10 Ways of Looking at John McCain: DADT Filibuster Art Therapy Special

We had a lot of feelings today when that Don’t Ask Don’t Tell shit happened and we thought the best way to express these feelings was through art. The power of art is a powerful power, just like the power of assholes. Namely, John McCain. And his bullshit. He’s got a lot of power going on there.

In this photograph, John McCain is giving what is known to be a ‘shit-eating grin’ but without showing his teeth. That’s how the ancients do it.

John McCain
So everyone from the team was invited to demolish a photograph of John McCain. We might be adding to this post as we acquire late submissions. Look forward to that.

“Thumbsy” By Rachel (Senior Editor)

“gaahhhhhhhhhhh” by Riese (Editor-in-Chief):

John McCain

“McCainzertits” by Alex (Design Director)

John McCain

“ALL the puppies” by Becky (Style Editor)

John McCain

“John McCain is a polesmoker” by Julie & Brandy (Webstars)

John McCain

“Homophobesaurus” by Robin Roemer (Photoblogger)

John McCain

Bird Lobotomy & Spirited Animals by Laneia (Executive Editor)

Douche University by Taylor (Tech Editor)

Relevant Cultural Reference by Crystal (Music Editor) & Naomi (Lesbian)

This Guy by Emily Choo (Intern)

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  1. You all win at life. Seriously.

    Laneia, you make me see rainbows lurking just out of the frame. It’s a weird way to do it, but I think you just stole my heart.

  2. Just amazing.

    I was going to say can this be followed up by a pop-psych analysis of “what your McCain graffiti says about you” but I think that’s all pretty obvious.

    I think my version would have General Gaga, with 6 million troopers behind her, quietly informing McCain that his time is short.

    Also, does this mean Taylor is back? Autostraddle seems weirdly out of balance without the technofixes.

    • Taylor has been driving cross-country and I believe is presently playing a video game, presumably with the intention to write about it very soon

  3. My favorite is Robin’s. AMAZING!


    • don’t bring his holiness the late great Bob Ross into this. he just wants to hang out with the happy trees and stay the fuck away from McCain and his prying thumbs of inquisition. if you know what i mean.

  4. UGH. My brother has that poster in his room. IT WASN’T MADE FOR YOU, ASSHOOOLLLEEE. I should’ve taken it…

    • No lie this is totes my fave, because only turning him into a clown could make him look just as scary on the outside as he is on the inside. #fearofclowns

  5. If anyone would like some fun, just google “McCain’s brain.” There are 5 episodes from the ’08 election and they make me LOL every single time.

  6. Thank you for some much-needed levity in a really frustrating time. Also, what’s up with the sarahbanners at the top o the site? Are we supposed to practice making our art projects on that one?

    • this made me lolz for real. Come election time, Palin is my favorite target. Autostraddle should create a McCain dartboard cuz I’d really like to throw sharp pointy steel tips at his face.

      • Imagining everyone sitting in a craft circle, happily making dartboards, singing kumbaya. This gives me warm fuzzies.

  7. So McCain is what I imagine my father to look like in another 27 years- creepy old guy who looks remarkedly like a primate. For real. And I’m at a toss for who I’d like to throw sharp pointy steel tips at. I think I’m gonna create a dartboard with both their faces on it.

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