Ashley Reed, Sarah Croce & Haviland Stillwell
This is a big deal. This show you’re about to watch, UNICORN PLAN-IT, is a big deal. It’s a big deal ’cause it’s Autostraddle’s first ever original narrative series. But it’s also a big deal because this all-lady all-lez program isn’t like anything else out there AND, like our other Autio/Video Series, Julie & Brandy in Your Box Office, it both takes you seriously and is really f*cking funny. UNICORN PLAN-IT knows you can handle a little edge, moderate levels of intelligence and and lots of adult language.
UNICORN PLAN-IT is a tight little comedy best described as Modern Family meets Kell on Earth meets “a bunch of hot lesbians in West Hollywood.” Has anyone made a show about that last one?
Three co-workers, one crazy boss and one enlightened fairy-tale-haired spiritual healer face the slings and arrows of everyday life as event planners and ladykillers and homosexuals.
“We refer to everyone as Unicorns, because gay people love them, because they are magical and lovely, and also, they are really just lesbian horses. Obvs. Holler. UNICORN PLAN-IT…Get horny.”
Most importantly this show is written, directed, produced and edited by Real Lesbian Females who want to make you laugh, make you proud of who you are and generally make your life better in every way. Who are these real lesbian females? Haviland Stillwell (TV/Broadway actress, recording artist, vlogstar, voice of Yasmin in THE BRATZ!), Sarah Croce (Actress, Miss April, Girl Talk, Fake-Whitney) and Ashley Reed (writer, upcoming film HART’S LOCATION, once recorded a song for you). This episode also features comedian Sherri D. Sutton and actors Catherine Wadkins and Amir Levi.
Are you ready to make history? The ladies have sacrificed two entire episodes for you today. LIVE AND LEARN (how to be fantastic)!
Edited by Sarah Croce & Lauren Aadland”
Unicorn Plan-It Episode 101 – VaGchat:
Unicorn Plan-It Episode #102 – Bang it Out!:
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zomg i havent watched this yet but UNICORNS
This is going to start a whole new era of one-liners you guys.
“I don’t have time to Facebook all day. Why didn’t you just tell my face?”
Gah love it already! Ashley Reed is my Idol :) so funny
I’m taking that scissor bump thing to the streets.
im with you. team effort.
love it, hilarious.
That’s what she said.
ah this was great! i can’t pick a favorite but maybe either kesha or kashi.
Also – the sound the unicorn makes in between the sections (which is apparently called a “kooeigh”..who knew) reminds me of that bell/echo noise thing that is in Law & Order.
Ahahaha pants and pumps.
This is awesome.
I gayly respect tradition, the gender binary, and my mom.
I love it!
nice touch with the grandma license plate..
It’s actually World’s Greatest Grandpa. Can’t say I wasn’t humored or that I don’t want one.
haha i love the scissor bump!
YES. so excited to see what comes next.
That was great! I cannot wait for another episode.
Aha! I spotted Twilight books in the office at approx. 3:56 of episode 1.
Yeah, so I’m a bad lesbian for not being completely consumed by Haviland Stillwell in nothing but a towel.
Actually on a site like AS that probably makes you, like, a level 12 mage lesbian. Oh wait, maybe that’s just for Harry Potter…hm.
Ha ha, loving this!!
sarah croce is so freakin hot.
at first i was mainly gonna watch this show for her, but i’m diggin it. and also any opportunity to watch her do push ups and tell me that she tastes delicious.
I am also down for gratuitous shots of her beautiful blue eyes. Like, all of the shots should be of her eyes.
That was awesome, the scissor bump needs to become a thing
OK so obvs this was hilarious, but the music is so awesome! Ash you are GENIUS!
Also, Unicorn Plan-it t-shirts? The design is too badass not to!
yes please tshirts!
i will buy the fuck out of anything with that damn logo
Unicorn Plan-it t-shirts = do want
yes t-shirts please please!
Incredible and awesome and just OMG I’M EXCITED.
love it
I’m loving the series so far. Keep it up.
also also also ashley reed has the coolest looking skyline tattoo i’ve ever seen
I know! I’m totally mesmerized by it.
I’m so excited for this show! now I want unicorn plan it stuff! unicorn plan it hats and stickers
This is so fun! I’m so happy we got two episodes at once :)
You guys! This is so awesome! *-*
I only got to watch the first one, and it’s an afterthought but I’m saving the next one for tomorrow, to energize mehhhh
That was awesome. MORE!
Episode 3 please! Love it!
moar plz. *scissor bump*
HAHAHAHA! that scissor bump had me in stitches! Taking that baby to the streets of Cape Town!
I think this was the best webseries I’ve seen, it was hilarious and the production values were so high, and the actresses and actor were excellent!
Brilliant guys keep it up!
sidenote: I thought the girl sitting at the computer in the coffee shop scene was Julie Goldman and I was so excited but then it wasn’t her :(
fun fun fun
Also, I’m pretty sure I saw Haviland on the news this morning singing as part of the cast of For the Record: Coen Brothers. I love it when pieces of Autostraddle make their way into my real life.
TV news = more real life than autostraddle?
Also I like U Plan-It.
LOL. I just like finding Autostraddle in places that I’m not looking for it.
Like, I was just watching the regular ol’ news and then all of a sudden there’s Haviland singing and dancing and I was like, “Hey! I know who that is!”
