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Everyone knows that summer is the best season, like, by far. You get to wear your cutest outfits, you get to go swimming, the sun is out and the fun is out. I especially love summer because I get to wear my shortest skirts and dresses and not worry about being cold. I also get to wear Gold Bond Friction Defense. I mean, really, I get to wear it year round, but it’s especially relevant in the summer. If your thighs touch, then you know about the pain that is chub rub or thigh chafing. It’s seriously a nightmare; who knew that just being a living human being with thighs that touch could cause you so much pain? But there’s good news! Your summer doesn’t have to be ruined if you use these terrific, chafing-preventing products!
This post is not sponsored by Gold Bond Friction Defense, I just really love it.
Gold Bond Friction Defense
This is what I use literally every day of my life. I’m very fat, and last year I decided I wanted to get rid of all my pants and all my leggings, so every day I wear a skirt or dress, and every day I use Gold Bond Friction Defense, and every day it works like a wonder. I haven’t had a single minute of chafing or discomfort since I started using this. It’s basically a stick of deodorant designed to wear on your inner thighs. It’s simple, it’s easy, and it works like a charm.
I have a pair of these and they’re really cute! They look like lingerie, so if you want to add a cute or sexy look to your outfit while also preventing chub rub, this is what I’d suggest. They don’t always stay up for me if I’m walking around all day, but it could just be me and my giant thighs. But I’d definitely recommend these if you want to make your outfit look extra cute while preventing chub rub.
Bike Shorts
These are a classic solution. They’re underwear, but the legs go down your thighs a few inches so that they cover up the exact part of your thighs that would normally be rubbing together. Supergirl wore these for a while as a part of her costume so that she could fly and not have people look up her skirt. If they’re good enough for Supergirl, they’re good enough for your thighs.

Reniece took this amazing picture of me at the beach showing off how great Gold Bond Friction Defense is.
Gold Bond Friction Defense
I use this product every day of my life. It’s no joke, no exaggeration, my favorite product that I use or buy. I can’t recommend it enough or enough times. It withstands sweat, water, a full day of walking, 100 degree weather, anything. It’s a miracle product and I don’t know how it was made without the use of magic.
Lush’s Silky Underwear Dusting Powder
Out of every chub rub solution I’ve heard, this one gets the most praise. Like, Lush is a high quality brand, everyone loves their bath bombs and soaps and body washes, and everyone also swears by their Silky Underwear Dusting Powder. If I were to try something other than Gold Bond Friction Defense, this would be my first choice.
Monistat Soothing Care Chafing Relief Powder-Gel
I don’t know anyone personally who uses this, but Monistat is usually well regarded by women, right? I’m also very unsure what a powder gel is, but the box says it “combines the protective benefits of lotion and powder” so that sounds pretty good.
Now, I have heard a lot of good stuff about Bodyglide, and it’s packaging calls it the “original” anti chafing balm, so I think this stuff works. If you’ve heard lots of good things from your friends and are looking for a sure shot, this is what I’d go for. Unless you can choose Gold Bond Friction Defense.

I took this picture right after applying Gold Bond Friction Defense, went out cumbia dancing for hours and didn’t have a single problem.
Gold Bond Friction Defense
I’m in love with Gold Bond Friction Defense. If I could get a sponsorship from one company, one product, I’d want it to be this. Like, I’ll star in commercials for them in exchange for a lifetime supply, they don’t need to actually pay me. Actually, if we’re being real, I’d pay them to let me be in their commercials. Seriously, My thighs have about seven square miles of skin that are constantly touching and rubbing each other. I don’t wear pants, shorts or leggings and it’s extremely rare that I wear tights. Gold Bond Friction Defense is what I use. If you ever listen to one piece of advice from me, let it be to wear Gold Bond Friction Defense.
I have tried literally ALL of these and nothing helped.
Fot those of you that share my plight, I’d recommend checking out aluminium deodorant. Do your research but def check it out people. Saved my summer.
I cannot recommend the Silky Underwear enough. I used it when we went to Italy and even though I was reapplying it about as often as you’re meant to reapply sunscreen it actually worked and I didn’t have any hideous thigh rash at all.
Tangentially related to this post – I love Gold Bond medicated foot powder because I hate wearing socks with any of my shoes and foot stink is real (and not fun). That’s also a summertime problem, yeah?
The Monistat chafing powder gel can also be used as a makeup primer! Google it! I use it for that!
Mey, have you heard of Gold Bond Friction Defense? I wonder what you think about it.
+mey that bikini pic is fire!
+for those of us who like that sort of thing, boxer briefs are good for this too! I’ve felt much more powerful/less vulnerable in my work dresses since I started wearing boxer briefs under them, plus the lines are great and no thigh rub.
I gotta get on that boxer brief train.
I used to think I had to order special ones (like TomboyX) for them to fit my body but it turns out regular cheap ones work just fine too!
Also, they’re sexy. Which is great.
Yes. Boxer briefs are super sexy
I’d recommend for you to check out that aluminium deodorant, it will stop you from sweating at all
sh*t this was supposed to go to another comment
I have Lush silky underwear and I like it (it smells good, it works) but it does not withstand sweat :'(((((
Will try Gold Bond friction defense!!!
this is my issue too. it prevents chub rub for a little while but then once I start sweating its impossible to reapply.
