10 More Lesbian and Queer Tumblrs to Follow

Way way back on December 27, 2009, we alerted you the existence of 14 very fantastic tumblrs, including our own, which at that time that time was way underground and now is accumulating followers like the Pied Piper. In addition to that initial list, we’ve been highlighting some of our favorite sexy tumblrs in various NSFW Sundays, many of which were accounted for in NSFW Sexy Sunday’s Tumble Through Lesbo Homosexy Goodness. You can refresh yourself with those fine tumblrs at the bottom of this post.

But first, here’s ten more we like right now — ten that go a little beyond the traditional lesbian tumblr content into their own special world of queer imagery/words.

(Also! If you want these tumblrs or any tumblrs or, let’s be real, this entire website, to continue to exist, go here and read this)

Queer Fat Femme: Queer Fat Femme’s tumblr presence is body-positive, occasionally political, and always very very bright and pretty.


Ancestry in Progress: The fine creation of Luna, aka Autostraddle’s Miss March 2012, Ancestry in Progress mixes political consciousness and social activism with personal writing and hot women of all colors and sizes. Including, obviously, Luna herself.

Fuck Yeah Asian Dykes: These ladies noticed that there’s “not enough love for queer asians” and so they gathered together all their love and cuteness and put it on the internet for you!

Boyish Percent: Do you like girls that look like boys? So does this tumblr.

Model Lesbians: Models, as curated by a lesbian.

The Meow Meow: Okay not to get all up on our calendar girls as having exceptional tumblrs, but they do, so. The MeowMeow is the tumblr of Lily, aka Miss September, a San Francisco based college student who just-so-happens to be a rad photographer. She seems to visit a lot of interesting apartments and I think also other countries. Sometimes she parties with her friend liquor in the front.

This Beautiful Fight: Sophia Wallace is one of our favorite photographers and her intermittetly updated tumblr features her work (which often focuses on challenging traditional ideas of gender and sexual orientation), carefully chosen quotes and various career updates.


Pussy Le Queer: Bohemea and Suicide Blonde had a lot of racy, sometimes kinky, always classy, photos that were a little too NSFW for their own tumblrs. Thus, Pussy Le Queer was born. There are so many breasts on this tumblr, but since this post is SFW you’ll have to go to the tumblr itself to see all the breasts.


Gray 37: This self-identified “gay black woman”  in London celebrates the strength of women of color through photography and other artworks. It’s like really vigorous yoga for your eyes.


Fuck Yeah Autostraddle: This girl knows ALL THE THINGS about Autostraddle and Autostraddlers and even Autowin and that’s one of several reasons why we think this is the best tumblr in the entire fucking universe. We don’t know who runs it because we enjoy the mystery. But one day we will give this girl a crown.


In our 14 Lesbian & Genderqueer Tumblrs to Watch, we told you to follow:

Fuck Yeah Dykes
Girls Who Like Girls
W[omen] O[f] C[olor] Survival Kit
Suicide Blonde
Liquor in the Front
Fuck Yeah The L Word
Pink Taco Lovers
Defining Myself
Les Femmes

In our Tumble Through Lesbo Homosexy Goodness, we told you to follow:

Mr. Sexsmith
Laugh And Live
Weed and Hips
Fuck Yeah Geek Girls
Judith and Jill
Things That Excite Me
Synthetic Pubes
Fuck Yeah Lady Love
Elles Étaient Deux
Cute Boyish Lesbian Girls

Once you’re done looking at these tumblrs, you should come back here and hang out!

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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  1. Dude. I JUST met Sophia Wallace at my college yesterday because she’s showing some of her work here. Girl is so fucking smart and talented and well-spoken.
    Also – absolutely gorgeous.

  2. Hey Autostraddle! You forgot one!:) Check out Testimony, our exhibition of queer voices from all around the world.

    Testimony invites LGBTQ young people and adults to submit creative projects that represent what it’s like to be young and queer from their unique perspective. It is a space to tell our stories in our voices, to connect with others, to document our history, to spark dialogue and to create change.

    Check it out and submit YOUR Testimony…


  3. I’ve had to cut out a lot of photo-heavy tumblrs, because I’m changing my tumblr use/focus. But Pussy Le Queer is one of the ones that I could never axe, because everything those ladies post is gorgeous and fantastic.

  4. oh man, my tumblr dash is already nothing but naked ladies. and men’s fashion.

    but these look great! and more diverse than the stuff i’m following right now.

  5. Yay for new tumblrs to follow, though some of these haven’t updated in a while…or is tumblr just messing with me. =/

    • all the tumblrs featured in this post have updated within the last three days — i’m not sure what the status is with the tumblrs listed at the bottom, though.

      also tumblr is being weird today, sidenote

  6. Ooooooooooooooh look at this! I’m flushed with honor and embarrassment. I was just type typing away and suddenly I had an influx of followers. I said to myself, “Self?” And myself said, “Hmm?” And I said, “Where did all these people come from? Was it something particularly deep that I wrote?” And myself said, “Girl, please, somebody linked you from somewhere”. And here is that somewhere.

    AS, you are hellbent on getting me recognition, internet love, okCupid dates, updated swag, and ultimately…a girlfriend.

    I could marry the whole damn team right now…if it were legal in the state of California.

  7. Is it wrong of me to interpret the appearance of JD Samson in this post as a sign that I should follow all these tumblrs? CUZ I DO. Not that they don’t look amazing by themselves!

  8. does anyone remember hipsterdykes? or fuckyeahhipsterdykes or something? it was great but it doesn’t seem to be updated or online anymore.

    • i considered submitting a picture of you drunk with no pants on, felt like that would be a funny surprise

    • Oh hey, I co-mod that (and am usually responsible for the appearance of South Asians on there). I’ve been avoiding Tumblr but now that I see this I should probably go and at least fill up that tumblr more ;)

      • THANK YOU THANK YOU I LOVE FUCK YEAH ASIAN DYKES AND *ESPECIALLY* FOR SOUTH ASIAN REPRESENTATION!!! I am not South Asian but goddamn I <3 the women from there, I NEED variety when looking at good-looking women.


  9. Pingback: Pequeñas pero picantes noviembre 2011 • Lesbicanarias

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