NSFW Sunday’s 7 Fancy Ways of Looking At Hot Girls Wearing Minimal to Zero Clothing

You know that feeling when you’re sitting at your desk in your underpants eating cashews and suddenly you think, “Wow, I could really go for some tasteful exposure to naked or half-naked women”? Of course you do. It’s the feeling you’re feeling right fucking now, ladies. Your next feeling — we’re on the same page now right? So I can just push forward on this? Okay. Your next feeling is that you don’t think you want to look at a bunch of plastic heterosexual women licking pancake batter off each others nipples. (Unless that’s your thing in which case, all the more power to you!) You want something that won’t make you feel dirty.

So, here’s seven of our favorite things to look at when you’re sober or even when you’re not, whatever. A little off the beaten path so to speak.

7 Ways of Looking at Partially/Fully Undressed Wimmin on the Interwebs

Art Nudes is a blog curated by a “semi-professional photographer based in Victoria, British Columbia,” which btw is in Canada, and we love Canadians, so. He eschews glamour/erotica/porn in favor of “fine art nude photography.” It’s been around since 2003 so that’s pretty serious. Also there’s a lot of full frontal, watch out.


Sex in Art dot net is probably the best site on this list. It describes itself as “a website dedicated to the portrayal of one of the most basic human acts and instincts through the creative process. SEX. In all its delightful and exciting forms. Sex is a main topic of exploration for many talented artists from many different skill sets. The more we researched the more inspired we were by how the topic of sex (which for many is only discussed behind cupped hands in low voices) could be so prolific in the creation of art.”



He goes to a lady’s house in a place somewhere in the world. She puts on clothes or takes them off, writhes a bit on the bed, stand at the balcony, get dressed to go out, read, live, just live their lives. And he takes photos of them and then their lives are sexy AND true and also, incidentally, very good. Also on a not-sex-related note, check out Where They Create, one of Paul’s other projects.



Ne te promène donc pas toute nue! is a tumblr blog with good taste in naked or half-naked people. This shit is complicated, you don’t want some blog with a bad template who just fucks around do you of course not.



Jaques Magazine was recently featured in The New York Times in an article entitled “Taking Pornography Low Tech

Begun in May 2009, Jacques dishes out nudity with a knowing wink that speaks to the kind of man who prefers his meat grass fed and his denim raw. The models are bigger, curvier and silicone free. The settings evoke a wistful vision of middle-class America — a playground in Chicago, a swimming pool in Villanova, Pa. The resulting images look more like vacation snapshots than studio portraits.

It’s a highly stylized aesthetic that evokes a bygone age of Polaroids and Kodak Instamatics. Mr. Leder shoots on 35-millimeter film, uses only existing light and never retouches or digitally manipulates a photo — blemishes and body fat be damned. “A lot of quote-unquote porn is just simply disgusting,” Mr. Leder said, offering his view of the adult entertainment industry. “It’s so cheap and so vulgar, it just turns everybody off.”

Really the point is that these videos are pretty hot.

6. Brown Bodies

Brown Bodies is, just like the title says, Brown Bodies! A mixture of artsy/fashion photos and some reader submissions. Every now and then there’s a jungle cat, which is really confusing to me, but the rest of it is kickass.

7.Indie Nudes

Hey guess what I’m about to do? Change your life.


ALSO! Violet Blue has read every single sexy list on the interwebs anywhere and has collected them all for you in The Year in Sex 2010.

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3302 articles for us.


  1. I like Love Lost a lot. i think i got more excited by the furniture and interior decoration than the girls.

    that happens to me too when i look at some of the Tumblrs linked on previous NSFW Sundays. there’s always really cool kitchen decor and interior design and color schemes and those get me really excited than seeing the girls.

    not sure if need therapy for that.

  2. All of this is awesome, but the Indie Nudes website just reminds me of those crazy people’s wall-of-text website rants that you sometimes stumble onto will aimlessly clicking links at two in the morning, and then realize it’s five hours later and you’ve been reading about orgone energy and the conspiracy to implant neutrinos into baby formula or some such.

    All without paragraph breaks or proper punctuation, of course.

    Which is to say, the Indie Nudes site kind of freaks me out.

  3. Sometimes when I look at pictures of nude girls in awkward poses, I just feel more ouch! than ohyesbaby… is that normal too? Ah, who am I kidding, I gave up on the concept of normal AGES ago.

  4. At first I was like….whooa…there are a TON of awesome pictures of…ohmygod look at those boobs….holy god she is haaaaaawt…..Ima have to call off work tomorrow—oh wait ! NO JOB !!

  5. u guys and these tumblr thingies.

    none of my friends do tumblrs. i dont know if it’s a hood thing yet…kinda like how it took my people forever to get on twitter…

    but so i wanna make one and just document the simple urban life me and my beautiful lady/partnerincrime/lovemate etc live in the bronx.

    i might need a tutorial on tumblr.

    i want to see more cute intimate clothed portrayals of urban ethnic lesbians…why not start with me and mine?

    so AS and all of you lovely ladies out there if you have any tips on how to do a tumblr throw it at me…i’m gonna give it a go on my own and share my world with you all if i can.


    • I like your idea of just showing your life. tumblr is not out in the sticks yet either. If I made one it would be about us shooting .357s off my friend’s porch and going to the teeny gay bar with no sign out front, hehe. Show your life in the way that only you can.

          • for some reason that oprah avatar just skyrockets this innocent comment into the creepy stratosphere

          • Well, where do you live? I love showing people how to shoot, though you seem not to need that. I’m always up for meeting new gun people. You can email me at northatlanticdiver1 at hotmail if you want. Did you know there is a group for LGBT shooters? They have chapters all over the US and one each in Canada and South Africa:


            If anyone else out there is interested in guns, shooting, learning to shoot, etc., feel free to drop me a line.

          • i did not know that, very fucking cool. thanks for sharing! also, i live in MO. i’ll probably be dropping you a line!

          • I do not live anywhere near MO, but I’m sure there are homo shooters local to you. I have begun a little underground railroad operation, leading gays into the land of firearms knowledge and self-defense. A fun time is had by all :D.

    • This is an EXCELLENT IDEA. I approve.

      Also, I think there SHOULD be a Tumblr tutorial, because I’ve been there for six months and there’s still stuff I haven’t figured out.

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