7 Badass Ladies of “Buffy” and the Halloween Costumes They Inspire

For Buffy fans, the show has already inspired every emotion possible, ranging from “laughter” to “sad” to “scared” to “very sad” to “gay.” Why not also let them inspire the feeling of “wow I have the best Halloween costume ever, this is so great!” Buffy has a range of excellent ladies who can help you do this. We aren’t going to talk about Spike or Angel even though those are obviously superlative costumes as well, for you or the soft butch in your life. Anyhow let’s enter the Buffyverse!

Season One Finale Buffy


There are so many Buffy looks, so little time. This one is easy and memorable. It also conveniently solves the problem of trying to look cute without being cold on Halloween. You’re on your own when it comes to the crossbow, but don’t forget the 90s updo, butterfly clips and all.

Halloween Witch Willow


Again, there are more possible Willow looks than we could shake a stick at — the pink sweater with daisies on it! The bucket hats! Overalls, I think! — but this one has a nice synchronicity with Halloween, since it was Willow’s own Halloween costume. Man, remember bell sleeves? Willow sure does! Once again, butterfly clips are key. If, like Willow, this costume is a little anxiety-inducing for you, feel free to opt for what Willow ultimately did.

Gay Vampire Willow

vampire willow

Who could forget Willow’s vampiric alternate-universe self? She’s evil, skanky, and kinda gay. Gives you a lot of opportunities to sneak up behind people at Halloween parties to gaze closely at their neck. Dark lipstick and dark nails really tie the look together. The evil gay vampire look.



This classic Tara look will have you fitting right in at your local Renaissance Fair, meeting of gay witches, or just a Halloween party. This outfit goes best with a center part and a lot of feelings.



Kendra! You may recall her as a total badass, and also as the character whose storyline and character Joss Whedon totally effed up because he’s Joss Whedon. While Kendra never got the writing, interiority or arc that she deserved, she can forever live on through this homage to her. This should not need to be said, but if you are not black, do not paint your face or skin to make it look more like Kendra’s; that is blackface and it is wrong and racist. You can, however, be a total badass like Kendra, because that is awesome.



Oh, Faith. Not even evil gay vampires can compare to you. The concrete facts of Faith’s outfits are usually pretty run of the mill; the darker and tighter-fitting, the better. Snakeskin pants ideal, but not required. Really the most important thing is the dark lipstick, lustrous locks, and the dangerous-but-injured attitude. Also maybe a fake knife.



Drusilla, vampire queen of our hearts. You were so weird and creepy in such great ways. This is a fairly generic Creepy Lady costume — old-timey white dress, some vintage jewelry, dark makeup. You could be a ghost, or a zombie bride, or Miss Havisham — or you could be this insane, tortured vampire sadist with a cute accent. You can set yourself apart from other white-lacy-dress costumes by emulating her curled hair pulled back from her face and also a general vibe of wanting to visit terrible, terrible horrors upon everyone around you.

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.


  1. these are amazing!! but I’d like to add that Giles is a really cute and great nerdy butch costume! all you need is an argyle sweater and glasses and to hold a mug of a tea and you’re good to go!!

  2. This is exactly what I needed today.
    Also I’ve been needing a Halloween costume and I don’t know how I skipped over characters from Buffy but thank you now I have ideas. Although, all of the characters have long hair and I don’t anymore, but I can work around it.

      • Bunny Anya is perfect for Halloween in a chilly place and Dark Willow’s a fairly easy costume too. Black high necked shirt, some dust, black pants and eyeliner for the corrupted veins.

        Still Bunny Anya is the best. >o>

      • I did this one year! Super comfy and warm, right up until you have been drinking and have to pee…

        It also included friends dressed in the costumes worn by Willow, Buffy and Giles in that same episode. I must have pictures somewhere…

  3. Thank you Rachel! I’m always that person coming up with the lamest of lame costumes at the last minute, but not anymore :) I think I’ll go with Drusilla – I would wear the old-timey white dress anyway, so I just need to get dark lipstick and a creepy expression ;D

  4. I love all these ideas and this feels like the perfect opportunity to spring this:

    Any other parochial school grads out there with the classic uniform? The plaid skirt, the the flimsy white button up, the boob obscuring cardigan. If you still got it now’s the chance to turn the tables and be a monster.

    Yes, my fellow Whedonites I’m suggesting you dress up as Season 1 Darla. Or donate it to your local femme-y skirt wearing Buffy-fan person if wearing that oppressive itchy monstrosity ever again is just not your jam.
    Add some fake blood or vamp face if you got the skill. :3
    Oh the the knee socks too, that’s important.

  5. Man. Now I want to do another Buffy costume this year. I was one of the Gentlemen from Hush last year.

  6. Comfy and gender flexible idea: Get a Sunnydale High tshirt, put puncture marks of fake blood on your neck and be a victim! :D

  7. I’ve always wanted to dress up as Faith, loved her, and people always tell me I look like her. I’d really like to dress up like her to see what would happen. Loved this, thank you for the post.

  8. I always liked Willow, Tara, Drusilla, and Faith best. Never cared for Buffy. Great article, thanks for sharing it with us all!

  9. I had a Whedon-themed dress-up 21st and I’m old enough that it was before The Avengers so most costumes were Buffy.

  10. These are all really cool, but gender expression-wise I’d be more inclined to dress up as Spike or Giles.

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  12. im sure you know them from the blog buffering the slayer they had buffy parties with 2 very sexy spike butches and a drag kendra… no official parties this year prob but prob some friends gathering or you dress up at home with your partner(after all harmony and spike did a little slayer role play as well;-) if embedded pics dont show go to https://mollyadams.shootproof.com/gallery/BuffyProm/home password SHS ,scroll further down (she wrote thre pw on their site so its surely ok to post it here



    • try it one more time posting drag kendra and”spike butches” from the buffyprom. hope it shows now



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