Hello and welcome to this thing we’re doing where we help you figure out what you’re gonna put in your mouth this week. Some of these are recipes we’ve tried, some of these are recipes we’re looking forward to trying, all of them are fucking delicious. Tell us what you want to put in your piehole or suggest your own recipes, and we’ll talk about which things we made, which things we loved, and which things have changed us irreversibly as people.
I’m a firm believer in breakfast being the most important meal of the day. I really can’t start my day till I’ve eaten breakfast. I need it so I can function properly and think, if not I’ll cry and everything will be horrible!
Lately I’ve been all about peanut butter and banana overnight oats and avocado toast. They’re my favorite go-to breakfast foods and I haven’t gotten tired of eating them morning after morning. The amazing thing about overnight oats and avocado toast is that you can mix it up every day. One day you can top your overnight oats with walnuts and chocolate chips and the next you can mix in strawberries and honey. Another day you have goat cheese and tomato on your avocado toast and the next you have refried beans and onions. The possibilities are endless!
I know most people skip breakfast or grab like a pop-tart because you’re in a rush to get out the door to work or to run errands. You don’t have to do that anymore! These recipes are all super easy so you can make them in minutes or you can make them the night before and grab-n-go in the morning.
1. Breakfast Pizza Bagels
2. Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Breakfast Shake
3. Eggs Baked in Avocado

via seriouseats.com
4. Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Pancakes
5. Breakfast Quesadilla with Scrambled Eggs, Spinach and Black Beans

via skinnymom.com
6. 5-Ingredient Granola Bars
7. Spicy Potato, Bok Choy and Shallot Hash

via seriouseats.com
8. Peanut Butter and Jelly Waffle Sandwich

via caitsplate.com
9. The Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich
10. Tropical Coconut Chia Pudding

via gi365.info
11. Apple Mug Muffin
12. Berry Green Smoothie
13. Citrus Granola Parfait
14. Kale with Chorizo and Poached Eggs

via seriouseats.com
15. Cranberry Chia Seed Walnut Oatmeal

via caitsplate.com
16. Breakfast Bread Pudding

via yummylife.com
17. Baked Tomato and Egg Cups
18. Coffee Cake Muffins
19. My Favorite Green Smoothie
20. Breakfast Tacos with Crispy Potatoes, Chorizo and Fried Egg

via seriouseats.com
21. Peanut Butter and Banana Overnight Oats
22. Blueberry Breakfast Quinoa
23. Avocado toast with Goat Cheese and Tomato
24. Puttanesca Tofu Scramble

via theppk.com
25. Raspberry Sunrise Smoothie
26. Egg-in-a-Hole
27. The Vegan Breakfast Sandwich
28. Mini Omelet Muffins
29. Toast with Refried Beans and Avocado

via seriouseats.com
30. English Muffin Breakfast Pizza
31. DIY Cherry Pie Lara Bars

via sherisilver.com
32. Greek Yogurt Pops
33. Banana Maple Yogurt Parfait
34. Zucchini Carrot Oatmeal Muffins
35. Strawberry Banana Breakfast Smoothie

via kaylaitsines.com
The link for the coffee cake muffin seems to be broken. Can you check it? It looks super yummy!
Same with the 5-ingredient granola bars.
sorry about that! it should be fixed now!
Rookie question from an Australian — can you just scoop refried beans out of the can? Or do you have to cook it first?
Lifelong Arizonan ready for all of the bean questions- scoop out of the can. You can warm them up if you want, but the only reason you ever HAVE to cook beans is to get them soft enough to eat. Canned refried beans have already had water added, so no work on your part is necessary.
Thank-you! I’m very excited — beans spread straight from the can: this changes everything.
these are all on-point and excellent [egg-cellent?] to ponder as i sit here eating my bowl of cereal.
Alllll about the overnight oats… Bircher muesli with orange juice, yoghurt, sultanas and almonds. So much yum.
update: making overnight oats for tomorrow
YES! just changing lives here
it was a lot more watery than i expected – will the oats absorb the liquid overnight? is that the idea?
yup! all the oats will soak it all up :))
Thank you thank you thank you!
I don’t see how people can function without breakfast. Dinner and lunch may fall to the wayside when life gets busy, but breakfast and coffee are non-negotiable. My breakfast routine is generally a bowl of something hot, some sort of fruit, and (most important) a coffee-beverage. Since work requires me to rise at the ungodly hour of 4:30 am and I don’t want to spend any time in the morning cooking, my hot dish is made in a large batch before hand and re-heated as single servings in the work microwave.
So many new ideas here!
This all looks so yummy! *mouth waters* >w<
Ohh, avocado. The surefire way to my heart. <3
I am so bad at breakfasts that aren’t “oh look how did this cereal get into a tupperware” and terrible office coffee, this is everything I need. <3
Thanks for including my Lara Bars! These breakfasts all look like winners – I’ve made the coffee cake muffins many times and can personally attest to their genius!