20 Queer Bakers To Follow on Instagram

Feature image via Disco Cherry Bakery’s InstagramRecently, I put together a super rad list of queer florists and queer-owned flower shops. Now it’s time for queer bakers/bakeries! Fill your Instagram feed with allllllll the pastries, breads, and sweet treats. While I love to cook, baking is difficult for me!!!!! But that’s why I love to watch the pros do it. Follow these queer bakers for some baking inspiration of your own or find out where you’re getting your next batch of themed cookies (all themed parties should have matching themed cookies imo). Some only sell where they’re based, but some ship their products! This list focuses on smaller operations rather than bigger pastry shops. This list also features several homebakers — some who accept orders, and some who just post tips and recipes if you want to work on your own skills!

Little Loaf Bakeshop (Hudson River Valley)

Sweet T’s Bake Shoppe / @itztatiana (Boston, MA)

Maria Patricia Newberry (Malvern, PA)

Sugar & Ivy (South Shields)

Baked by Brianna (Stevens Point, WI)

LaurelBakes Cookies & Cakes (Santa Cruz, CA)

Bæker Kræker (Saskatoon)

Layered By Lex (Asheville, NC)

Spoonfae (Bellingham, WA)

Gae Cupcakes (Philadelphia, PA)

Kneading Is Fundamental

The Baqueery (Bay Area, CA)

Citrus Slut

Lav Bakes (Seattle, WA)

Queering Domesticity

Cry Baby Cakes

Sweet Lips Bakery (Brooklyn, NY)

Pasteliux Bakery (Los Angeles, CA)

Disco Cherry Bakery (Madison, WI)

Moon Milk Baking (San Diego, CA)

Bake anything good lately or want to boost other queer bakers and queer-owned pastry shops? Drop em in the comments!

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Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya

Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya is the managing editor of Autostraddle and a lesbian writer of essays, fiction, and pop culture criticism living in Orlando. She is the former managing editor of TriQuarterly, and her short stories appear in McSweeney's Quarterly Concern, Joyland, Catapult, The Offing, The Rumpus, Cake Zine, and more. Some of her pop culture writing can be found at The A.V. Club, Vulture, The Cut, and others. When she is not writing, editing, or reading, she is probably playing tennis. You can follow her on Twitter or Instagram and learn more about her work on her website.

Kayla has written 978 articles for us.


  1. Des Moines’ queer baking scene is fire. My two favs: @piebirdpies makes amazing pies, including beautiful rainbow latticework pies for Pride Month as a fundraiser for our local LGBTQ+ org, @ThistleSummit is a vegan and gluten free amazing baker who makes better than the original oatmeal creme pies.

  2. there’s this great baker on instagram who’s queer and i think POC, and makes these dreamy cakes with heaps of different flavours (like tamarind and oolong) and like, very brightly coloured swirly wiggles of buttercream icecream. i’ve just spent ages trying to find them on insta and cannot – maybe they’ve deactivated their account?? anyway this is the most useless comment ever hahahahaahaha but i just wanted to chip in

  3. Nachdem Sie Ihr bevorzugtes Instagram-Profilbild ausgewählt haben, müssen Sie ihn herunterladen. Nach dem Herunterladen müssen Sie eine App installieren, mit der Sie das Profilbild vergrößern können. Dann können Sie es mit der echten Sache mit demselben Namen vergleichen.

  4. InstaZoom.io ist eine Website, die Ihnen ein kostenloses Tool zur Verfügung stellt, mit dem Sie hochauflösende Instagram-Profilbilder anzeigen und herunterladen können.

  5. InstaZoom.org ist ein einfach zu bedienendes Tool und kostenlose Funktionen zum Vergrößern und Herunterladen eines hochauflösenden Instagram-Profilbildes und -Bildes.

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  7. @bitebkln in brooklyn, NYC! Adorable mini donuts. Owned by 2 queer cousins, and home of The Gay Donut!

  8. @bitebkln in brooklyn, NYC! Adorable mini donuts. Owned by 2 queer cousins, and home of The Gay Donut! bitebkln.com :)

  9. Thanks for including LaurelBakes. She’s in a big baking competition right now. Her bakes just keep getting better and better!

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