I’d recommend for you to check out that aluminium deodorant, it will stop you from sweating at all
Fall is the superior season.
I’m pretty committed to Silky Underwear, because my tiny bottle is already on it’s third summer and isn’t close to be out, and I find it is also great for sprinkling over your breasts if you live in an A/C-less apartment and don’t want to feel immediately gross when you put on your bra.
But Mey’s praise of Friction Defense has me wanting to check it out tbh.
I’m always on the hunt for chub rub prevention tips!! Thank you Mey!! ?
My go to right now is cornstarch (no joke!).. It’s been a life changer! I assume the Lush dusting powder works similarly
I think you forgot to mention Gold Bond Friction Defense.
(Great tips, Mey!)
Thanks for this post! I rarely leave my house in a dress, or even workout shorts, without a pair of Spandex underneath. If I don’t my chaffing can get so bad that it is painful for me to even take a few steps.
I also really like the mid-thigh length Spanx. They really help reduce any friction I have between my thighs.
“Monistat Soothing Care Chafing Relief Powder-Gel” –> I LOVE this product! If you’re in Canada, you have to order it from Amazon but I’ve found it’s well worth it. I have tried so many things, different deodorants, baby powder, chafing creams, bike shorts, and nothing has really prevented the heat rash I get on my thighs.
I honestly use it all of the time. Now, I’m from a dry climate, so when I went on a trip to NYC in October, it was a lot more hot & humid than I was used to, and I used this every single day, and threw it in my purse in case it was a long day and had to touch up, but I almost never had to actually add more. I’ve never had another heat rash since using it. I use it anywhere where I’m prone to chafing and I just can’t say enough good about it.
That said, I do think everybody is different. What’s worked for me might not necessarily work for anybody else, but I’ve had great success with this!
I love Bodyglide! I’ll def be checking out the Gold Bond as well. Thanks for this!
THANK YOU for this.
I aspire to be the lady at 1:00.
…And basically everyone else in this video.
I was just coming here to post this! I think this should be Mey’s summer theme song and/or the Gold Bond Friction Defense ad jingle. ;)
I use Mitcham’s block deodorant but I dunno if you can get it in the US
I found out about the Monistat powder gel last year and it has been my SAVING GRACE. Majority of the time it lasts me all day no problems. Only if I’ve been really sweaty/active then I may need to touch it up slightly. I can’t recommend it enough, has literally changed my relationships with skirts and dresses.
But how will the people know I am of the Bourgeoisie if I don’t buy a new, marginally longer/shorter pair of bike shorts for every sundress??
Bike short recommendation: if anyone lives near a GIANT TIGER (might only have them in Canada), my 2 friends and I each bought the same pair of bike shorts there 2 weeks ago for $6 each and they are the only pair I’ve ever tried that don’t roll up my thighs. We each bought the same size (L/XL) and we have different body shapes and all love them…. it’s almost like SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELLING BIKESHORTS except we have our own pairs
Bitchin’ thumbnail, Mey
K but I’d be wary of powdered products because I’ve watched friends and that crap turns into a paste!
My biggest problem is that the hair on my thighs is hella intense. I hate shaving my legs, but my parents are disgusted whenever they see me if I don’t shave in the summer. The stubble on my legs is serious and the chub rub is awful.
Do these help with that at all? Or any other suggestions?
(I’m really sorry you’re getting pressure from your parents to shave, that sucks.)
Idk if you’re looking for a fabric or non-fabric solution, but Bandelettes also makes solid bands–I haven’t tried them but I’m wearing a pair of the lace ones right exactly now and they are the tits–which would stop chafing and cover thigh hair.
I use the Monistat stuff! It’s like a gel that dries down to a sort of smooth powdery finish. I can only assume that it’s made of magic. It’s highly effective, but I do find that I have to reapply fairly frequently if I’m walking around a lot in hot weather.
Mey, I love this and love you. Thank you!!
Can you guess what product I’m testing out today? It came highly recommended.
I’ll definitely be trying Bodyglide, because I just checked and it’s vegan and not tested on animals, but also they have randomly gendered products. There is a pink version called “For Her” which is also unscented but also “with added moisturizers.” But like, why? Why not just advertise it as “with moisturizers.”
Anyway, still super stoked to try out something vegan. Hopefully soon I will be chaffing no more.
THANK YOU. I recently misplaced my trusty biker shorts (still a no-show) and I’ve been feeling lost without them. I like the idea of pantless solutions so I’m going to try this Gold Bond method.
Any suggestions for products that are available in Australia?
I swear by the gold bond. I am living in Southern Japan and the heat is real. Today was 90 degrees with 80 percent humidity. D: My Gold bond does not let me down!! I also have the monostat and it works just as well. I just prefer the gold bond because it is mess free just apply like deodorant and go. Plus it is easy to fit in a bag if you feel you might want to touch up. The cost is really cheep too. Like Ugh I too am crazy about this product. It just works.
Unrelated, I am considering trying the Lush product for boob sweat. Srs problem right now D: