Happy Valentine’s Day, y’all! We love you!

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Heather Hogan is an Autostraddle senior editor who lives in New York City with her wife, Stacy, and their cackle of rescued pets. She's a member of the Television Critics Association, GALECA: The Society of LGBTQ Entertainment Critics, and a Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer critic. You can also find her on Twitter and Instagram.
Heather has written 1718 articles for us.
yes. good.
I am ofurjoyed :)I would purretend that I don’t usually speak in cat puns…but I can’t lie to straddlers!
“I would purretend that I don’t usually speak in cat puns…” You’re lion.
On the contrary, I’m felyin’ ;)
That reply gave me paws.
Quality journalism!
Silvery Moon speaks to my soul.
Thank you for making it worth getting out of bed this morning.
Also, you realize you essentially asked for a picture of my cat?
What a beauty!
She is a compliment diva and thanks you!
Your cat: “I’m sexy and I know it.”
Seriously, I wish I had the self-confidence of cats.
it’s an honour to be among you.
I’m Pale Smoke. That’s me.
Actually, I’m Platinum. I’m all the chunky cats.
Critter alert
Magma is channeling how I feel today. This whole gallery really is something special. Well done!
It’s amazing how they can look so cute…while plotting our horrible and untimely demise.
This is good, I like this.
Now this movie looks Purr-fect! But I think you forgot someone: https://twitter.com/iflipforrizzles/status/566315074768207872
This is everything. Probably the most positive thing to come out of the 50 Shades franchise.
Yes yes yes, thank you for this!
I love this. I have two in fact. A twelve year old gray and white Maine Coone and a five year old American Shorthair who is also gray and white.
oh wow.
“cathedral grey” just sums up so many of my emotions.
I didn’t realize that what I needed to motivate me to repaint my apartment were cat-themed paint chips. But I should have known. Everyone should have known.
I can’t believe the lack of allcaps in the comments so far, because this is bound to be the best thing I see on the internet today. If today weren’t the first sunny day Boston has seen in an age and a half, it would be the best thing I’d seen today period. (I saw it and near-instantly emailed my friend, ran upstairs to show my neighbor, and told facebook.)
If this were a poster, I would buy it.
Add it to the store!
Greige? Greige is my new favorite word, thankyouverymuch.
This is beautiful. I want to share this joy with my grey kitty, but she is napping.
Now this is a 50 Shades I can get into. Love.
YES. This rules. But where is the latest pretty little liars recap?!
Can this be made into a poster for us to purchase? I would buy that sucker so fast.
I second this.
Articles like this make me happy to be an A+ member
My insides hurt from laughing so much :D
Hmmm yes…. I’d say that my cat is either a Cobblestone Path or a Timberwolf…
My kitty’s a griege! Proof:
Wow that’s big. Oops!
What a beauty!
This is wonderful on so many levels.
Pale Smoke’s bow tie! Ebony’s face! All the kittens!
From this point forward, my cat is no longer white, she is cinder block.
It is an honor to sign your paycheck
I want a kitty so much, Carbon Copy is actually killing me.
In one post you managed to make the existence of both Valentine’s Day and 50 Shades of Grey bearable, you wizardess.
These furpersons are too beautiful. I really miss our Ms Dappled Dancer.
Hopefully she’ll send us some new furpeople to adopt us later this year after we find our new home.
Thank You Heather, for the best birthday present this year.
You’re the best.
A blessed post.