“I am serious about the cut-down on chatter, you clams.” Totes made my morning.
i can’t even talk about how great this webseries is.
Popcorn twat?!? I so wish I worked at that office…
This is probably the best webseries I’ve seen. The production value is way higher than any other lesbian series on the interwebs. MOAR.
BAHA! Also, did anyone else catch that the butch at the coffee shop was on Autostraddle?
Did you catch the “This message brought to you by Autostraddle” just before?
Wow, that sounds bitchier than I meant it lol I’m pointing out all the additional AS promo in the episode.
I don’t have time to Facebook all day. Why didn’t you just tell my face?
bwahaha. moar please.
Having the same salt and pepper shakers makes me feel a little closer to all of them.
I am SO happy this series has come into my world! I wish I could bake peanut & Nutella cookies for everyone involved in it. You deserve extra-special baking! It was THAT good!
I can promise you, Lauren and I would eat them while editing. Love some Peanut butter and Nutella.
Great! Then you must persuade everyone to shoot & edit season 2 in Scotland! Unicorn Plan-It should organise a swanky event at a castle! With a loch!
[N.B. The excess of exclamation marks indicates level of excitement and abundance of FEELINGS about all this!]
Pingback: Autostraddle’s New Lesbian Web Series, UNICORN PLAN-IT | Q Movie Blog
Thanks everyone for watching and for your very funny comments!
And yes, KP and Lauren would love to be baked for! We are a tiny show with big dreams!
Also, t-shirts are on the backs of all the cast and crew now (you’ll see pics of the cut up version i did for ashley at the premiere party)…we are figuring out the merch and will make sure you all have a chance to be full on unicorns ASAP!
love & light!
Ok so, three things:
1) I totally didn’t realize that there were two episodes on the page until I had watched the first one. Imagine my surprise and happiness!
2) I’m very attracted to Sarah Croce…just saying
3) Perhaps they can invest in a rainbow farting unicorn from Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare. I kid you not, one of the last mythical creatures you can find is a legit rainbow farting unicorn that’s surrounded by butterflies.
In honor of the majestic nature of this new web series (similar to a unicorn), the spread of the ‘scissor bump’ which will totally be my new greeting, and my undying love for Sarah Croce, I am giving-you guessed it-another PayPal donation to Autostraddle. LUBYUGUYS
I didn’t know what my life was missing before. Now, I know it was this show.
How did you fit so much awesome into, like only twelve minutes?
This made my day!
Amazing.. you guys are awesome.
Also Sarah Croce.. I can’t even
This is the best. Love all the AS stuff in the periphery of the scenes!
Can’t wait to unicorn it up with a t-shirt.
Excited for more episodes, this is awesome :D
Thank you ALL for the love and support! Can’t wait to show you the rest of it…I promise, It gets better.
I love the unicorn boxes for the character titles (or whatever those are called – bottom-thirds?), and the IMs in the first episode. Those should be included all the timez.
Good God,the eyes on that girl with the dreads! She must be gettin laid all the time in weho!
Love it!
I would just like to say that I loved every minute of it (especially the scissor-bump and J’s ‘oh my G*d’ in the coffee shop).
And I am so excited for t-shirts!
And that I will be immediately recommending this to all my friends.
And I loved how (particularly after that debacle with the show that won’t be named) everyone got a lower third every time :)
And that the theme music is damn catchy, in a very good way.
Thank you so much Autostraddle and production team and acting/writing/directing folks and the peeps who donated on kickstarter!!!
<3 April Q.
So great!
There were a wealth of one-liners and other funny things (scissoring fist bump will be my new handshake). I like the classy AS artwork in the background too.
LOVE THIS SO MUCH. Ashley is awesome, I love her so much. Kick-ass.
lol. I’ll be watching this.
For the record, ASphx meetup group scissor bumped like champs tonight at every queer chance possible (aka, every chance possible). We even considered saran wrapping the scissor bumpe for safety concerns.
*bumpe = arizonan for bump…we’re kinda cultured okay? ;)
this is wicked!! :)
Is it bad that I’ve watched each episode at least, like, 5 times?
Honestly yeah – I’d say that is pretty bad. I mean, by this point you really should have watched each episode at least 10 times each.
10 times = 40 Quarters. S’bump.
S’bump sisters
Just wanted to say what a dynamite team-Croce, Ashley and Haviland! I got to play ‘J the Boss Lady” and had such a blast with the entire cast and crew. I want to say a big thanks to all you “asshats and popcorn twats” that support the series.
I love the little “fresh manicure” side J gives to the butch at the coffee shop. Within that phrase and nod is an entire conversation on femme girlfriends and the things you do for love.
Lovvvveeee it.. and Haviland is gorrrrgeous =)
Absolutely LOVED Unicorn Plan-it Episodes 1-4.
Frig’n hilarious; watched all 4 episodes in one sitting at 2am – it’s that good!
Excellent writing and acting, be proud gals, great job.
…going to find out how to donate to your show, I need
another laugh-out-loud fix from you. Being unemployed sucks,
but that’s how I found you (after surfing for jobs). Your art and talents make my sucky world better, plus I learned a new handshake. FUNNY STUFF even an old-school gal can appreciate. Never stop, you are all very gifted. Mobile OHmygawd ha ha ha.
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