Jamie’s Team Pick:
I love the idea of adopting a pet rabbit, especially after reading Stories Rabbits Tell, but I never thought my cats would be welcoming roommates. Furtunately, someone else in Brooklyn has been kind enough to document their bunny, Roebling, for me and created BKLYN Bunny. Now you can watch the live streaming Brooklyn Bunny cam providing video of Roebling the rabbit being adorably rabbity all day long.
Most of the time I’m on the internet I read stories like the one about a lesbian being told she can’t buy a wedding dress, so watching bunnies can be a very relaxing distraction.
Here are a couple screenshots:

Cuddled up for bed

Bath time

Snack time!

Roebling relaxing
Also, they have a pretty cute logo so check out what they have for sale over at their shop.
Dwarf Hotot!
I love those little eyeliner bunnies.
me too, they always look a lil sassy or a lil evil, or sassy and evil!
I think the combination we all hope for in an animal companion.
Who put make-up on his face?
This is awesome and adorable, but his unnervingly-immobile position for the past five minutes (and counting) makes me feel like he can see into my soul.
He he. Happy accident.
I love his eyes! He looks like a sassy bandit!
Aw, yeah!
This is like digital valium.
This bunny reminds me of this one guinea pig that I almost adopted. He had the eyeliner eyes too, except he looked like even more smudged, like Jared Leto after a 30 seconds to Mars show and a good cry. Seriously, does life get any better than emo rodents?
(Yeah, it does. It’s a big ass cat called Moos who lives with me. Duh.)