weird that 9 out of 10 people I voted for were at camp?
not at all, i voted for myself 9 times as well
I’m just assuming your tenth vote was for Ilene Chaiken.
I want to vote for all the A-team but there is like 35 of you! Argh how’m I supposed to pick?
I’m having the same problem!
Alphabetically by first name probably.
reverse alphabetical is the new alphabetical y’all
alphabetically by last name, maybe
whoa…this is so overwhelming. i might just vote brandy howard the love of my life 10 times so i don’t have to make choices.
I don’t care WHAT the rules are:
BETH 2012.
half of me wants to fill this with hot a.s. staff (heh) the other half wants to fill it with hot soccer players….guys, if only you knew about ali b kreiger
even her bored face is cuuuuuutttttteeeeee
just go on without me
Hannah Hart, guys. HANNAH HART. She deserves your votes.
… … … … … do fictional characters count? Because Alike is definitely my dream girl.
Also Tasha.
Neither one of these actresses is actually gay. T.T
Seriously guys. I need to know.
10 isn’t enough!
it doesn’t even cover all the troubletones
AWESOME IDEA GUYS! it’ll take me a week to come up with my 10, but I’m totally voting.
The Quin twins and their jawlines count as four separate votes, right?
is there a category for hottest soccer mom?
I totally unabashedly and unashamedly voted for myself. Because I AM NOT MY HAIR DAMMIT BUT MY HAIR HELPS TO MAKE ME SO FUCKING SEXSI.
Crap, wait a second… I forgot to write Giorgia Bronzini! Damn. I mean I’m not sure if she’s actually queer but she’s real cute and if anyone can read Italian and find if there are any interviews where she discusses her sexuality I’d love you forever.
Also, can I vote for Megan McCormick 9 times? Because I really want to go back and do that.
Don’t forget Megan Rapinoe, she just (kinda) came out too!
she did? when?!
Oh, Sexually Croce is definitely going on my list! Her, Harto, Hot (editor) Laura, Riese, Marni, Carmen, Gaby, Katrina, of course my lady Sugah…….. So is it obvious that you ladies had an impact on me. Everyone at A-camp was just so smokin!
i want to vote for my whole a-camp cabin. as like, one intimately smashed together entity
I voted after changing my mind at least a dozen times for the following ten
1/Heather Peace
2/Simone Laudehr (German soccer player)
3/Jessica Landström (Swedish soccer player)
4/Hannah Hart
5/Traci Dinwiddie
6/Taylor (as announced,lol)
7/Ashleigh Sumner
8/Erin Foley
9/Bridget Hausman
10/Brandi Carlile
Whenever I’m having a bad day I watch this video clip of Heather Peace and Jill Jackson and everything is better :)
Brandi Carlile is 100% on my list. Gah.
heather peace 100% no.1 :)
Am I the only one who voted for Intern Grace? I better not be!
you are not!
haven’t voted yet but i’m sure my list is gonna look something like this:
1) The Blue Shark
2) Robin but only if she’s wearing the Captain’s hat.
3) Carlymeme
4) Brandy because she’s fucking BRANDY
5) The shaved side of my head
6) Azaelia Banks
7) Your Mom
8) The Virgin Mary
9) Jessie J
10) Betty White (cuz old b*tches need love too)
Azealia Banks for sure!
i just saw julie goldman’s comedy show at carnegie mellon university and laughed maniacally the ENTIRE time. i fell in love. and was way too scared to get a picture taken with her though i REALLY WANTED TO SO BAD. julie goldman might get all my votes. maybe one for jessie j.
Can we please please vote for the Autostraddle staff as one mashed together super-human? Because that’s what I’m doing anyway, I can’t pick.
I second this motion.
My Votes:
1 – Rachel Maddow
3 – Kate Moennig
4 – Michelle Rodriguez
5 – Jodie Foster
6 – Jillian Michaels
7 – Jessica Clark
8 – Heather Peace
9 – Portia de Rossi DeGeneres
10- Ellen DeGeneres
My question is about closeted ladies: Is it valid to vote for Kate Moennig and Michelle Rodriguez? If not please add Associate Editor Laura and Jessie J to the list ;)
Is Kate Moennig actually still closeted?
It’s a glass closet.
nah, kate is out, she just hasn’t declared it — but for all intents and purposes, she’s out.
not sure about m-rod, we’ll make a game time decision
Thanks for clearing that up, Riese!
VOTE FOR ROLLER DERBY GIRLS. There are plenty that are hot and queer and just all around amazing people. Myself and former Intern Elli will be doing such! But here are some of my suggestions.
Jackie Daniels (Rachel “Jackie Daniels” Bockheim). Skates for the Windy City Rollers. SHE CLOCKED ELLEN PAGE IN WHIP IT. SHE HAS COME CLOSER TO GLORY THAN MOST OF US EVER WILL. Also, she’s an amazing skater, super nice, and has the world’s most amazing ass.
She’s a Riedell Superstar!
This is her with Swede Hurt from Gotham, tell me you don’t love that stomach and that gold bikini top. Oh yeah.
Missy “Maiden America” Smith–skates for the Naptown Rollergirls in Indianapolis. Adorable queer. Has the cutest smile and when off skates, wears a nerdy stars and stripes fanny pack. I asked her to be my derby wife once. I think she said yes. I’m not sure. I think saying “I don’t have a derby wife!” and accepting the “be my derby wife” pin I handed her counts.,71791/
Last but not least, Erica “Hoosier Mama” Jones. Skates for Windy City with Jackie Daniels. Once rolled down the window while I was walking to an afterparty and told me to get in the car (I asked if she had candy, and she did not). Sincerely awesome and has the world’s best tattoo (Skate or Die across the top of her chest!) Also, there’s a delightfully compromising photo of her with Rachel who went to A camp (actually you guys should probably vote for Rachel too, if you met her, as she is awesome. Or even if you haven’t).
Inappropriate Rachel and Hoosier are inappropriate.
So Hannah Hart is going to be number one? You can’t not love her, she’s just perfect in every way. Oh Harto…marry me please.
Maddow FTW
Can you vote for them if they’re in the ‘glass closet’ or do they have to be totally confirmed?
I have my first final tomorrow morning, so ~of ~course this is the perfect time to vote.
Sara “Jawline” Quin, Tegan “Tattoos” Quin, and Clea “that bar scene in But I’m A Cheerleader; girl, get it” DuVall top my list! (seriously, that outfit she’s got on when they sneak out is my favorite part of the movie. Who needs buttons?)
The Cast of The Peculiar Kind.
Those girls are HOOTTTT!!
Like seriously.
Oh yes, Hubba can get the business!
The Cast of The Peculiar Kind.
Those girls are HOOTTTT!!
Like seriously.
Traci Dinwiddie hottie no. 1-100!