click for all 30 Days of Carol
When the final credits rolled on last night’s Oscars, it marked the two year betrayal anniversary of The 2015 Oscar Nominated Film Carol™. Same as last year’s Oscars, before the camera panned up and back to reveal Hollywood’s elite mere moments away from being ushered into Illuminati HQ, not one person took to the stage to apologize for this mishandling. Put into perspective, in 2006, the Taylor Swift of movies – Crash – won Best Picture, Best Screenplay, and Best Director. I ask you: who will be our Kanye?
Until our savior comes, we mourn. We repent. We remember for those who won’t. And walk in the metaphorical desert – for thirty days straight.
Yes, ten days shy of the same caliber of sacrifice Jesus Christ himself once made, I will be posting about The 2015 Oscar Nominated Film Carol™ for the next month, starting today, rain or shine, weekday or weekend.
You might be thinking that this seems unwise; that it’s teetering on bad/tired/unfunny. Also, aren’t I the person who watched Carol on loop for an entire day when it dropped on Netflix, and don’t I have any shame? Integrity? And basically my answer to you is no and no. ALL MY FRIENDS ARE DEAD / PUSH ME TO THE EDGE.
The amount of times I’ve incorporated Carol here on Autostraddle amounts to roughly 8% of my posts, which is an incredible commitment to a brand, and so to kick off this momentous endeavor (and as further proof of my credentials) I’ll list every reference ranked by dearest.
12. Spitballin’ Carol Halloween costume ideas that subvert the heteronormative patriarchy
For this year and the next.
11. Calling out Netflix for getting National Girlfriend Day wrong
Another misstep by the world’s biggest streaming service.
10. Cosplaying AS Carol for a trip to Target
What do you do on Sundays?
9. Adding Carol to the imaginary lesbian Christmas film collection
First post coming in real hot!
8. Suggesting food and drink ideas for when you, too, would participate in the Carol Netflix Blackout
“Tie one on” as they say.
7. Including a Carol-themed valentine in our valentines for queer women
Shout out to my Carolheads who showed up in the comments.
6. Watching Carol on loop for an entire day
A sobering day.
5. Brainstorming titles for a Carol sequel with Heather
We have fun here.
4. Making a horror trailer cut of Carol
The best part of making this trailer was receiving feedback on Twitter from Rooney Mara’s stand-in on Carol who 1) called her “Ms. Mara”, 2) said this was the running joke on set, and 3) threw shade at one of the stars as masterfully as Carol would.
3. Tracking the seven stages of watching Carol
Love 2 spiral online.
2. Ranking Carol’s best pickup lines in Carol
Carol Aird: the best to ever do it.
1. Honoring Heather Hogan’s legendary Twitter thread about an in-flight fight with a man who was upset she was watching Carol, aka “homosexual pornography”
Never forget. Ever.
I literally finally watched it for the first time yesterday!
Also I love the powers of editing.. way to make her look like a creepy stalker in that trailer montage, awesome haha.
sam please tell me what about yesterday was the final push
Hahaha honestly just having it appear on my Netflix suggestions; I never got to watch it when it was in theatres, and the last time I remember y’all mentioning it was back on Netflix it actually wasn’t available on the Canadian version of Netflix, this was pretty much the first time I noticed I could watch it for free lol. It was definitely a good movie but I was hoping for more action :p
I thoroughly commit to read every single one of these posts.
This is spectacular.
My favorite Carol memory involves an ex (shocker); we were staying in a swanky beach resort on Phu Quoc and somehow this resort had a Carol DVD (?!) in their library which I choose to believe was left behind by another lesbian couple discreetly traveling through southeast Asia.
We accidentally stole a Harry Potter book from that library but managed to responsibly leave Carol for other happy queers to be blessed by.
sisterhood of the traveling carol
Don we now our gay apparel,
Girl, we love, our gay Carol
I don’t know if I can keep Caroling for 30 days.
well now you have to sorry
Fa la la la la Comment award
I LOVE Carol/The Price of Salt. I was so happy when they put the movie on Netflix
//A fan of a month of Carol.
//a fan of your best friend/ex of carol’s name
this deserves a pulitzer, erin. looking forward to reading your very important work on the subject of carol.
emily…..thank you
If I meet a potential date who hasn’t seen Carol (or read The Price of Salt), I’m very hesitant to go out with them. It’s a prerequisite.
“have you seen carol” is a sext
I don’t know if you can hear it from your room, but there’s a dog outside our apartment right now howling like a wolf, and I think it’s because of this post which made me laugh ~several times and also the promise of so many more posts to come.
that dog was me
Every year after the “Carol” snub, I’ve been seething. I keep imagining Cate Blanchett in the audience. Or waiting for Carter Burwell’s name to be called as winner for Best Score. I will NEVER forget.
remember when brie larson won and cate blancett was like the human embodiment of the word “EESH”
Hey, just wanted to thank you for the 30 day Carol series. I am a very late bloomer to the movie and just rediscovered it now (after watching it once in 2017). The lockdown somehow got me watching and boy am addicted to the movie and everything Carol since then. It’s like a crazy, sickly (yet delicious), addiction that am just not over to get over with. So thank you for fuelling my Carol addiction further and for the wonderful writing :)
All of these are so goooood! Also ,I read about Heather’s Carol in-flight fight every time I watch a queer movie on a plane, which is to say every time I watch a movie on a plane
lord’s work
And Aird’s work
A reverent 30 days awaits us all — may we never know the pain of a Carol-less whisper
that’s that
So Erin, what do you do on Sundays?
i’m usually free, invite me round
Maybe you’d like to come visit me some time. You’re welcome to. At least there’s some pretty country around where I live. Would you like to come visit me this Sunday?
You speaking of Cate and the Oscars brought to mind that time she almost missed hers due to being at the bar with Julia Roberts.
Thank you for bringing that happy memory back to mind. A 2014 version of Carol (in my mind) if you will.
Trust me, it was definitely a feature length movie in my brain.
i did not know this THANK YOU
I like to spread the joy.
What did we do to deserve Erin
I don’t know what holiday we are heading towards, but this advent calendar is a high holygay already.
20GAYTEEN is coming true
Sweet! A Carol mine!
Good times never seemed so good
I’d be inclined
To believe they never would
Alright, who wants to watch Carol with me on the flight to A-Camp? Better yet, what if we ALL watched Carol while flying to A-Camp?
WAIT. What about watching Carol in the car on the way to camp? Then we’d be a CAROLVAN of CAROLFANS.
I’m glad we have 29 more Carol posts to look forward to.
erin, you are truly something. *heart-eye emoji 4ever*
my god i am so in for this
Yes, yes I would definitely read all of these and be thrilled about it! You’re a gift, Erin.
Number six is the best. It’s just relatable.