click for all 30 Days of Carol
For the most part, I’m a person with a clear mind. It’s incredible, really, having little to no thoughts when idle. When I do chores or even sometimes when I’m driving, it’s often in dead silence, but not because I’m with my thoughts – it’s because I’m content to sit with the nothing. Chilling stuff. I had an ex who would come home and find me in a room without music or a podcast on and was deeply unsettled every time it happened. Not that music’s or podcasts’ explicit purpose is for distraction, but there is an element of turning it all off.
It’s why when thoughts come through without much effort on my end, I take note of them. They are often nonsense, which is maybe the reason I exist in this subdued state – my brain has trained itself to filter out bad or poppycock thoughts, and it just so happens to be all of them. Recently before bed, my brain in a vulnerable state from another exhausting day, one such thought snuck in: “What if you set the Carol trailer to 311’s ‘Amber’,” it thought, to which I thought back, “Lol.” (For all of our readers below the age of 25, 311 was an alt-rock-ska-fusion band popular in the 90s, which as you can tell from my assessment of their genre produced some very questionable music.)
“It might be the worst but it might be the best actually?” it continued on. “For sure,” I thought back, and then set out to test our theory the next morning. After watching it through while screaming many, many times over, I think it’s so the worst that it’s the best? It honestly does seem to follow the story with the timing of the lyrics. Confirm or deny in the comments.
I mean, hearing this band for the first time (they never released anything in the UK it seems; one wonders why) this is just a general statement of denial.
Try “come original” sally and report back
I don’t know who I hate more, Erin: you for suggesting this, or myself for being so gullible as to listen to a whole 23 seconds of it.
so you agree, you want a trailer set to that
I think that if I hear any more of this band, I’ll be getting in touch with my Commenter’s Union representative to discuss strike action.
Terrible music aside, at least it blocks out Harge’s voice.
This is great, yes
Rous I think amber is older than you WHICH IS NOT LOST ON ME
The concepts of age and time are meaningless in the face of lyrics like Whoa / Brainstorm / Take me away from the norm / Whoa
This trailer makes me want a feel good summer movie sequel to Carol
what about a fast and the furious sequel
If Vin Diesel’s character gets a boyfriend and dumps the transphobe, I’ll go see it twice, Erin.
This launched a thousand ships in my heart, so easily.
Some would say hauntingly beautiful
I’m conflicted. Carol holds a special place in my heart. But I had managed to completely block out 311 in my memory.
welcome them back in denise
I saw Mommi kissing Therese,
In the motel last night,
She didn’t see the creep,
Who was trying to steal her daughter without a peep,
That was so fucked up,
I hope he gets what’s coming to him, that mother-*bleep*
Then I saw Mommi tickle Therese,
Underneath the snowy white sheets,
Oh, what a laugh it would have been,
If Daddy had only seen,
Mommi kissing Therese last night
Oh, God. We’re only halfway through. *sob*
:) :) :) :) :)
Ma’am…do you realize amber means slow down and come to a complete stop, it does not mean go?
nothing good comes easily
It’s why I’d rather be bad.
I thought amber meant, ‘bad idea, but hit the gas and go for it anyway’.
(at 2:07) The lyric “don’t give up your independencccceeeeeee” playing over the shot of Carol asking Therese to move in with her. WOW. WOW.
Confession time: “amber” was my ringtone for years. Remember ringtones, you guys?
what’s a ringtone
It would work with a completely different pace trailer…. But maybe not the current one we know and love.
will test
You revitalized this song for me in a way I had never anticipated, in the same way Melissa Villaseñor miraculously breathed new life into Nickleback for me the other week on SNL
Monique fr knew you would get it
-7-year-old me, while using our family computer for the first time to research ‘pussy cats’ for a class presentation on pets.
Lol, wrong article
Honestly this it’s just proof that you automatically default to Carol when thinking of… pussy cats.
Rous: Exposed
I’m just glad the rapper from 311 didn’t make an appearance.
will try all mixed up and send the link if u want
I’m down.
You might even say that I’ve always been down down.
this song has been stuck in my head since viewing this video ~2 hours ago and now it’s like 2002 in here and i’m dating a boy with bleached tips who likes to let his mcdonalds breakfast chill for an hour before eating it
Okay now I want to – know. I think. I mean, to ask you… things. But I’m not sure you want that.
ask me
That’s going to be a hard no for me. A hard no. The hardest no. The diamond of no.
Wow I feel like the music is encouraging me to write a review of Carol describing it as “a romp”, which, maybe?
Anyway, happy Ides of Carol!
It was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity
Yes, this is Correct.
Reggae? Lol.
I was impressed with the blocking, almost as if “311” had had precognition that you would be making this trailermix and arranged their tune accordingly !
I’m also impressed by everyone who actually heard the lyrics, usually I’m a stickler for lyrics but here I just watched the lovely pictures
I had no idea today would take this turn. That was real tight, Erin.
*slow clap*
Yes, thank you.