click for all 30 Days of Carol
Isn’t it incredible that we found out the real story behind Carol is that time travel exists and lesbians are at the helm? Cinema: I love it. How one small detail can take a movie from romance to science fiction – that’s the magic of the screen.
The breakthrough reminded me of how different Carol could have been if it was based on this alternate poster featuring Therese in a shadowy expanse. Whenever I’ve seen it, I’ve imagined this Carol to be a movie about a scorned mistress who eventually breaks into an office to collect receipts. Then yesterday I came across a chart from Electric Literature that generates elevator pitches for you, and when I plugged ol’ Carol in there, I got:
A lyrical thriller about a refugee mistress’s endeavor to re-awaken her political apathy.
If I wasn’t dead tf on. I didn’t specify what she was collecting receipts for, and now I know it’s about voter fraud. I wondered what else this chart knew, so I put it to work for every character.
A psycho-sexual tragedy about an agoraphobic ghost’s dream to confront her sexless marriage.
An edge-of-your-seat meditation about a wealthy murder detective’s strategy to explore her privilege.
A heartrending thriller about a dissatisfied student’s dream to re-awaken his political apathy.
A profound thriller about an unlucky child’s failure to explore his toxic friendships.
An inspiring noir about a quixotic ghost’s dream to transcend her traumatic childhood.
An inspiring trilogy about an agoraphobic mother’s pains to re-awaken her father’s murder.
A razor-sharp war epic about a precocious adolescent’s plan to pursue a sexless marriage.
A darkly comic thriller about a doomed divorcee’s expedition to reawaken his Oedipal complex.
A darkly comic war epic about a depressed child’s effort to expose her social media addiction.
A darkly comic war epic about an unlucky child’s failure to accept her (parent’s) sexless marriage.
A riveting story about a doomed widow’s adventure to circumvent her mother’s death.
A riveting story about an unlucky mother’s battle to reawaken her political apathy.
A riveting autobiographical novel about a wealthy adolescent’s vacation to expose her fear of spiders.
A psycho-sexual autobiographical novel about a precocious extended family’s promise to expose their spiritual evolution.
Should the trailer be set to Evanscense? It seems like a lot of people here to wake up inside.
I laughed out loud at this and woke up my cat.
Comment award!
I would totally watch these movies especially Florence the quixotic ghost.
Sometimes I long for the old days when my political apathy was awake.
Wow Dannie is spot on!!!!!
“The 100” and “Supergirl”,
“The 100” and “Supergirl”,
I’d rather have “Carol” than “The 100” and “Supergirl”,
The way they treat their gays,
Is gonna make me hurl,
I’d rather have “Carol” than “The 100” and “Supergirl”
Don’t give me subtext,
Which fanfic has to fill,
Or kill the lesbians,
To give the straights a thrill,
But just give me a savior,
As beautiful as a pearl,
I’d rather have “Carol” than “The 100” and “Supergirl”
I would totally watch Abby’s movie. And I’m laughing so hard that Richard’s movie ISN’T EVEN ABOUT HIM AGAIN HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Wow, I feel like I need that poster of Therese somewhere in my apartment.
Richard is not the star of his own life
I’ve never seen so many agoraphobic folx mentioned in a piece that isn’t about agoraphobia. Yay representation!
I’m feeling personally attacked.
No, you won’t make me tell.
You’re an agoraphobia aren’t you, Snaelle? That’s why you hide in your Snaelle shell.
Damn autocorrect.
Rim shot !
*dramatic pause* …Whoa
Tbh I am hopelessly conflicted about the coming of April because on the one hand SATELLITE OF LOVE but in the other hand WHAT WILL I DO when 30 Days of Carol is over?
I tried a reverse lookup with the pitch chart — describe the plot and see what you can spell — but all I got was gibberish like:
RGBIJUV “Riveting romance about a wealthy woman’s inability to give up her secret second family.”
My second try was better:
QIIIMYW “Unforgettable story about a young woman’s not-so-secret desire to embrace her sexual awakening.” I very nearly spelled QUIM (with an extra I), but tragicomedy just didn’t fit.
If nothing else, my experiment resulted in a kick-ass password generator.
i think Carol was spelled Caqoo in the chart…??