Jenny Hagel Knows What Makes a Good Gay Joke and a Good Lesbian Bar
“It was lovely every once in a while to put in a joke, knowing that joke was for like 10 people, but that those 10 people were going to love it.”
“It was lovely every once in a while to put in a joke, knowing that joke was for like 10 people, but that those 10 people were going to love it.”
Learn from my mistake: Turn on two-factor authentication using an authenticator app. Right now.
Comedian Britt Migs’ solo show Dolphin Mode isn’t just a divorce story; it’s also a coming-out story and a love story.
In 2025, I will have an affair with an older married woman.
It’s December 21 AKA the day Carol and Therese went on a pretty bad date at Carol’s house in New Jersey.
“I don’t mean to be rude, but a wolf literally just ripped off half my friend’s face.”
Both Midsommar and Thanksgiving use the concept of a holiday celebration to distract from murder.
Tired: Start your day by setting intentions.
Wired: Start your day by quoting Cruel Intentions.
It’s the 50th anniversary of Texas Chain Saw Massacre, a film that could basically be on Bravo.
This is my first time watching Scream as an out trans guy, six months on hrt and trying to figure out what kind of man I want to be or even could be.
This week I am six months on testosterone, which means that currently and chemically, I am both a 30 year-old lesbian and a 13 year-old boy.
Tell me why every bisexual you know does some type of puzzle at least once a week. Scientists should study this.
What could be more inviting and enjoyable than a dyke bar crawl during Pride? Introducing your girlfriend and ex-girlfriend to each other while you do it!
A camera crew follows Mo around Illinois as she prepares to meet up with her estranged father for the first time in 20 years.
Rachel Scanlon’s new comedy special is a gay fantasy in and of itself.
I’ve tried my best to like alternative milks! I really have.
Hold a casting call for folks who look just like you and hire 10-20 of them to dress up like you and then release them into the wild.
From Grey’s Anatomy to Buffy the Vampire Slayer to The L Word to “San Junipero” on repeat, this is what can reasonably be deduced about your mental health at this time based on the gay TV show you’re currently re-watching.
It’s (un)officially the first weekend of summer, and so there’s no better time to unleash my super power: Thinking of every possible question, from every single humanly possible angle, that I’ll most certainly have before agreeing to go to your party.
Everything is 50% more intense and 60% sexier if done while listening to the Challengers score.