Header by Rory Midhani
The polls were wrong and political reporting misled us. It’s been a sad, frustrating, scary week and there are many more to come. But we have each other, and we have a little bit of time right now to get our plans in order. So gather your strength; we’re going to need it.
I made this for us.
We will stick together.

Trimethylsilanol-treated sand and water. Via Scrival.
We will be resilient.

Gelatin cubes dropped onto solid surface. Via ModernistCuisine.
We will repel Republican attacks on women.

1,085°C molten copper poured on dry ice. Via Tito4re.
And we will maintain control of our bodies.

“The importance of having a good load distribution on a trailer.” Via Best buzz new.
We will speak truth.

Bioluminescent cardinalfish. Via National Geographic.
We will bust Trump’s lies.

Dry ice and dish soap bubble. Via brusspup.
We will not allow our communities to give in to white fragility.

Breaking glass with sound. Via Brit Lab.
Because together we will take out white supremacy.

Sulphuric acid on toilet paper. Via Watch It Melt.
We will contain their hatred and bigotry.

Steam creating a vacuum. Via Grant Thompson.
We will surround each other with love and community.

A magnet and magnetic putty. Via Steve Bartlett.
We will protect LGBTQ rights.

Chemicals that change the color of fire. Via TheBackyardScientist.
And love will win.

Pink orchids blooming. Via Blooming Flowers Time-lapse.
Now more than ever, we must band together to apply social and political pressure.

Rubber bands around a watermelon. Via The Slow Mo Guys.
We must agitate.

Red and white make pink. Via Labedzki-Art.
We must organize.

Coin sorting by wheels, levers and gravity. Via Grand Illusions.
We must resist.

Gold chemical resistance. Via Alex Podolsky.
And never, ever settle.

Ferrofluid and glow sticks. Via Physics Girl.
Let’s get busy.
Notes From A Queer Engineer is a recurring column with an expected periodicity of 14 days. The subject matter may not be explicitly queer, but the industrial engineer writing it sure is. This is a peek at the notes she’s been doodling in the margins.
LAURA! these are so good ahhh so satisfying; thank you! And funny heheh science humor is the best humor. <3 :D
Nerds are hot!
Aw, I misread “gifs” as “gifTs”, and thought that I was going to find a link that would lead me to a site where I could buy some sweet royal blue magnetic putty.
If you do find a place to buy some, send me the link please.
I’ve got you covered! I gifted my roommate some magnetic putty for his birthday this year. It is indeed therapeutic and it comes in different colors!
You. Are. The. Best!
What Avawn said! This is boss!
LOL! Nina I had the same reaction! ? Thanks for the putty link below pals!
Thanks for the calming gifs! Any idea why the white (supremacist) toilet paper turns black when it reacts with the sulfuric acid? Is it burning?
the sulfuric acid is probably breaking up the toilet paper molecules (lots of cellulose) leaving behind carbon (basically coal, hence the color), water, and i guess still some carbonhydroish molecules while giving off heat in the process. so its not technically burning – but given that its coal thats left behind, you could set that black toilet paper roll on fire. and it would stink(the sulfuric stuff). random. great gifs / article.
I co-sign this nice explanation though I’m primarily a bio-nerd. Burning like a candle is a type of very rapid oxidation, and so is this acid+TP reaction gif.
Wow that is so cool! Coal! Science rocks. Thanks for explaining.
Love that AS is one giant internet art project about the election right now.
(No, really, I love it. It helps.)
If that tiny fish can cast a patronus, so can I!
This is the most inspiring thing I’v ever read.
Comment award
I have no idea why, but I kept laughing at the whole “We must agitate” one. It keeps giving me a giggle fit.
loooooove this
Thanks, Laura, this is fantastic!
Thank you Laura. I needed this. It’s been over a week and I’m still not back to normal
Me too.
I love the jello one so much.
This is totally cool, can we make this a frequent thing?
I love these!
This is the best thing ever. Laura, you’re my hero (from one queer engineer to another!)
I love this! This made my brain very happy!
Love this and definitely needed this!!!! ?
I say we all watch *Carol” as a satisfactory and personal
“fuck you!” to last Tuesday’s shitstorm.
Can there please be a post about this????? Please? ❤